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Browser crashes
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Browser crashes
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Browser crashes
I deleted cookies anything nothing works. My browser crashes during a game, i only got 1 minute to recover the crash and it makes me lose alot of games unfairly. Its a disgrace.
Some browsers like Chrome and Firefox are gradually marking plain HTTP as non-secure. 
But not everywhere HTTPS is required. The games on FlyOrDie don't require an encrypted connection - no user sensitive data is being entered. 

❗️ If the games don't load for you , make sure your browser does not force  the games to load via https://  The games only can be loaded via http://
This means the your browsers security settings are too restrictive. Please prevent that your browser forces the https:// protocol.

If it crashes in the middle of a game, i'd suggest restarting your router and re-install your browser.  (latest version)
If this didn't resolve your issue,  please get back to us on the forum, or contact our technical support: 
Please allow them a few days to reply to you (holiday season in Europe right now)

Thank you and
kind regards,
John Stewart
Edited by John Stewart