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profile photo blurred
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profile photo blurred
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profile photo blurred
this is not normal.
me other nickname -> (тнє нαηıмєƒєη∂ı.) and other two players who have a flag as their profile photo looks blurry. I don't know who but someone reported our photo unnecessarily. I want to change my profile picture but I can't because it says " Your previously uploaded picture needs to checked by a moderator
". It's a shame that people are running unnecessary reports :(

Meryem ( тнє нαηıмєƒєη∂ı. )
Good morning "M E R Y E M '",

Your profile picture (Palestinian flag) from your nickname "тнє нαηıмєƒєη∂ı." must have been blurred by a player.
Please be patient while moderation sees the problem.

Have a good day and good games

catsgirls   moderator assistant flyordie

This is already the 2nd time in less than 1 month that someone has unnecessarily reported my photo. I have had a blurry photo for about 5-7 days, yesterday I saw 2 other players who had a blurry photo after me, and today the photo has been restored properly. so it has nothing to do with being patient. I am patient and will wait, but why is other's flag being corrected and mine not? I can't change my profile picture at the moment. 
I also hope that the person who unnecessarily reports my photo gets his punishment, because that is no longer fun.
MERYEM, this is not fair to you or anyone else who wishes to post a photograph of a flag.  Palestine's flag, Israel's flag or any other flag should come under your right as a free man.  If I wanted to post a picture of a Skull & Crossbones also known as a "Pirate's Flag", I should be able to do so without it being blurred beyond recognition.  I am with you brother.   DAVE
that Dave my friend,
i agree with you completely! really. everyone is free to post a photo.