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FTW Warriors Open Challenge.
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FTW Warriors Open Challenge.
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FTW Warriors Open Challenge.
I am still waiting for someone to make a return and answer my challenge.

Hit me up in this thread so I can get my fighting wheels back on and unleash the warriors fury one more time as I seek 1v1 Competition!

Kind Regards, Warrior.
I didnt played Tanx ONCE since i won month last march as oewan is the only challengable player in tournies which is hardly a challenge. Papatru left i guess and dltids keeps his rating low to persue others to lose points on a game no one even joins with him anymore. If i could have a sub i can win the tournies the same way i did since 2019 but whats the diffrence. I did anything for UBR i had to do and when Death Note doesnt sub ill regret every single penny i waste on this game afterwards.

Tanx is done unlike it gets HTML5 treatment which is less likely than Tanx getting removed entirely.

I was too late into the game because i was too young to play Tanx when the community was big and im still 30 old blurb and im as good as done on Tanx. If theres no support or activity here, Ill quit.
That's nice. I keep my rating deliberately low do i lol? Right, ok..... Come and play Jeff. More will come if you're here. The game can be brought back to life, if people play more. They need to put it on their main page again.
I will actually play more often if you actually want the points lmao
Come and play mate, more will come if you stick around!