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Losing Connection.
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Losing Connection.
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Losing Connection.
I'm noticing a recent trend in playing games on flyordie, and in the forums that there is a general problem with players losing connection with the server.

Is there anyone trying to solve this problem? It can't be good for business, and it's not enjoyable for players.

I agree with you!
Infact it happens to me all the time !

 The same here. It's getting pointless to play on this site. and as I noticed I get disconnected when I'm about to win. what about you? if it's the same than it must be some new type  of cheating, don't you think?
i have the same problem and always when i am winnig.
some times you can connect using http conection, what can i do to enter in the rooms with this option? ¿or only the sistem can offer this way of play? 
I can understand the connection being bad all of the time but how come i am always the person that gets the loss when the connection goes bad. Eight of my ten losses have happened from lost connection. Four of the games i was only two moves away from checkmate. I wish there was some way to contact the people who make this server and get them to correct it because they are making it look like i can't play chess.
It is true, I am fed up with that. More than 1 month that it lasts, no deconnexion before !!!!?????

So I am looking for other sites : I have found www.playchess.com

but I prefer the chess design of flyordie
Try dumping your temporary internet files and cookies before you hit the site.There are alot of macro flash banners.It seem like alot of people are haveing a problem as it is an topic.The majority do not.One of my guys whom is not a paid member yet does this and it works for him.As I subscribe I do not see the banners.There most all of the players that have no problem.I think it is either a security setting or a build or a conflict of files in your temp internet settings .It seems like a large issue but thats only because it is a topic.Like I said there are a lot of players and if everyone whom did not have a problem posted it would be so many pages they would need to lock the thread.I would suggest the dump and reboot and see how that works.If you like the site well enough then subscribe and the macro flash banners will be gone.Just trying to help