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Mute Lists
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Mute Lists
Are permanent mutes working correctly for subscribers?

I bought a subscription so I could put the abusive people on mute but every time I log back in they appear to be unmuted again.

Thanks in advance.
Hello Becca77,
To use this feature, you need to allow cookies and configure your browser to prevent it from clearing the cache upon closing.
Kind regards, 
Thanks for the reply, but I don't think this is the issue.

I don't restrict cookies or clear the cache after each session. I've even added Flyordie to my exclusion lists to ensure nothing is restricted.

Most strangely, the removal of the muting happens for some individuals and not others. I therefore suspect the feature is not working as intended.

Would love to hear from devs/tech employees.

Thank you.
You can only mute a certain number of players (not all)
Kindly contact FlyOrDie's technical support  --> 

and allow them a few days to get back to you.

Thanks and
kind regards,