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Dear Moderators
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Dear Moderators
i am getting harasment from other players saying i am naveed  ?  my name is jak, and they say i am using path, but i am just good, what can i do about this ? take screen shot to send if anybody call me cheat ? seems to be alot of strange players here accusing for nothing.   can u sit in my games and u can detect if i using anything because i am not. i am sick of this players saying to me this and this
i am a old player here, i suffer from depression and anxiety and i dont need this harasment, this player xxxxx keep haras me saying i am naveed, but i am not,  i dont need this so i mute he, he is confused i think because i am so good versus him.
Edited by John Stewart
xxxxx is another who is always harasing me
Edited by John Stewart
I'm sorry to hear about this happening, BrutalO'Sullivan.
What you can do, is to report each and every incident so that the moderators can assess the situation and take appropriate action.  ***Once that's done, please mute those players and leave them muted! Don't interact with them anymore. 

To report a player, please navigate to the player's profile and click the 3 lines on the top right.  

Here a short clip by moderator Player_No1. on how to use the report function.

Kind regards,
Hi John, I reported it instantly at the point when xxxxx had thrown the insults at me, after that I muted him,  but  I just checked xxxxx stats and he is not even banned or demerited yet ?  When will he receive ?  I want this player to get a lesson in manners.  Very bad attitude.  And insulting.
Edited by John Stewart
Hello BrutalO'Sullivan
You did good. The moderators will check your report and take appropriate action, If they see fit.

The moderation team cannot be online 24/7 so please give them a little time. 

Have a nice Sunday, BrutalO'Sullivan
Kind regards,

(I am not involved in checking reports. I'm just a forum moderator)
Thanks John, I hope they see it and give demerits atleast because I was offended by the insults he throw at me, it's hard enough going through being in a situation in your personal life but to get abuse and insults thrown at you online where you go to relax is unnecessary.
Brutal im in snooker most of the time just to let you know ..if the abuse your getting is in pm (private message) please report it and our senior moderators will deal with it..but if i see it in lobby or game i will take action and send a report to senior moderators..i do hope this helps..enjoy your games...
Edited by Night-Warrior
Hi Warrior, just saw your reply,   I appreciate that alot, thank you.
Simply because I have beaten him infinitive times online.
Try not to take this too much to heart. Pls leave these players muted.
My best wishes for you!
Edited by John Stewart