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Hi All just to let you all know that wdw2 league and allmods league have merged to 1 league and will be running in league room 2, 8ball .. Hope to see yyou all there. all TDs and HTDs status will be transferred over :)....Also if you wish to bring your Ladder Buxs over with you, you must purchase gold membership to do so. otherwise you will lose all buxs and you will only have standard buxs
Slighty correction Andy, you need to be platinum or Diamond to transfer bux.

"As a Gold or Free member, you can take your LadderBux with you to wdw2 by upgrading to a Platinum or Diamond membership. Once you have upgraded your account, we can recover your LadderBux for you. As a Gold member, you qualify for a discount that allows you to upgrade to a Monthly Platinum membership for just $9.95 per month. To upgrade now, you can click here, or contact our sales office for assistance at 1-855-797-1638, Monday through Friday, 6am to 5pm Pacific Time."