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Connection To Server Lost
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Connection To Server Lost
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Connection To Server Lost
I was in a backgammon game with WILL3. I was in a winning position and connection to the server was lost causing me to lose the game. There is nothing wrong on my end of things. This is the second time I have been in a winning position and booted from baclgammon.
Hi hiowaboy,
There are no server problems on FlyOrDie right now. 

When playing online games, it's possible to experience occasional disconnections. There is a distance between you and FlyOrDie with several servers, not just one. In case these disconnections happen frequently, like in your case, you may use  "Traceroute Online" to check where the the problem occurs --> 

If you would like to contact FlyOrDie's tech. support follow this link please.  

Kind regards, 