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Century Breaks...
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Century Breaks...
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Century Breaks...
Someone said to me that there's been loads of people who have had them but I can't think of many that are capable of it. I know that the following have had them:

Euan/The Wizard
Mr SkunK

I don't know anyone else who has had one...curious. Anyone else had one or know someone who has had one?
At the top of the page,there is a "search forum" link,after clicking it,type in century break,,,lots of them there.

Not everyone who has had a century has posted on the forum!
How do you know ?

I had a 115 yesterday.


Have you had one your monkey? :p! Congrats Veriac...all hail!

I'm being told in lobby that it's sad to spell words correctly and not make mistakes...guess I'm sad :p!
who craes waht ohtres tnihk
you forgot couple pal :)

greenie, Mark J Williams, SnookerFighter,.. ?
I should hope you havent forgot me Euan as i got a century against you the other day...lmao
Greenie, you smell though :)!

I made this post so as to find out who else has had centuries because I'm getting old and can remember nothing! 

Paul Hunter another...all coming back to me!
yeh ive had 5, 125, 120, 113, 106, 104, max or matt have seen most ss's if u dnt believe me euan because u prob wont
'if u dnt believe me euan because u prob wont'

You know me so well sharkbait ;)!
make that 7, got a 123 ahhh ty euan :(?
It's not like anyone believes you!

'ahhh ty nish.'

I wish I was a kid!
Taking all bets for sharkbait's next comment!

I'm giving the odds 5-2 for 'You are a kid with no friends!'
getting a break of 100 points or more in snooker 


listen up nish is on fire he might even catch me up soon !

anyway I think hes on 8 now
oh btw just so you all know ....

my total is 201:p!
and mine is 40 :(

and is fish an chips oops nish i meen :( :p is a good player

ty matt :D
103 and 101! 

I'm on erm 7 I think now...I'll check msn when I go home! I love playing on holiday!

Jesus if your around...why can't your stupid country speak english :|! Nice birds though... :p!

Kebabs rule!
ive had a cent break once.. in practice table that is :p
looks like swedishmodel has found the forums then :p
117 last week 

also my highest
for got me, well every 1 has, ive retired
Yay!!! just got my 1st century :D well on this name anyway :p 109 not bad for a beginner :D

Ģøιđεη Śîιεηcε™
38 :p

130 against euan.


39 :p

133 ag euan.

playin well atm and both them 2 was 1 straight after the other :p

40 :p

103 ag euan

lol so good tonight.


User Awarded 300 Hour Demerit for attempting to mis-lead users that he is a Moderator

No offence sir, but this is a perfectly acceptable post for a forum. It’s still in use, with people posting in about their centuries just last night. I saw nothing wrong with this post. There were no arguments and there was certainly no wrong use of forum rules. If people have posted recently, with their post being unacceptable, isn’t it fair for others to just get rid of the perpetrator posts and punish them accordingly. 

Why should others lose out, I don’t understand it? People spend time making posts, people spend time replying and they have fun and because of one, it all gets taken away. I know I haven’t been innocent in the past but a lot of the times, it was I, who was punished. 

I don’t see the point in locking the topic. Wasn’t it enough to get rid of his post and to punish him. It’s an inconsistancy that will always be present. Every moderator has been guilty of inconsistancy. It’s a shame you aren’t robots. I would prefer to have a mindless robot over some of the moderators present today.

i.e. Moderator who accuses you of having path just because you are beating them or one who holds a grudge because you disagree with their decisional skills.

Once again, it’s a few rowdy, smart-ársed ‘amadans’ that have spoiled our fun and it hasn’t been helped by senseless moderating. We know you have the power to take away the little fun we have, you don’t need to prove it to us. I learned the hard way to respect moderators but lately, it’s gotten to the days of me not trusting their judgement or the little sense they seem to have.

Good day.

Demerit me if you like, I don’t mind telling you if I don’t agree with you. No one has to agree with me, wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. Stop ruining things for everyone, simple.
i agree.

41 :p

102 ag euan  

back to my best maybe :p
Tazz do you really think someone named Independent would edit his own post and award themselves a demerit?

I think not :p

Oops i misread .. who is Independent ? but I still wonder why "Independent" would edit his own post .. stick to your freedom Tazz :D
:)Just made my first century, a 113, stupid miss on yellow, otherwise with all the balls on their place could have cleared the table at 140.
forgot to mention it was ag. august