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A new system should be made FOD plz tell me what u think
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A new system should be made FOD plz tell me what u think
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A new system should be made FOD plz tell me what u think
What if you would creat a system for those ppl who go on vaction and would keep there points in tack with out removing them.

It should also put the subscription on hold but they tell u in advance how long they will be go so they can't cheat u out ;) 

P.S. tell me what u think
I do not agree with this system simply because people can just say they are going somewhere which enables them to keep their rating. unless flyordie record if they enter a room in this space of time in which they are allowed 2 reactivate that person
i just think the system of loseing points if u dont play should never of been introduced is stupid u dunt pay for rateing just to lose it :@
I dunno wat we should change but something must be DONE!!!
It is very frustraiting loosing points just coz u don´t play...i loose points when i play too...it´s a DEAD end 4 me  lol

Play well
The reason flyordie made this new rule about the point system is because they know how so many of you people care so much about these ratings which means nothing in real life so they make it where you play more which means the more money they make. its that simple