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Ratings Graph
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Ratings Graph
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Ratings Graph
When a player has acquired a high rating from cheating, then banned or temporarily banned, their rating should be set to zero (which it is), but additionally, the ratings graph should also be reset to zero. If it isn't, that player returns to the game and has a false graph that makes it look like he honestly achieved that high rating.
Edited by Newfoundland
I agree
-this is one of the main features i check in a profile and there are only 2 players who have achieved a 1000 line on their graph
-many players who have made it to the 900's have been trying to make the 1000 points as an achievement which is very difficult
-the second nick to make it to 100 line was harvesting points from his alternate accounts and not playing any one except himself and those accounts have been banned except the nick with the 1000+ points was only suspended for a few days