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For Beppe
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For Beppe
Posted in 
For Beppe
May our hearts go out to tragic events across the globe.

Hurricane Katrina
London Bombings
War in Iraq
War in Afghanistan
Global terroism
Genocide in Africa
Thousands of Muslims killed in Stampede in Iraq
Beslan Massacre
etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.

Feel better now?

Please everyone, lets add to this list. Lets show Beppe, that we are not only concerned with the events occuring in the U.S.A.

Koreans, Japanese, Jewish, Americans, English, Polish, Irish, etc. Come together and express your sorrow and your hope. 

Beppe is a worldly man, lets show him how worldy we are as well. 

Nice one.
what about all the attrocities in Ireland and mainland uk, carried out by the IRA.
now the sarcasm kicks in which shows u dnt care about wat us happening around the world tyvm
Biglou, YES. A very appropriate response and addition to the list.

Larky, you have not added anything to the list. Go watch the news.
who sed anything about wantin to add to the list, and its ¤°º©Lã®k¥º°¤ tyvm :)

Regards Anth
It is what the post is about if you read carefully like BigLou.
Stupid fonts with all these newbies gives me a headache.
ahhhhh newbie no ty, been on this site for over 3 years ty, now stfu
Oh wow had to resort to bad language. Are you angry? Poor thing. So sad.

I don't know when I registered. I think it was two months ago. 

Your Clarky name was registered in August. How many nicknames do you have 10, like everyone else here I presume. Why? Probably because all you care about is your rating and think if you keep starting over you will get better. 
ahhhh no ty, 2 names m8, 1 subbed nd 1 unubbed, i dnt 'love' my rating
Oh another addition to the list of tragic events that spam the globe.

Hotel bombings in Egypt.
wat bout the bus bomb in turkey, the fightin tht has and is still happening in cyprus?
That's cool. I am not satisfied with my rating either. It's crap. But I like some of the people I've met here though. Few nice folks here at FOD that make it worth coming back occasionally.
my rating isnt crap, but it isnt aamazin, im jus on between
Yea, Cyrpus, Turkey. Sure, definately tough times I would assume.  I am not familiar with the incidents at Cyprus. Perhaps you can fill me in. 
the war whcich has been going on for a while, roughly down the centre, the country is split between the cypriots nd the turks
Oh Yea. That's the war that has been occuring for about 30 years now or close to that about the division.
>It is what the post is about if you read carefully like BigLou.

The post is entitled "For Beppe" - ¤°º©Lã®k¥º°¤ has it right when he says "
now the sarcasm kicks in which shows u dnt care about wat us happening around the world tyvm
". Actually not entirely right because I know you do care, but he's 100% correct in pointing out that this post is sacastic. You obviously don't mind bringing these things up to make such a point, which disappoints me because you are one of the decent people here Dooozer.
It is in my nature to be sarcastic. It is who I am. I've been this way since I could talk. But the topic is in regards to not only you, but also the other stuff that it entails.
Name it appropriately then.
It's for you though. You didn't like how the other person only mentioned the U.S tragedies. So, I have created a post where it involves the globe and not just the selfish minds of the U.S. This post is created for you. You are worldly are you not? You did not like that other persons post, did you not? Add to this list already. I am sure you know about what goes on out there more then me. The only thing I do to help our society is on Monday's Tuesdays, and Fridays...I spoon soup into bowls for the less fortunate. If I could, I'd do more. But for now, that is all I can do. Anyway, the post is appropriately named because it was for you. 
You imply I was suggesting that all US minds are selfish. On the contrary, I have met some very (humanely) genenerous North Americans in my life. I am guessing that you are American by your defensiveness. No offense, but there is definitely a superiority complex amongst 
 of your countrymen, and it's ingrained into your political system. Historical that's normal for the World's largest military power to show over-confidence, but that doesn't make it right. Forgive me for being stubborn, but I don't like individuals who jump on that superiority bandwagon. Far from being one of them, you are someone who often shows that your country has great virtues. Why defend those who give others a maligned impression of the States?
I was being sarcastic again.
I am Korean-American. And personally I do not care for America...their government anyway...I could care less about that. I do not care about the people either that thing America is superior to the rest of the world, because it is not. 
Its actually one reason why I have choosen to live overseas.
Could you (Doozy) maybe fit all your talking into the 1 post.
Therefore saving some space for others to post in here ?
Peter, I am sorry for that. I have a thought and I type it out and hit enter. Then I have another thought and have to have another post. So, sometimes it happens. Its not half as bad as okeypokeydokie or whomever. There is more then plenty of room for people to post.
lol peter.. quite ironic you had to use two posts to tell him not to use multiple posts:)
I thought it was done intentionally to make a point. 
Anyway Dooozer, I'm not trying to fight with you here. We both have different things to say, and I think we've said them already.
i dont really care much for america i think the president is a war mad dictator.but i do feel sorry for all the innocent people,tragedys are happening all over the world look at the london bombings people need to get together and drink beer instead of blowing everyone and everything up and god needs to get a sense of humour i think hes causing disaster cause hes bored
Hey Beppe---I am not fighting. I didn't take your comments as fighting remarks either. Hmmm. Did you hear about the huge explosion in the Phillipines? That is latest news I've heard. I haven't had time to watch the news these last few days. I heard some 400 terrorists were captured too in Iraq I think when they sweeped through some town. Don't know any facts though.

I reside overseas and I wanted to ship about three boxes of goods to Katrina survivors and was told by the red cross and salvation army that I couldn't. I was pretty bummed about that. Something to do with it would just hinder their process because they would have to sort through stuff. They asked me to donate money instead after I had already bought the stuff. I am always hesistant in handing over money to relief organizations I suppose. I tried to help. So, now I will just give the boxes of stuff to some local place here, maybe they can use it. 

What's going on in your neighborhood...country...are you in a "safe" place?

Whiteghost---A round on me.
I would trust the Red Cross with money - I have a few friends who work for them in Geneva (where I lived until last December), and the picture I get is that the ICRC is 100% serious. It's certainly not run by idiots.

I'm in Vancouver and we have a peat bog on fire just outside the city. If I step out of my door I can only smell smoke. Apparently it's causing a lot of respiratory problems as the whole of the city and beyond is affected - but it's no Katrina thank god!
Hmm. I don't know what a peat bog is. I have never heard those terms used before. What is it? Must be a big fire if it is on the outskirts of the city and you can still smell it. Was anyone caught in the fire or is it just the smoke causing problems? It sounds bad.

you guys need to get common sense and at least think of other people than just urselves. u guys arent doin anything to help so hush.
Bloody. What are you even talking about? 
Bloody, maybe you should use some common sense when it comes to your personal online relationships.
Beppe---I just got off the phone with the Red Cross again. They talked with me about monetary donations. It does seem rather legit compared to most organizations. So, I decided to donate that way instead. It wasn't much though. But it was better then nothing I suppose. They said that a 100 doller donation can cover about two days of food for a family of 5. And some supplies. I hope the money will be well spent.
well some guys here were actin retated and it was upseting. sry if i was offensive to any of the nice guys out there. and p.s. i have no problems with relationships in real life but i like this dude. if it was a grl that u liked a lot u would feel the same too.
maybe you should hook up with henry 14 from billiards, he's a real loser

I would trust the Red Cross with money - I have a few friends who work for them in Geneva (where I lived until last December), and the picture I get is that the ICRC is 100% serious. It's certainly not run by idiots.

I'm in Vancouver and we have a peat bog on fire just outside the city. If I step out of my door I can only smell smoke. Apparently it's causing a lot of respiratory problems as the whole of the city and beyond is affected - but it's no Katrina thank god!

1. The Red Cross is very corrupt just read this article:

"As the aftermath of hurricane Katrina continues to wreak mayhem and havoc amid reports of mass looting, shooting at rescue helicopters, rapes and murders, establishment media organs are promoting the Red Cross as a worthy organization to give donations to.

The biggest website in the world, Yahoo.com , displays a Red Cross donation link prominently on its front page.

Every time there is a major catastrophe the Red Cross and similar organizations like United Way are given all the media attention while other charities are left in the shadows. This is not to say that the vast majority of Red Cross workers are not decent people who simply want to help those in need.

But what the media fails consistently to remember in their promotion of the organization is that the American Red Cross have been caught time and time again withholding money in the wake of horrible disasters that require immediate release of funds.

The Red Cross, under the Liberty Fund, collected $564 million in donations after 9/11. Months after the event, the Red Cross had distributed only $154 million . The Red Cross' explanation for keeping the majority of the money was that it would be used to help 'fight the war on terror'. To the victims, this meant that the money was going towards bombing broken backed third world countries like Afghanistan and setting up surveillance cameras and expanding the police state in US cities, and not towards helping them rebuild their lives.

Then Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy arrogantly responded when questioned about the withholding of funds by stating, "The Liberty Fund is a war fund. It has evolved into a war fund."

Despite the family members of victims of 9/11 complaining bitterly to a House Energy and Commerce Committee's oversight panel, the issue seemed to be brushed under the carpet and the mud didn't stick.

The Red Cross' scandalous activities reach back far before 9/11.

After the devastating San Francisco earthquake in 1989, the Red Cross passed on only $10 million of the $50 million that had been raised, and banked the rest.

Similar donations after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and the Red River flooding in 1997 were also greedily withheld.

Insight Magazine reported,

“The first days after the bombing,” says one family member, “people from all over the country were sending checks in lieu of flowers and we were getting a lot of checks and cash every day — hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. Then the Red Cross went down to the post office and made arrangements to collect the mail and they would deliver it to us in bulk. All the mail had been opened, and from that point on there never was a dime, even in letters that said money was enclosed.”

The Red Cross has been caught engaging in rampant corruption on an all too regular basis.

3,000 people died after thousands of Canadians were infected with HIV and hepatitis C from tainted blood supplies.The Canadian Red Cross pleaded guilty to the charges earlier this year after they had been directly caught knowlingly shipping out the infected blood.

Smaller charities that were involved with the 2004 Tsunami relief project went public to say that large charities like Red Cross and United Way were engaged in secret backroom negotiations with each other that meant a large portion of the donation money was purposefully restricted from reaching the most needy areas affected by the disaster.

The history is clear, the Red Cross and other large so-called charities are in actual fact front group collection agencies for the military industrial complex.

Many informed historians have even alleged that the Red Cross was used as a Skull and Bones cover to overthrow The Russian Czar and pave the way for the rise of the Bolsheviks.

Do not give any money to the Red Cross unless you support the expansion of empire abroad and police state at home. Find a smaller trustworthy organization in the local area of New Orleans and make your donation to them.


Red Cross President Makes Six Figures

Forbes | September 6, 2005

American National Red Cross
emergency relief
Washington, DC
Top Person: Marsha Evans
Top Salary:* $651,957
  	FY ending 06/30/03
All figures in $mil except where otherwise noted
Private support 	Government support 	Total support 	Other income 	Total revenue
614 	64 	678 	2,268 	2,946
Charitable services 	Management & general 	Fundraising 	Total expenses
3,057 	175 	123 	3,355
Surplus (Loss) 	Net Assets 	Charitable commitment1 	Fundraising efficiency2 	Donor dependency3
-408 	2,167 	91% 	80% 	166%


Red Cross Pocketed Half Of 9/11 Donations

CNN | January 3 2005

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Charities swung into action after the September 11 terrorist attacks, raising more than $1 billion. But questions are being raised about where and how and how much of that money is being distributed.

Bearing the brunt Tuesday during a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee's oversight panel was outgoing Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy.

The Red Cross has raised more than $564 million for the Liberty Fund, which was set up in response to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

While the agency states on its Web site that it is spending more than any other relief agency responding to the terrorist attacks, it has distributed only $154 million.

Healy was hammered by one New York official for the Red Cross' decision to put aside nearly half of the money raised for future needs that may include terrorist attacks.

"I see the Red Cross, which has raised hundreds of millions of dollars that was intended by the donating public to be used for the victims of September 11 -- I see those funds being sequestered into long-term plans for an organization," testified New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.

Healy later told CNN the Red Cross was a service organization and that previous donations had prepared the agency to deal with September 11.

"We had planned for a weapon of mass destruction attack," she said. "We knew our obligations under the congressional charter. We knew it involved victim assistance and sheltering. We knew that it involved with dealing with rescue workers. We knew that it involved blood."

She also noted that some of the new funding went toward helping communities learn how to deal with other threats such as anthrax.

The hearing was contentious, with panel members trying to get at the issue of donor intent and whether the Red Cross misled donors.

"What's at issue here is that a special fund was established for these families. It was specially funded for this event, September 11," said Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-Louisiana.

"And it is being closed now because we are told enough money's been raised in it, but we're also being told, by the way, we're going to give two-thirds of it away to other Red Cross needs."

The subcommittee asked Healy and her agency to provide the exact language of all of its television and newspaper appeals for donations.

Healy said what the agency has learned is it needs to explain to the public the mission of the Red Cross.

"Don't confuse us with the 9/11 Fund in New York. Don't confuse us with Habitat for Humanity. Don't confuse us with the scholarship in New York for the victims. We have to get that out," she said.

Controversy over the Liberty Fund was one reason Healy decided to resign at year's end. But she defended the agency's decision of how to use the money.

"The Liberty Fund is a war fund. It has evolved into a war fund," she
said."We must have blood readiness. We must have the ability to help our troops if we go into a ground war. We must have the ability to help the victims of tomorrow."

A widow who lost her husband in the World Trade Center attack also complained to the panel that what money was available from various charities was tied up in red tape and confusion.

"Why then haven't these charities been able to get together and agree on one uniform application? Why haven't they been able to get together and develop a quicker way for families to receive these funds?" asked Elizabeth McLaughlin of Pelham, New York.

"We all have the missing persons reports, death certificates, and any other proof needed to avoid fraud. But the charities are not sharing these documents and information with each other," she testified in tears.

She told the panel that she had to construct an 18-page spreadsheet to try to keep track of all the requirements of various aid groups.

McLaughlin received a $27,000 check from the Red Cross but fears she may still lose her house without additional aid.

The Red Cross said it has helped 25,000 families with food and temporary shelter, counseling and cash assistance.

[According to Bush, cash is all they want you to donate... see bottom of page to learn what agency is now going to oversee your charity money]"


2. You said you lived in England, not Vancouver.  
The International Committee of the Red Cross was founded in and still run from Switzerland. It is an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and armed violence, which also helps by using their expertise in other relief efforts. I am not aware that they donate money to individuals, but provide food, shelter and technical assistance in areas where they can. International humanitarian law originates from the ICRC, I have no doubt you would have heard of the "Geneva Convention". They do not bear arms or attack anyone.

Insight Magazine is a far-right religious propoganda tool. It will mince words to tell you what it wants you hear - it will not give you an unbiased viewpoint or a full story.

A peat bog is an open area of fertile, organic material. It produces methane, and can burn for weeks at a time. I don't believe it is a habited area, and the last fire burnt for two months. I have no idea what the full impact is or how it affects us, but it is definitely causing some breathing problems.

I'll say this again, I am ENGLISH and I live in VANCOUVER. I am not Canadian, and I do not live in England.
It is true that when money is left over with any of the Red Cross organisations, it will be re-routed into other areas. At least you know that excess money will still help someone, and not go in personal pockets or government coffers.
Doesn't sound like you even read the article. And yes, I KNOW what the Red Cross is. Just because a company has a good reputable doesn't mean embezzlements never happen.
Bloody---you said if it was a girl I liked a lot then I would feel the same too. I am a girl so that is not going to happen. :p

Hiyao---well I already donated my 100 bucks a couple days ago. I just hope it gets used for what it is meant to be used for. There is no way for me to tell. Which bites. Embezzlement, that is what I worry about when it comes to relief organizations.

Beppe---Oh, that is what a peat bog is. I would think it would smell awful. Does it? Okay - you are an english man in Canada. Wht did you say that? I must of missed someone else's remark on that bit. If the money I donated does not go to Katrina I will be disappointed. But if it happens to get re-routed to other relief, then so be it. I have no power in that situation. It is one reason why I wish I could just be in the dead center of it all so that I can physically help out and see for myself stuff is getting done. 

English in Vancouver was for someone else.

I know what you mean, sometimes you wish you could help by being there.