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Multiple Nicks
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Dear Moderators
Multiple Nicks
Posted in 
Dear Moderators
Multiple Nicks
Dear moderators!

I would like to inquire if there is a possibility to use another username on the site as well.
There is a lot of debate, and sometimes I would like to stay out of it, but since many people both hate and love me, it's difficult.
Please allow the use of another name, I promise I won't evade punishment with it, and I won't cause any trouble.
Have a nice day, regards, PötiManó
Members may only have ONE FlyOrDie.com account, unless explicitly allowed to have more. Members who create more than one account may have all accounts closed.


Hello FlyOrDie Users,

Simple answer is Yes, you can have more than 1 account as long as you keep it clean. We limit accounts for players who have been disrespectful and disobeyed the FOD rules continuously. Bans are not spoken out lightly, if someone gets banned it is for a reason. Players violate any of the Terms and Conditions- their fault. Not to respect the Rules of Use ruins the game for everyone, including yourself- play the game as it's meant to be played otherwise do not play at all"

So how can this be authorized, or by whom?On what basis are multiple usernames allowed for someone? Some people have 5-6 :-) I hope you can help, have a nice day further!
Edited by PötiManó
please read here as we replied to a similar answer:
I heard 1 guy has a 1000 niks but then he also plays the game in a certain manner which doesn't affect other users...  May be that's what explicitly allowed means 🙂👌.