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Scoring error
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Scoring error
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Scoring error
Hi john, i play today at 21:48 with gustavuk and i hop you can find the mistake because i dont play again like that.
Thank you.
Thank you for the info. FlyOrDie will able to check this within the next few days. 

But, like I said, i can't promise anything because this is not not my field of responsibility. 

Kindly read FlyOrDie's Terms of Service - especially the "Disclaimer of warranties" section. 
 And keep in mind that it is just a game :)

Thank you and
Kind regards,
Edited by John Stewart
Hello Jon, I know you don't care, but until it is not fixed and i dont get thee score that deserve me i will not play on your site platform anymore. Xxxxx Xxxxx
Edited by John Stewart