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Player keeps stalking me and saying he wants to kill me. Not nice on a family site.
Edited by John Stewart
Why should we mute these keyboard warriors,just ban them,some on here have 25 accounts,they get away with it,I've been threatened many a times,but they don't faze me
Is there an email I can attach a conversation that I feel needs to be brought to a moderators attention?
Hi Honer,
You can send in your screenshots using this link:

Kind regards,
Hello walter mitty,
If you encounter behavior that you believe violates our Community's Guidelines or constitutes abuse, we encourage you to report it immediately through the appropriate channels. Please use the Report Abuse feature provided. This feature allows the moderation team to investigate and take appropriate action.

To report a player, please navigate to the player's profile and click the 3 lines on the top right.  
Here a short clip by moderator Player_No1. on how to use the report function. 

If you have a screenshot, you may send it in here.

I also recommend using the mute button 🚫 on this player in the meantime, 
so you can enjoy your stay on FlyOrDie undisturbed.

It is important to note that it is inappropriate to use the forum to publicly accuse someone of fraudulent behavior. Publicly accusing someone without concrete evidence can bring about unwarranted harm and misunderstanding.

Thank you 
and kind regards,
Edited by John Stewart
I've reported two players for stalking me several times and 
they continue to stalk me. Is anyone going to put a stop to
 xxxx and xxxx stalkerish behavior? 
Can someone take this seriously?
Edited by John Stewart
Hi ChillyWilly
I would like to link to a reply by Senior Moderator SlakdGuard 
and I also recommend using the mute button 🚫 on this players, so you can enjoy your stay on FlyOrDie undisturbed.
Kind regards,