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about strange losers
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Dear Moderators
about strange losers
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Dear Moderators
about strange losers
I have a question for the administration. why when i win a game so many people think i'm a program and threaten to file a report. such players interfere with the game. Is there a way to punish them?
Hello lissa prokhorova,

If someone is insulting you, you should report them, so the moderators can check everything and take action if necessary. 

-  To report a player, please navigate to the player's profile and click the 3 lines on the top right. 

-  A short video of how to use the report function by moderator Player_No1.

I would recommend to use the mute button 🚫 on this player/these players in the meantime so you can enjoy your stay on FlyOrDie undisturbed.

Kind regards,