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Draw games rules.
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Draw games rules.
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Draw games rules.
These draw game rules should be revised and reviwed. Its unfair to get draw when your opponent has just one piece and you have two, and there is still so much time remaining. Doesn't make sense at all. 

Allow opponents to exhaust their time. Otherwise many people will continue drawing by just making mischievous escapes which in essence is lame games.

Review those rules.
you need to review the rules. 

3 ways to draw:

1. Clicking the draw button and other user accepts
2. If you make 40 moves without jumping anyone or no promotion
3. If there are 200 total moves in a game with no winner.
Make the moves more. Sometimes all you need are extra moves to capture all your opponent's pieces.
Why?  If you cant force a win in a game with 200 moves, and youre up 1 piece, that is your fault.  Forcing draws against (Usually) better players is a part of game strategy in some situations.  Im speaking about the game of checkers specifically.
I suggest eliminate the 40 move rule.  By then it is close enough to the 200 move automatic draw.
The 200 moves thing is BS.  I have been caught in a draw numerous times when I’ve been whittling down my opponent’s men slowly only to get to the two vs. one and ready to take him out when the DRAW shows up.  These have been when there were nowhere 200 moves in the game.  You people keep saying that, but that doesn’t make it so.
Hi Let’s Go Brandon,
Thank you for your feedback.
If it's doable and not too much trouble, I recommend recording/streaming your games, so you can show this to our developers. 

Kind regards,
John Stewart
Edited by John Stewart
It just happened again.  Nowhere NEAR 200 total moves.  3 - 2, I whittled it down to 2 - 1.  As I chased him to the top of the board, trapped him and he had to come out and forfeit his man…The game ended in a draw.  No, I did not “record” the game.  This happens enough for your “developers” to be able to find and rectify if you wanted to.