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These clock runners need to be stopped. They'll lose a game, then run down the entire 10min clock. This is ridiculous. 

-Limit checker games to 6 min. That's plenty
-Let us add notes to players
-Give better reporting for clock running. 
-Add "slow player" based on past game times.

This has gone on for years. It's infuriating.
The rules of checkers are 10 minutes for the entire game, with 1 minute intervals maximum between moves.  If you want a faster game bullet is available. Different players have different styles and time needs to make educated moves. If you feel a player is abusing the time in your judgement, simply dont play them anymore.
Thanks for reading the brochure buddy. Tone deaf, holy.

When you have someone beat at say 8min remaining and they get bitter about it, they will use a full minute for every remaining move until their entire 10min is used up. To spite you. It's called running the clock. And it needs to stop because it's pervasive. You ban swearing but not someone wasting 10mins of your life? Get a clue.

There are thousands of players, there's no way to remember this.

Additionally. Bullet (1min) vs 10min checkers? You want your food ice cold or scalding hot? How about a happy medium at 5min so running the clock doesn't create as much of an effect?
I agree. There's a lot of sore losers on this site. Once they know they've lost, they drag out the remainder of the game just for the spite of it. These are not intelligent people, 'cause anyone who thinks straight wouldn't want to waste time and move on to the next game. However I don't really see how this site can police it.
Thank you. I gave solutions above: 

-Change game length to 5-6min instead of 10min. That way "running down the clock" has less effect. We only lose 2-3 minutes of our life, not 7 or 8 minutes. Ten minutes each is way too long for a game anyways.

-Add a "slow player" note. Just like the "demerit point". Based on player's past game times. If player is taking longer than 3mins to play a game, I don't want to play them, regardless if their running down the clock. But any game longer than 6-7min can only come from running the clock. FoD system should flag that and demerit them as "slow player" beside their name, so we can choose not to accept their games.

-Add notes. Let us add our own notes the player previously ran the clock. Show a note by their name in the room screen, like the demerit point. So we can stay away from them.

Any 1 of these solves this. Automated. No policing needed. Please implement FoD
Edited by bodaggin
I have encountered such. Due to my time limit with my own schedule I simply let the loser win.

Such a desperate way to score points but why do I waste entire 10 minutes when I can let it go, seek other players and play?

Its annoying but I chose to lose. Not a matter of life and death.