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War for Checker Crown !!!
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War for Checker Crown !!!
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War for Checker Crown !!!
We currently have a war for the Checker Crown.
The fair players who don't use a program will be penalized the most. The points are diligently collected by both groups
I hope that both the players and the friends of the players will soon let us play in peace.
Do the two players deserve the crown? It's up to the moderators to decide!
Hello Auri-23, 
only players who do not use a program are displayed on the Top List and only these players can showcase the crown. 
Have fun playing!
A player who only plays here for 3 weeks and beats all players with a program and he should not have a program himself.  I can't believe it.
And with the others . It has been proven with other nicks that he or she uses program and with the nick name that plays for crown has no drawing
Hi ,hope you are well. 
Just to say I have been playing on this website since 2009 (under different Nick names), and many players I have played hundred times...
We are old players here Portugal4ever !! We know what's going on here. I want the other players to leave me alone in the future. I've never judged people here whether they play a program or not. I just hate players who cheat us and steal points.
A gentle reminder that iam not Portugal 4ever. And if I was obviously the mods would add next to my Nick a red exclamation mark and consequently I would be Out of  top 10 Ranking. In this case the mods prefer to keep me in the top 10 Players and without a valid explanation mark me as a program which iam not.
Even if you're not Portugal4ever. Can't you win immediately in 2-3 weeks against players with a program just and immediately reach the mark of 1160 points. It is not possible to win in Checker game against Program players. Only experienced players who have been playing here for more than 5 years know how to assess if they win.I've been playing here since 1998 and I haven't used any program and I won't use one in the future. It's not fun and I don't have time for that. I'm still working age.
Iam not Portugal forever bud. Read my comment that I'm not new here, iam playing here 15 years  since 2009 and I recently creat this new Nick to continue enjoy playing. My last Nick reach a mark of 1000 points and I stop using it a few weeks ago. 
And if you think that is impossible to win a player with a program I can assure that you are wrong. Read the Story of the American mathematician Marion Tinsley and also do a research about Telepathic Communication. (telepathic communication online only can be used by experts).
Edited by <unknown author>
I don't care who you are. If you've been since 2009 you must know me. I don't judge a player here in forum and I've seen your games here sometimes, it wasn't normal that you win so easily against program Players !! That's the end of the matter for me.
I know other people and many great players here. Honestly I don't know you and I don't judge anyone here either.
Keep in mind that a player with a program can be beat and if you doubt about it you can read the History of Marion Tinsley. 
You will always remember me when you see big numbers. 
The best of luck to you pal .
I know Marion Tinsley play against program. And I know the game against program sometimes lasts over an hour, he won and lost, but most of the game was drawn. Our association has calculated.  In all the games that Grand Masters have played, 67% of draw games were 17% win. I also play checkers 10x10 and all other checkers games that are in the world.I hope you enjoy here !! For me, it's also not a big issue if I lose game or draw play here. The main thing is that I played well and had fun.
Great!  You sound a nice guy.
 I will remember you whenever I see you in a checker room👍🏼
Hi John 

My suggestion on this matter would be ! A table for progam players with crown and a table for as well as now is for players without program. The table with percentages of players should not be used. And players with or without a program are allowed to play against each other. Then get for peace in Flyordie and Flyordie gets more subscriptions from people with program
Hello King of the best,
This is something you should suggest to FlyOrDie. It would be best if you opened  a new post under the heading 'Request to Developers'. 
Kind regards, John
I m suro 50% players in top ten using prog
I got a crown when a mod reset points of all progs
At first I didn't want to believe what they wrote, "Solerosso01" that we have over 50% program players here. Now I can understand that we have more than 50 %program players who are never marked as a program player. Today I played against opponents who never played against Grand Master. And played draws 2 times against me. The fact is that I never used a program wanted to have checked both games in Checker Verein. The result surprised me. He played with the super program (name of the program does not want to write here). I would like to ask Flyordie to be identified all players who used to use a program with (!). There should be no exceptions. An unfair player always stays the same !!!
Is it allowed to play Checker with 2 or 3 nicknames in one room at the same time?
As I see, many players from Brazil and Portugal always play in room 1 with double names. I sent a report yesterday with the player's name! Above all, both nicknames are registered on the same day
Hi Auri-23,
It is permitted to have two nicknames in one room. While playing with one nickname, you are not allowed to play with the second one at the same time. 
Kind regards,
Hello John 

That can't be right what you write in the answer?

I was punished that I played with 2 names in a room in a row

Please ask moderator if there are new rules in Flyordie ?
Hi John

Sorry I wrote the same thing twice. John is it allowed or not allowed to play in a room with 2 nicknames of the same person?
it is allowed to have two nicknames in the same room. 
But not more than two. 
It's not allowed that those two nicks play at the same time. 


Oct.10, edit:  At least one of those nicks has to be subscribed.
Edited by John Stewart
Thank you very much John!!!

I can now ask the moderator to release my nickname which was blocked because of this matter!!
Maybe because it was bc none of your nicks were subscribed? 

I'd like to make one thing very clear: I don't know the circumstances and I cannot and will not question a senior moderator's decision! 

(I got my info from SkaldGuard. )

kind regards,
Edited by John Stewart
Hi All 

Less than a year has passed and we have another war for the crown at Checker.As always, they are our old well-known players !!! Playing with a program.
I have nothing against you playing for the crown, but fair play towards the players who does not use a program is not okay.