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Congratulations to StoughtonsSon01 for being the first player in FOD curling history to break the millennium rating of over 1000 points. Well deserved and great job!
Yes Congratulations Stoughton 's Son.  It is so tough to play at that level so consistently.  I know Mr77 was gunning for the big 1000, for some time and couldn't quite squeak over  the line.  Great play from 2 great players.
Oh...and hats off to whoever gifted the subscription to SS so evreybody can see his accomplishment.  Class act.
Well done StoughtonsSon01 👏
Yes, congratulations to a great player and sportsmanlike guy. Never heard to whine and moan if losing like some top players, and is always friendly and classy! Well deserved record, and happy it's held by someone with such a worthy temperament here.
Thanks Mr77, it was an absolute nail biter playing vs you to get over the line. I reckon it won't be long before a few others manage this feat as well.
that wil sey the badest players ever
Wow, iron nerves! Congratulations!
So why he doesnt appear in the top. I dont see him :(
Because he's not a subscriber.  Only players that are subscribed will appear in the Toplists.
lol didnt see that he hasnt got sub (some days ago because now he has sub.)