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How do we do to denounce cheating?
Hello Eric39

If you have a valid screenshot, you may send it in here.

Kind regards,

( Players with a subscription or at least 2 dots on their dice ⚁  have a report feature available on their profile. Once you have those 2 dots, please make use of this report feature as it is preferred by the moderation team )
First of all mods should be forbidden to post the cheating posts to begin with.

People report abuse which isnt the right place here, but why are this posts being added just to let someone reply on it that it is against the rules??? 

Its very disturbing and i like to make a complaint about it, Its been going on for decades and its just not nice to read.

Give us some feelgood forum reading stuff please and not again someone complain about someone where already tons of posts are being made of also as a critisism To the whole community, Thank you.
Hello †Uʙʀ†Sᴇɴᴛɪɴᴇʟ
The moderators are not the ones who post these questions. The players are.  
As long as a post is not in violation of FlyOrDie's Rules of Use, it won't be removed. 
Kind regards, 
Would it be possible to bundle all complaints to 1 single treat? 🤡🤡🤡 I guess there will be alike 1000+ pages full of them, Just imagine because honestly it wouldve been alot easier to read them all alike than seperately. After that FOD is good as it is, Wish ya all a very great next Valentine's Day and enjoy playing F.o.D. Cheers.