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Hi— last few weeks my connection keeps getting cut. Only happens on flyordie. Is there a prob on your end?

Hello Chris,
There haven't been any server issues on FlyOrDie in the last few weeks. I suppose the problem is on your end.

You may try the following:

- Re-start your router or cable modem. 
- Clear your browser's cache. If you don't know how to do it, you can google it. Instructions are available for each browser.
- Try logging in with a different browser, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, etc. and see if that improves the problem

And your Internet Service Provider may also be the cause. You could call their technical hotline as well.

Kind regards,

(You write that it only happens on FlyOrDie. But you won't notice very brief interruptions in your Internet connection while browsing the Internet or streaming a film)