if here allowed to have only 1 nick then why 1 crazy stalker has few?
if here allowed to have only 1 nick then why 1 crazy stalker has few?
John Stewart
Hi, UBR Shonisaurus, Please either read FlyOrDie’s Rules of Use again, or m d t ‘s reply to your previous post. I quote: “members may only have ONE FlyOrDie.com account, UNLESS EXPLICITLY ALLOWED to have more. Members who create more than one account may have all accounts closed.” Kind regards, John Stewart
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this player bumba who answered me -he has few nicks- then why his accounts not closed ?
John Stewart
As it says in the Rules of Use you can have one nick unless explicitly allowed. Meaning: if you ask a moderator and he/she allows this nick, you can have it. Kind regards, John Stewart
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