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FEARS!!... what are yours?
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FEARS!!... what are yours?
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FEARS!!... what are yours?
o.k people .. simple stuff.. what are you scared of?
>>>get posting ;)
It scares me how weird this forum has gotten...joking;)...what im really scared of is hights....I dunno its just if I look over the edge of a building rooftop i get scared....But its not like major panic just like a bad feeling....
>>>When i was about 4 years old aparently we went on top of this church tower and it was proper high and i hated it aparently..but now im not scared of height its weird..
im not closophobic either..but in die hard when he crawls down that silver tunnell i could never do that :(
i suffer from vertigo. in other words i brick it when im high from the ground i.e climbing a tree, a wall etc
lol scared that an atomic explosion'll wipe out every1 on earth if Bush manages to cause WW3 :s
Dont talk about my president that way.
Please do not start to fight,i am asking a question,what phobia's have people got?;\
  im scared of dying...and make bad grades in school cause then I don't get money  
LOL freefall if you wanna see how WW3 is gonna start check this out....
LMAO!!! omg m8 that is funny.. its quite sick..but to be honest that might happen one day !
Anyway lol,post ur fears in!
  dude, that IS a long load   I quit!
Dont worry just leave it loading and go do watch TV..then come back and watch it...AHHHH MOTHERLAND !!!! (russian) lol....
FEARS! huh-yeah
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
going to sleep and not waking up
I have a fear of the woed phobia ..oh nooooooooo i just seen it again,ive gotta gooooooooooo lol
word*,i also fear i can't spell
I fear goths cause they like to cut themselfs, I fear rednecks from Texas, pretty obvious why and president Bush (cause his from Texas).
President Bush is not a redneck. He's doing a good job. So why dont you shove off now.
im scared off the honey monster i no he is real :-d
i didnt call him a redneck....but if you thought that way im sorry....
Bush Is a redneck,his wifes fingerprints are allover his neck..no need to apologise hannibal
Do you know what redneck means? Its a term to describe southern white trash. Bush is not trash. 
  hahahahaaaa:D  tooo funny...
Im scared of nothing. I fear nothing. I am a machine. I am 6ft, 12 stone 2 lbs of sheer power. No one can take the power. I fear nothing. 


Oh O O, except ladybirds! Aghhhhhhh
That was infact a quite hilarious joke, yet I am very unsure they inbreds will get it. But the height and weight stuff is true, I also like to think and well I know I am extremely powerful.
  yeh sure dude, i bet u are extremely powerful... but 1 thing though...... you must have no life playing games on the internet all the time  LOL!!!  i know i dont cause i just get on and post stuff in this forum, i dont play games!  beside i have a ps2, i play that, much much better dan crappy internet games. Another thing, i use the internet for "research" not playing games (wait, i used to play games though) but now i dont   heh heh:D
Correction..Texans ARE and i repeat ARE REDNECKS !!! AND SO ARE PPL FROM OKLAHOMA !!!
Hannibal, TARA is from Texas and she is not a redneck. She is a very kind person, much more considerate than you. I know some very nice people from Texas. That newgrounds flash was wrong. They used our flag and disgraced it. 

So what your saying is that TARA is white trash. You need to leave TARA alone. She is a lady and deserves respect.
DID I SAY THE NAME TARA !!! N.O !!! I didnt say names...I said MOST ppl from Texas are rednecks...ok it was just a joke you know what im a nice person and im sure TARA is so lets just drop the subject....and by the way that flash was hilarious....
"Texans ARE and i repeat ARE REDNECKS"

Didnt sound like "most." Just ease up on calling Texans rednecks.
i fear bankers when i have a rank :p:p:p:p
tara is one kool kat ;)
You seem preety argumentative confederate,what do they say? chill out man,get urself a drink of coke or something lol...
By the way,im glad i was'nt born in Texas ..KIDDINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN lol
Well when someone is making fun of my kind of people I tend to defend them.
Ive nothing against texas,i know nothing about the place,take a joke friend 
Confederate im not hasslin or anything, but do u honestly think Bush is doin a good job as president? b/c i know for a fact that a ton of ppl dont think he is (myself included from what ive seen/heard round da place) - like i sed b4 im not pickin a fight i jus wanna know y u think he is doin a good job when so many ppl disagree with that? (i kinda dont get it...) if u do answer cud ya do it without bein all defensive n stuff? (cos this topic seems to irritate u when ppl say stuff aginst ur president...whih is fair enuf but yea..)
He's doing something this world needs - to get rid of terrorists. On 9/11 terrorists crashed two planes into the twin towers. Bush went after the terrorist that was responsible. 

Bush has sent US forces into Iraq to find oil, Saddam, and weapons of mass destruction. He was an evil dictator and had to be taken out. The Arabs over there would charge a lot of money for their oil. Then they would use that money to support terrorism. Now the US will have control over that. A decade ago Saddam had WMD. He has the technology to build those WMD again. And when he has the power to build WMD, other countries are in danger (Israel for example). 

He is a Christian man and looks to God every day. I am proud to be a supporter of Bush.
Can u all stop fighting? i want to know what people have phobias of
If you wanna take out a dictator then why dont you invade Cuba and kill Castro...that way my dad can get out of jail. What cause we dont have oil...hey castro is a communist dictator im sure he supports terrorism, i mean he shot 3 ppl on the street for stealing a boat and when the mothers asked to see their sons, they took them to their graves and told them "thats where your sons are" just like Saddam...isnt that something to call war on? I dont wanna get you mad at me confed but i havent heard the "mass destruction" thing in a while...its forgoten cause there arent any. Terrism yes and the most im portant is cause you needed oil.....Plus if i were from Texas i would support a guy from my own state too....
We should have killed Castro long ago. He is very old now, and we are just waiting till he dies. Before a country was under Communism, the people were good workers. When Communism comes in, and it's not worth fighting, then the people tend to lose their will to work. When that country is free from Communism, you get a buncha lazy people. 

Here is a site from the CIA 

Saddam has the power and intent to make these weapons. We shouldn't wait around till he does because it may be too late then. I'll say this again - The US was paying a lot of money for that oil over there. The terrorists would collect the money they got from selling the oil and used it to support terrorism (guns, weapons, data, etc.) Now that there arn't any leaders or terrorists to sell that oil, the US will occupy it. 
yea but confed, havent u eva thought that they might need the oil? not just for money on terroriam but mayb 2 feed their flippin family's? the way its comin across like over da news n stuff, bush thinks he's god's gift to man, and yet what he's doin is just trying to control what happens elsewhere in the world when it aint none of his business. isnt it also agreed that the taliban (sry spling) organised the terrorist attacks on da usa? and that was lead by Osama? so y r they going after Saddam? :s
No, we don't use all the oil for the US. Other countries have access to it.

Did you read what I posted? Saddam had the intent and power to develop these weapons of mass destruction. You know what he did a little over a decade ago right? So when an innocent country is in danger of a heavily armed terrorist, we should just let the innocent people die?

And Bush didn't declare a war on the taliban. He declared war on terrorism.
You know there is terrorism in Columbia too...why not go to the Columbian jungles and destroy all those stupid drug dealers,or maybe you dont want another vietnam in the jungles....Point is the US got involved in too much **** and you got 2 buildings blown up....I mean look at us in Canada, we are right beside you, we have almost the same technology, same wealth...why didnt they blow up the CN tower or something? cause we dont go around picking fights...As a matter of fact why not just nuke a country instead of losing a soldier a day.....
We dont go around picking fights. 

But I have to agree with you on the nuke lol.
  wow, what an intense debate:D  i think pres. bush is doing a great job not to make a nuclear war and destroy the whole planet   heh heh:D
Ok lets drop the subject now....I already told what my fear is but here is something i DONT fear, wacking up and finding out WW3 has started...i would go and join the military immediatly...US military that is....
  what is it good for?
  absolutely nothin'
  good god y'all  :D
Ohhh and if you wanna see a cool trailer for an opcomin game that has that song check this out 
 .You might now the game BattleField 1942, well this is the follow up....just click on watch trailer....