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The Problem with Server Points Loss
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The Problem with Server Points Loss
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The Problem with Server Points Loss
I had a short interruption yesterday in a game against another player and lost 31 points.It wasn't a server.If it was from server you could see short interruption in game times.

It's ok that Flyordie has a program to detect players with program! But you shouldn't penalize any player and lost score points by interrupting the playing have
Hello King of the best,
I am sorry for what happened. but there have been no server problems on FlyOrDie lately.

You can try the following: 

Restart your router, 
Clear your browser's cache, 
if this doesn't help, I would suggest contacting your internet service provider to have your internet checked. 

(If you are playing on a mobile device, avoid crowded hotspots near train stations or other public areas.)

Kind regards,
Edited by John Stewart
Hi John!!
I'm sure it was a bug by Flyordie. We have the same problems here in 2008-2012. Thank you John, I just wanted to send a signal for Flyordie, the problem is back!!

My notebook and server are up to date. Anyway, thank you John
Hello King of the best,
Thank you for your reply. 

You won't notice very short interruptions in your Internet connection while browsing the Internet or streaming a film. But you will in online games. FlyOrDie's servers had no issues whatsoever. 

Kind regards
Hi John 
I just want to make a comment. If the error had happened due to my notebook I would have been automatically kicked out of the room at 120 players. But I had only been interrupted by gaming table for 1 sec.
Anyway, thank you John

I would like to thank you for your reply. At high levels it is very difficult to make up for the points
Hello King of the best,
I understand that these things can be very frustrating. But, if the interruption was only for 1 second, you would not have been kicked out of the "game room" because the server tries to re-establish the connection for one minute.
There were no server problems whatsoever. 

Kind Regards,
Hello John 

Your forum reply are very good and factual John.
It's a pity that you're not at Checker Games as an assistant moderator.
Thank you, I appreciate it. I'll come over to checkers more often. I promise. 
Kind regards,
Hi buddy
I believe that fly or die implement a new technology system of wireless router, VPN or any other virtual machine Detector. Let's say an example if you are connected to any one of these systems above you will be kicked out at 1 second when you Start a match. The only way to avoid this is using your internet normally and be logged in fly or die Application "not to be logged through internet browser but using the Application"
The same problem happened to me 3 times at first second of the begging of the match".
"I'm giving you heads up🙌 good luck pal"
that is of course a fabricated assumption, but using a VPN (virtual private network) slows down your internet connection. According to our research, you’ll see Wi-Fi speeds drop by as much as 77% as soon as you sign onto a VPN. 
Maybe that helps to understand your disconnections.
Thank you