to those that mock and show poor sportsmanship.. grow up child!
Poor sportsmanship
Posted in
Poor sportsmanship
to those that mock and show poor sportsmanship.. grow up child!
.. Or just stop baiting about it and enjoy your time here on flyordie, Its that simple Mr Teacher.
The irony of this post is hillarious especially about mocking. Dont do to others what you dont wanna get done to yourself, is a good start.
LOL totaly agree, to start a topic like this is very adult behaviour, sorry Mister sarcastic yust entered the room hahahaha
I would like to say that too. Though it's a game but there should be some manners and sportsmanship. If you play and are serious to be challenged, you must be able to withstand the opponent's good play and respect if they win or lose.
How can you expect players who are basicly (grown) Kids to have manners, Especially under a fake alias people can do the weirdest things. Making the rules more strict will run away potentional subscribers and the sites revenue is going down recent years. I dont think its a good idea.
exactly! so mocking someone is childish. those that do need to grow up.