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New cent update (cent of cents) :p
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New cent update (cent of cents) :p
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New cent update (cent of cents) :p
Well once again I have to start a new update.....

:pcent of cents:p

exactly 100 clearence ag battery acid 


fin got 1 ag nish:p
Was on 93 with 3 easy reds and missed the red:( was on for 144
ul joe

:p 102 :p

100ag Mr Warner
:p 103 :p

112 ag English Power

:p 104 :p

130 total ag bers
:p 105 :p

105 ag ber

13 reds n blacks:(
:p 106 :p

100 clearence ag ber
:p 107 :p

102 ag jackies....

Beppe was watching :p?
Yeah I saw this one, and have to confess that there were none of the signs I would relate to an aimer being used. Well done mate.
Ahhhh beauty:p


128 ag 3legs

missed pink though was on for 141 :(

greets scott:p
18?  lmfao  be quiet.
when i played you in unrated before  you wasnt capable of makig a 40  nevermind century.
please stop lieng matt.
:p 108 :p

120 clearence ag ber
Matt? Thought he said he was Scott?

Who is Scott anyway...?!

I'm lost...I think I'll stick to golf!
Stop getting more centuries Kebab King your starting to flood the forums with centuries :@!!
:p 109 :p

120 clearence ag nunede1n
Stezz for 1 im not matt and when i played it was my furst game in a week:S .

plus i have made mnay cents in the time i have been playing so plz hush:|



108 ag LordMadrigus

greets scott
ok listen  first you said u was matt.
then u said ur scott.

make up your mind kid.
and secondly  ive played you and to be honest the is noway in gods green earth you have got 19 centurys   IF you  do  prove it.
can tell its matt by the spelling...
first of all, i stoped playing a few weeks ago (not saying for ever, i have just stoped) second, i haven't got 19 cents and i dont go around calling myself scott!! he is Mastermind if u never knew.

ty matt.
I agree with John S...he's good and everything but I don't think he's capable of 19 cents. Maybe I'm just a curse and he plays average when I'm around. Possibly.
matt how is it  you've not spoke in the forum for ages   but  yet when we accuse you of bieng  century_king..

you reply?

lol its obvious its your now. ul.
number 16 by the way   catching you up bro :p

well done .............

but ...................

enjoy the ban???


 127 clearance against Romas :p:p

:p 110 :p


:p 111 :p

122 total clear ag spence


then he made 105 next frame :p?
:p 112 :p

104 ag spence

:p 113 :p

101 ag spence


106 against Kronic :p:p
ty for replyin to this matt and settin stezz straight. Euan is quite correct in what he has said i thank him for saying im a good player ;).

and for your info stezz i have made 19 cents from now on i will take ss's and post em if ur that bothered.

greets scott
:p:p 0 :p:p i caqnt get past 70 :@ o well lol :p
ok then "scott"   you go ahead and take ss's from now on  but i garuntee you wont get anymore lol
72 :P

nine times red and black, i could done a f**ing maximum :-P

72?  dont lie kid.
Ive never even seen you play on flyordie nevermind get a century,
if you want to think your some kind of good player please dont tell us all because we dont like liars.
Hey Stezz, why would you accuse a person of lying about getting  centuries when they never claimed to have made one? That's kinda low really.
I should also add that "what you haven't seen" isn't the authority on "what is".

Posted at the request of friskie;)

wd frisk was a good cent m8:p

greets scott
(if u didnt know im century king)

101 ag. The Crown :p:p:p


125 break :p:p:p against poekieboe! Poekkkkkk :d


Thank you :p:p
:p 114 :p

118 total ag nana

Max just thought i'd ask you, u want a bo35:p?

if u do i'll cya int he lobby:p


greets scott
Congrats to friskie on his new highest break of 136 ag me very well played m8 was a class total clearence;)

thx Scott


136 Break against Mastermind:p:p

My new highest break:p:p
hehehehe well done m8:p

But was vul not to make 147 with pos on that red:(

116 ag. veltins :p:p

 my 6th cent this week:p:p

and my 2nd of the day....
:omg did I say 22 cents:p:p????? I ment 21:p

now I got 22:d. 100 ag. veltins

3 in 1 day:p:p my new record:p

7 in 1 week:p
Well done frisk:p seems ur really on form:)

play me at bo35 soon:p?

Greets Scott

Mastermind to u;)
Just missed out:(
98 brrak ag Mr Vanian, this is for stezz wh think si cant get anywhere near;)


was very ul not enough power on screw back:(


FlyOrDie was it intentional to have the Buddy thing looking like a monkey? If I ever get banned for calling someone a monkey it's because they are my buddy and it's what they look like.