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Do all guests use programs? Wow, they seem to always win no matter what you do. Thanks
Hi Kim,
Very unlikely. What would they gain from it? Guest cannot win or lose points. 
But occasionally, very high-rated players chose to play as guests due to the difficulty
of finding a comparable opponent.

Kind regards,
There are also very high ranking players who register as guests in order to evaluate the playing style of other players.
Checker players from our club register who have never registered here. It is a very good training method.
Guests arent registered. Thats what makes them guests
These gms are controlled by checkers anonymous
idk but you can mute guests if you dont want to play with them
because if someone plays as guest u can't already know who they are

so u wouldnt be able to tell if they use program or not unless you are already in a game with them