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xx - Transporting Points
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xx - Transporting Points
Posted in 
xx - Transporting Points
I've reported this via the in-game option, but wanted to highlight in the forum.

I thought we had got beyond this silly points manipulation (cheating really), but seems not.

I watched this player start 10 end games with 'other' players (most likely the same person) and then the game is conceded after a minute or so with no rocks thrown. It's a little sad that they need the small amounts of points gained to boost their ego, but there we are.

Hope Moderators take this seriously and take the appropriate action. Someone who abuses the point system in this way probably shouldn't even be permitted to be a member.
Edited by John Stewart
Hello Becca777

Please use the Report Abuse feature provided only, in the future. 
This feature allows the moderation team to investigate and take appropriate action.

It is important to note that it is inappropriate to use the forum to publicly accuse someone of fraudulent behavior. Publicly accusing someone  can bring about unwarranted harm and misunderstanding.

Thank you for your understanding
and kind regards
John Stewart
Hi Becca777
With around 2000 to 3000 players playing simultaneously, there are numerous reports. Not just one. 
It's possible that it may take some time before appropriate action is taken, if necessary.

Kind regards,
John Stewart
(Forum Moderator)
please contact the moderators directly.

thank you and
kind regards

John Stewart
Forum Moderator