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Hello everyone
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Hello everyone
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Hello everyone
Hello everyone

I played against a player who had no drawing as a program player (!) So I challenged him to play against me. After 3 games the player immediately had a drawing (!) Program usage detected. He immediately went to room 3 to play friends to remove this drawing. I have already written to the moderators that we have many players here who use programs very often and only play 1 game like number 1 at Checkers so that it doesn't come out that he is a program player. All players who have used a program once should immediately give all nick names that have the same IP number a (!)
The player continues to play without drawing as a program player!!! Where is the moderator's assistant? I informed the assistant before the game against this opponent and after the game. He should look out for this wrong player!!!
 please report any rule violations using the designated reporting functions to ensure that the moderators receive your report and can investigate the matter. This doesn't necessitate an assistant moderator.

To report a player, please navigate to the player's profile and click the 3 lines on the top right. 

Here a short clip by moderator Player_No1. on how to use the report function. 

If you want to send a screenshot or write to the moderators, please follow this link.

Thank you and
kind regards,
John Stewart
Hi John 

I also wrote a report for moderators about the player. But he continues to cheat. After every report that he is a program player again, he plays against friends without a program and the drawing (!) disappears from his info.

That's why I asked him to play 3 games against me and I informed everyone in the chat that after playing against me he would be a program player!

I think the moderators have a lot of work to do to check everything. That's why I alerted the moderator's assistant

best regards