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Put Darts Back On The Homepage!
Put Darts Back On The Homepage!
Put Darts Back On The Homepage!
Why even remove it to begin with?
Darts is a Sport. It's one of the oldest games on here, dare I say it might even be the oldest next to TANX since 2001. It should be on the main page on FOD for newcomers and old players returning to see and select from.

Players like myself shouldn't have to make Forum Guides so people can find and get back onto them. They are still fun games and Darts primarily over TANX would hold more credibility to attract players since it's actually a Sport where as TANX is just a fun shooting game. People look for Free Darts Games Online and FOD should still be advertising it!

Bring it to the home page!

The neglect to these old games is so disheartening honestly.. I love them both and yet newcomers and returning players can't even find them unless we direct them to it ourselves as players.

Darts can still be enjoyed by a lot of people.
Used to love darts. Been about 10 years since I played. Would love it back
Please!! :(
Tanx and Darts need more people!
Would like to say that in the nature of goodwill for everyones well being and enjoyment here at Flyordie if something is really loved/liked then it shouldn't be taken away.  My vice is Flyordie snooker because it keeps me away from certain things that do my mind/well being harm, and it keeps me out of trouble in my spare time. I Can be doing hell of lot worse if I didn't have Flyordie snooker, that's how much I love snooker on Flyordie.  E.g  taking darts away from these guys is like breaking hearts.  Just thought I would share my opinion.  Tc all.
Regrettably, the game is around 23 years old and is Java based, which is no longer supported by modern browsers. Using an outdated browser is a known security risk.
Kind regards,
Well mate enabling IE Mode on Edge isn't much of a risk unless you're doing something you shouldn't be e.g accessing websites with inappropriate content, malware, spyware, adaware or download things you shouldn't be. Simply enabling IE Mode on Edge to play an old game isn't exactly a huge security risk unless the website itself is trying to get into the users system and hijack personal information.. which would be highly unlikely on FOD as I don't see them being like that. I've had no issues while doing it honestly.

The FlyOrDie Developer said many years ago that eventually all FlyOrDie Games would be converted into HTML5. However they never did it with Darts & Tanx which is why we still need to go to such lengths to get JAVA working to even play on them. (Obviously this is entirely optional to the player to go to such lengths but it's a shame we have to). I was never at all good at Darts but I knew so many folks here who loved that game and they disappeared when it vanished from the websites listings. Nowadays I have a genuine interest in the game and would love to see it brought back and regain some of its older players so we could at least enjoy it instead of sitting online hoping someone logs in out of the blue for a game or two.

If the Developer stays true to his decade old promise we might at least see Darts converted somewhere in the future.. hopefully but it seems unlikely as theres been no form of communication from them since I last asked several years ago. It would be nice of the Developer or another Admin at least clarified if it's ever going to happen.
Wow several years ? And not a word of reply ? Jesus Christ.  What hope have we got to get eco settings back in snooker then ha!
I'm linking to a post of FlyOrDie administrator "hoat4" concerning this topic (eco settings)

Kind regards,
Just have to remain optimistic honestly. If they take notice of this thread then something might happen. I feel it's worth a shot as this thread shows some folks still care enough to want the game to play it so it's a good sign. Just need to hope they can consider not only bringing it back but updating it if they are able as they promised all those years ago to indeed make it HTML5. It shouldn't be too difficult. Just need as many interested people as possible to give their two cents in this thread to show FOD the game is missed.
yes we have to stay positive
i like to stay optimistic
Is there a way to access darts at all?
If so can you please give me a link?

.תודה, פלוני אלמוני
Thank you, ploni almoni.
Yeah you can access Darts if you have enabled IE MODE on Edge.
Here's the link to darts : 

if you want to play Darts again and have the Microsoft Edge Browser then follow the steps below.
1. Open The Microsoft Edge Browser.

2. Click on Options in the top right of the Browser (3 Small Dots).

3. Click on the Settings option.

4. Search for IE Mode in the Search Box.

5. Scroll down until you see ''Allow sites to be reloaded in internet explorer mode'' (IE Mode).

6. Set the option to ''Allow''.

7. Load up www.Flyordie.com/darts

8. Login to the game.

9. Install the FlyOrDie Java Plugin when it prompts you asking you to (it might say it won't work after you install it but ignore that message if it pops up, I had that and it worked for me anyway).

10. Reload the website after you've installed it and done the above.

You should now be able to connect to Darts on your Edge Browser.

Kind Regards, Jeff.