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Why when I win 2 matches aggregate 5-2 am I deducted 1 point ? Ridiculous. Why do the makers of this game not apply the correct rules of curling ?
Hi Lexadu,
The points you receive or lose depend on your opponent's rating. 
If you beat someone with a higher score than yours, you'll get more 
points than if you beat someone with a lower score than yours. 

If you're interested, take a look at FlyOrDie's rating table for 
more information.  

Kind regards,
This rating system does not exist in curling . Rematches should not be considered as a continuation of the previous match. I lost the first 2-1 by  won the rematch 4-0.

Why do you not apply the correct rule for the first 2 stones if one centerline . You reply to this message about  scoring but not the correct rules  of curling.   Why not ? High ranking players persistently take advantage of this omission.
Hi Lexadu,
After reviewing your latest games, I noticed that your rating was nearly always higher or even much higher than that of your opponents. For example, you had 104 points while your opponent had 0, while in another game you had 102 points while your opponent had 0, etc.
And this is why you don't get many points even if you win several games in a row. 

FlyOrDie's rating system applies to all games. 

Regarding the new rules, please address this question directly to FlyOrDie in a separate posting under 'request to developers'.
I am a forum moderator, this is not my area of responsibility.

Best regards,
John Stewart
hi  , why i have that message on my profil :"  The selected user hasn't played with our games yet "  , and i cant score even i win on 8 pool ?
FlyOrDie had to carry out maintenance/repair work, which occasionally caused problems.
Newly created nicks, like yours, didn't have a rating.    
Kind regards,
Edited by John Stewart
I just  played a game of 2 ends, winning the first end by 4, losing the second end by 1, why does it show the score as 2-0 and not 4-1 ?
Why when I win 7-0 and my opponent leaves the game , is it reported I won 2-0 and I gain only 5 points on my ranking ?