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Pink writing
Pink writing
Pink writing
I'd like to suggest that girls write in pink or another colour in the general chat room...It would be prettier and more cheerful...:) if possible :) have nice day...thank you (f)
Edited by Ciel_Azur
This is the biggest issue we are facing and im glad someone finally is bold enough to champion it.
i think is a great idea ciel azur it shall bem ore fun 4 all the females
oui je trouve que sa serais pas mal .. un peu de couleur sur la room .. bon jeu a tous .. ;)
An option for everyone to change their font would be better (Subscribers Only Feature Perhaps). Have a few select colours available including pink of course for the ladies. Would be good if we could all change the colours of it. It might sound silly to some people but it's a quality of life feature that makes the experience better for some people so there's no harm in it!
Gd morning,excellent idea!:) nice day to u.
What about the option for players to choose what colour there font should be? Would make the whole chat colourful for everyone :)
qui serait sur que sa serait une fille  ????  poser vous la question
exact Jacko très souvent il y a des hommes qui font des pseudos de femmes....