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Reporting a player
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Reporting a player
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Reporting a player
Sorry too bother you,I don't know how too report a player,his name is **** ,his been harassing me,then tells me his reported me,when he started it,many thanks Danny
Edited by Don Tico
Hola. A mi también me acosan con que me denunciarán . Sobretodo cuando el jugador pierde y por solo capricho me reporta. No se si toma el tiempo
Hello Danny

* Try to follow the instructions and watch the video

  *Take a screenshot first.
You save your capture in "image"

*Then you go to the following link;

* In the required framework you give an explanation of the reason for the postponement.

* You click on "browse" then image which is the place where you store your captures and you click on open, there you will see the name of your confirmed capture.
You can then click on “Submit” and your report will be sent.
In your explanation avoid using inappropriate words, use simple and correct vocabulary so as not to have your report refused.

Explanation on tutorial; 

Have fun on the site, friendly catsgirls
Edited by catsgirls
I still can't do it,I'm not very computer literate,sorry,I just got abused by Wounded Warrior,and there was no one I could goto???I don't come on here too be spoken too like that,his doing it too everyone,he needs too be banned
Hello danny, with these explanations you should be able to make a report. There is also a mute button, so you don't have to see what this player is writing. The mute button looks like this 🚫
Kind regards, John
Thank you for your help John,I always mute everyone now,it's better than being abused,thank you