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Leave the room during the game
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Leave the room during the game
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Leave the room during the game
I wanted to ask why there is the option to leave the room during a game.
It has happened to me several times that opponents who no longer have a chance of winning, or even worse, are leading by a large margin in games, and when they can draw or tie, use this "super joker".
As I see it as gross unsportsmanlike conduct, I wonder why this move is even allowed without punishment, i.e. without the corresponding loss of points?
Thank you very much

a player has several options to finish a game:

1st -   finish the game by playing ✅
2nd -  click resign (some games offer that choice) 🤷
3rd -   logout (by clicking the 'X') ❌
4th -   disconnection due to server issue or connection issue with home provider ⚠️

As for punishing a player who leaves the game before it's over (3 & 4), the system wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a forced exit and an accidental exit, so there is no punishment.

Have a good day
How about some form of punishment for those that when losing choose to let the clock expire.  They act like 13 yr olds and pout when losing.
Option 3&4 shouldn't be up there , simple as that !!!
I agree, shame on them allowing computer components to FAIL like that. They should ensure my connection never fails! :D