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Shot of the day
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Shot of the day
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Shot of the day
I feel like it would be cool idea to see the best pots players have potted in the day.

Thank you for this interesting suggestion! Highlighting the best shots of the day is indeed a unique idea and could bring a lot of excitement and motivation to the players.

However, implementing such a feature may not be straightforward and could involve various technical and logistical considerations. That being said, this is definitely a topic that clearly deserves further discussion and debate.

I encourage you to continue discussing this idea with the community to gather more feedback and suggestions.

Thank you again for your contribution, and I look forward to seeing where this idea could lead us!

Best regards,

Than you so much for sharing this cool idea... but I feel like there is something much more important to work on instead.
I've been to this platform for many years and came out with a conclusion that is is absolutely controlled. Not necessarily by humans but the system. My request is to set it free. Thank you
Absolutely Maroon6👍. That is the best suggestion ever. Thank you!!!