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Hello, I just reset my computer. I no longer have the same settings as before. I like playing without the animations and view changes, nor the automatic camera. None of this can be changed now. How to do it? 

The power is still lousy, when an update to be able to modify it the billiard games are extremely boring. 

Can we have a date? or at least one answer so that players can find a correct game?

Thanks you !
This only happened to you now ?   This has been broken for 90% + of billiards/snooker users since December 2023/January 2024 including myself lol. But I'm not complaining anymore.  Anything you or me or anybody else post's about this will be ignored.  They know about this a Hundred times already mate.  Blame it on the program/path users who forced the FOD developers to do this with their endless usage of lines/program/path whatever it is they was using.   I actually like playing with what I am given now even though the situation is not my fault. I like a challenge and I accept settings won't be coming back and I play the game how it is now, I am skillfull enough to deal with it.  So if I was you buddy, I would move on too lol.  Don't waste your time 👍 I'm sure you have enough skill to deal with it.
Click settings in the game and all the options are still there...
T'as vu c'est frustrant à mort, de pas pouvoir controller son power alors que c'est 95% de la gestion d'une game...