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This User use program
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This User use program
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This User use program
Xxxx this player wins every matchs
Edited by John Stewart
Hi Marvoldo,
It is important to note that it is not appropriate to use the forum to publicly accuse someone
of fraudulent behavior. Publicly accusing someone without concrete evidence can lead to
unjustified harm and misunderstanding.

In order to assess the situation the moderation team requires a report via the "report abuse" feature

To report a player, please navigate to the player's profile and click the 3 lines on the top right. 

Here a short clip by moderator Player_No1. on how to use the report function. 

If you would like to send a message / send a screenshot to the moderators you can use this link, too.

Thank you and
kind regards,
John Stewart
Edited by John Stewart
Of course firstly i ve searched the " report " button.Unfortunality finally i had to write here .So you already now the name.Can you check please whether He is a cheater or not.
Please write to the moderators, so they can check. Here the link once more: 

Thank you and kind regards,
John Stewart
(Forum moderator)
Edited by John Stewart
Hello “Malvordo”

I have just checked the activity of the nickname you mention in your subject on each game he uses.
Whether in chess (only one game lost on chess bullet) he loses as many games as he wins.
I don't understand why you are deferring to the nickname
following "Xxxx" on the date of June 27, 2024, it has not been connected to FOD for seven months.

Could you give an explanation.


Have a good day and good games

catsgirls   moderator assistant flyordie
Sorry for the misunderstanding, catsgirls. “Xxxx” is not the nickname of the player in question. 
The player's real nickname was overwritten by me with “Xxxx” on June 27, 2024 - like we usually do in case of a public accusation on the forum. 
Kind regards,