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More Bugs
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More Bugs
For the past few weeks I have noticed that many bugs have not yet been corrected. For example, here I list which bugs

Bug not processed yet:

- compound toplist
- read more unsubbed nicks in toplist
- one or two deleted nicks still remain in toplist (snooker, pools)

A few weeks ago I informed FOD about the report. So far they don't seem to edit
I just wanted to wake you up when the bugs react or update leads. 

Thank You
Galactic Senate
Edited by Galaĉtiĉ Sεnatε
Are the toplists correct now?
All toplists are working well (no more unsubbed nicks), but a deleted nick "ƝƁƘ〗✧ R☻nnie™" is still in Toplist (Blackball, Ball 9, 14+1, Bank, Quick, Lite and Sinuca).



thanks for your work, best regards G-Senate
Edited by Galaĉtiĉ Sεnatε
Compound Toplist for Billiards not correct, no.
Yes nicht korrekt, of course there is still something to be filed.
Compound Toplist for Billiards works again
Why couldn't remove the deleted nick 〖ƝƁƘ〗✧ R☻nnie™  from the toplist ?

See at Snooker Lite: 


Edit: Other bugs have been handled well.
Edited by Galaĉtiĉ Sεnatε
Not all. One Nick 〖ƝƁƘ〗✧ R☻nnie™ can no longer be read in his info. 

Is it deleted nick? But why does he stay in the top list without a sub?


Thank you Daniel
Good morning Galaĉtiĉ Sεnatε,
If you have already sent the report, you should wait for an analysis to be made by the responsible team and consequently an update if something is confirmed to be updated.

I remind you that you can always use our indicated means of contact to report "Bug's" or "Technical Problems" that arise through: 

Thank you and best regards