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Drinker's Group
Drinker's Group
Drinker's Group
So, theres a 200 Robbing group, and now Jag and i are makeing a drinking group.  Not that sissy stuff either... Straight Hard Alcohol :)

I drink JD and ill do so till i die!

If ya wanna join let me or Jag know lol :)

Pyratic, JD in my vein's!
Tipping a toast to all my pals.  Next round is on me.  

JD for Pyro and 3 fingers of Crown for me.  Probably should pour one more and put it in a glass box.  Mark it "in an emergency tell Ralph to brake glass"


*buys 1 mil of alcohol*  Dont worry we should be fine for quite some time!

*takes his shot and orders a double*
*carves his name in his chair*

Ill get the round after you, or when Ralph gets in!
try some home made Polish Spirit, straight from the potatoe fields :D
lol a drinking group?
hehe nice
well i m underage so i cant join ya;)
but one day.....hehe
yeah well have fun drinking n remember i m always close with my camera ]:) ;)

yeah so if anyone wants to see those guys havin fun check out those sites:
more coming soon.....
I just want to find the RL Deadly Diavovino.
Pass some over V, ill try anything once, twice just to make sure i do or dont like it :)

*passes LD some DD mixture* Good luck with it LD, make sure your not going out driving ;)

*takes a shot, pours a double and passes Jag another triple*
im only 14 but id like to join, 
It's one of those days.........

*Breaks the glass*

Ahhhh, ty ty.  Next ones on me  :D

*slides into the booth next to the guys * ;-) Hey want some company?  
White Russian w/ added shot of brandy please?

*pulls Kittin close* Sure there cutie ;)  *hands her her drink, take a shot and starts to run up Ralph's tab*
i drink too much to be in the group.

You can never drink too much ;) *passes monty a drink on Ralph's tab*  *pours himself a double on Jag's tab*
*Pours Jag a Dble* Here ya go ;-) hope that helps!
You guys are expensive.  Good thing I have the corporate card.  This is a business expense isn't it?  Need me another one of these *gulp*.  

Who told Jess she could take pictures...now I have to change clothes....grrrr
Hmmm sounds interesting... *sneaks in for a drink* *feels a tap on his shoulder* IT'S THE POLICE "you're only 7 sonny?" the oficer says. *Drags poor malikar out* 
     later.... *malikar sneaks back in for a shot* *sees Michael Jackson* *runs back out without police prodding*
Maybe 1 more for the ditch.  Just put it on Jag's card.
*Hands the bartender her empty glass*... Another one please? Just put it on Pyra's tab ;-) 
Double shot of taquila over here,please.TY

P.S.All on me for the next 5;)
LilM, you're cut off cuz ya can't spell what you're drinkin  LOL
If I was in Germany i would take a raspberry Barcardi on Jag's Tab ;)
*drops in after a hard day out in the field killing the monsters*

Bartender a Fifth of Kentucky deluxe and a beer glass. 

*Pours a shot into the bear glass then starts chugging the Fifth from the bottle*
*gets the fifth drank Looks at Eragon* points at the beer glass* That's for you girl!

*tosses a twenty on the bar for the Fifth*


I Did drink like that.
ill take a shot of jager mister and leave the bottle its been a long night 
Wow ok ive missed a few rounds...

*plays 21 catch up with a bottle of JD and a corona*
*looks up Jag's card...* Yep Jag its a business expense... Drink your night/day away... *puts the bottle on Jag's tab*

*Changes into his tank top and shorts* Ok whos up for twister?

*hands Jess, Will and Mal a bottle and some shot glasses*
Drink up children ;)

*orders triples all around the bar and puts it on his OWN tab* (this is gonna be expensive...)

*wonders if he's in any of the pic's and with who ;) *
*orders a bottle of scotch rum....
and it's on Pyra's tab ;)
I'd like to join this group.:)I'll have a fifth of JD please with a Bud chaser;)
Hob!  Where ya been?  Had a hard time holdin a barstool for ya.

I got his 1st one barkeep.
Just polished off a pitcher of Strawberry Margaritas with a friend.  Who wants to share the next one?
*Drops back in after another night of fighting and picks up a case of KD. Goes over props his boots on a table and Cracks the seal og the first fifth* 

Oh! Put it on Pyratics Tab Barkeep!

*Gets down to serious drinking whle watchign the floor show*


Got a extra fifth.
*Grins at Smurf * :D I'll help ya with that!
;-) Pyra.. u don't mind this goin on your tab do ya?
mmmm margaritas i d love to have one...or 2...]:)
tnx for the drink jag:p ...knew u d smugle smtn for me :D
cheers braves!
hm wheres kitty when ya need a cosmo:p
oh pyro i can assure u ur not alone on those pics;)...mm think i had 2 much vodka...oh well ...hey waiter bring me another one!and give all the others a glassful of whatever they want..my treat!...i ll pay ya later]:);)...lol.....
Cheers everyone !:D:D:D 
*strolls into the bar, takes his seat*
*downs a shot of JD and take a look around*
*stands up after ordering a bottle of JD and a 6 of Corona and goes over to sit in his oval table area*

*looks at the waitress and orders some hot wings and takes another shot*

Its been a long day and tonight will be even longer... Drivin back to NJ so drinkin will have to wait till i get home... :(

*looks over at Jess and wonders if he can see the pics, maybe make some more ;)*
*take another look around and orders a bottle for everyone on his tab*

Drink up everyone!


PS:  So someone asked yesterday if i was an alcoholic or not... Most responses were, No, alcoholics goto meeting... ;\  Strange people think drinkin a lil is wrong...
This is going to get ugly..."bar keep, I need a SoCo Manhattan, 4 Shots of Crown, and 1 JD"

Passes them out, sips the Crown and downs the Manhattan.  If you are going to do it, do it right.  

Wonders how he is going to explain $4,000 bar tab to boss.

Oh well too late now.

Jess what is in those pictures...
*slides into the seat next to pyra ;-)* 
I'll have what your have'n :D

Hey Jess! Come and join us ;-) 

Waiter.. Give this girl a Cosmo!

*Takes the Camera... No Pics tonight!*

*pulls Kittin to one side and Jess to the other*

Hmm i think i need a shot hat... something to deliver a shot whenever i want one...

*orders doubles for the house and grabs the camera for later*

Jag look at that tab again... all i see is $0 ;)

*;-) @ Pyra.. Downs her shot*

Hrm... how to get that darn Cam...

drunk as a poet on payday
ill take a shot of the best scotch you got :D

and put it on pyra's tab ;)
You almost fall over Jagg lying on the floor. He just smiles and says, "Hic.. I hophe zat you whill noth walk off your forthune eider!"
Words to live by...if you can help me up off the floor I can buy another drink.
Pyro, you cant have them both.  Need to share.  *spins the empty bottle on the table* Oh does this bring back memories...which one shall it be?
oh guess i m the lucky winner ;)
hehe..2 bad i only kiss under a mistletoe...]:)

*Goes to sit at the table with Pyra, Jag, Jess, and Kittin... Barkeep can I get a capt'n morgan pls... and charge it on Jag's bill

*sees Jaird and Calls him over... (you can get that beerglass filled for me now if you want)...

*looks at the empoty bottle* I think I'll turn this towards Jaird.... *SMMMMMAAAACK* thats for being such a great person Sir
*Enters, evaluates situation, turns, and leaves*
If you guys are playing spin the bottle PLEASE seat me at a different table than Ralph!
Lol...hey this looks like fun...mind if i join ya?;)

*Scoots Over in the Booth a bit more twards Pyra now that Jess is Sittin by Jag ;-)*

*Pats the spot next to her* Here Racey ;-)*

Saved a Spot for ya!

*Downs a Shot of Yager* 

What'll It Be Racey? Rum?

Slides in the back door quietly with a milk crate full of glass gallon jugs. Puts crate on floor under a bench seat in a dark corner Un-twists 2 nearest bulbs making it darker, orders a pitcher ot tea. Pulls out a mason jar and fills it from gallon jug puts jug back on floor. Leans back and enjoys the aura of the place.
think i'm in the mood for whiskey, straight up thanks;)
enters the bar with a swish of his kilt and a brandishing of his dirk! suanters to the bar and orders a double dram of 28 year old Mcallan! Flings it over his gullet smacks his lips and utters the cry SLAINTE!!!! before gettin fired intae the rest o the bottle!
*Takes a look around the bar and wonders where evryone else is?*

*pulls Kittin close, downs a double and orders a bottle of JD*

*pulls Racey in on the other side and smiles at the two lovely ladies*

Ok so its been a long weekend with allot of driving!
This JD sure was needed!

*wonders why we are playing spin the bottle and who is in the circle again... ;\*
;-) @ Pyra
*Orders a Coffee w/ Brandy* 
It's gonna be a long morning.

Put it on Pyras tab :D

count me in too if racys playing ;)   and bartender pass me a iron city beer please :D

*sets up the table for spin the bottle and wonders who all wants to play*
*Puts Kittin on one side and Racey on the other*

*takes a shot and looks around at who wants another*
*Orders a shot of Brandy*

*Throws it back...* Hmm.. yummy

*Spinns the bottle*

Round and Round it goes.. where it stops.. No one knows ;-)

The bottle slowly spins to a stop.. pointen at...

To be continued ;-)
*watches the bottle spinning wondering where it will stop*
Ok gotta make some rules up soon lol

Rule #1 No sober people!
Rule #2 Bar will not run outta boo's!

Any others?

*takes a chug and goes back to watching the bottle*
I have a question on the rules.  (figures this comds from a mod lol)
In the pubs on Larki there is no age limit since they let Affe in there.
Is there an age limit to this group?   I think I saw lil post and I am sure he is underage.
Who is the bouncer?  Not me when I come in here I am off duty!  
Rule #3 No Cry'n in ur Beer... Whiskey is Ok.. but not beer.

*Keeps Watchen the Bottle.. *

*Thinks wow.. that was one Hard Spin* 

*Drags his tired tail in and takes the 1st empty barstool*

Barkeep, set me up, and my friends too.
oh orders 2 cosmos n sits next to kitty-here girl...cheers.....hehe..braves is gonna start dancin on a table any minute now so lets sit back n enojoy the show !lol
hhhmmmm a open back door sneaks in it with a case of elderberry brandy see's were sittin there by himself sets case on bench beside were ulls one bottle out and sits down with case between lookin at tea pitcher and mason jar
*sips another glass of water. sittin slouched in the corner eyeing everyone suspiciously*
haha jess i told you it was a private show just for you not for the rest of them ;)
LD, There is NO Age Limit in OUR bar. :)
Jb, There is no non alcohol drinks in here ;) (well except for those few who have to drive....)

Braves, Thre is no private shows unless you pay me 50k and Jag another 50k ;)  (hey we gotta pay for the alcohol somehow)

*Goes shot for shot with the handsome devil across from him*
*wonders if its a mirror and takes another shot*
*looks over to the bottle and wonders if its ever gonna stop spining*
*wonders when V is gonna pass out glasses of his home made stuff* ;\
*orders a round for all*

This is what happens when you are too drunk....and phone for Pizza:

"id like to order a home delivery please"

"What kind of pizza would you like?"

"A Round one of course!"

"Erm..ok....and what topping would you like?"

"Well....cheese would be handy, since its a PIZZA, plus some sauce of course. Oh, and i want some of the little round things too"

"Can you be a little more specific plz?"

"Sure. I want a Big ROUND pizza, with pizza stuff on it, and some little round thingies on top. I want it cooked, and i want it delivered to my house. Is that specific enough for you?"

25 mins later i finally received my pepperoni pizza :D
Hi everyone!! Miss you all!  
Whatever, you're drinking...next round's on me!!!
LMAO V!!!  At least you got your pizza ;)

*grabs a slice and runs*
*orders a few JD shots on Anita's tab*

Ty and come back anytime!

Now i want pizza ;\
*Licks the whole pizza*

Now it's mine!!  :D

And sure, I'll have one on Anita's tab
well, i gotta drive tonight...but I soooo need a drink.....bartender...gimme a bottle of the good stuff!  Virtual drunk might help:p
Long, rough day!  My car got hit in the parking lot at work by a Fed Ex truck.  I loved my car. WHAAAAAAAA
Can someone sugest something really strong?  I rarely drink and don't know whats good.
and to top that off I want to play Larki and had over 250 Mod mails to read first. WHAAAAAAAAAA
Pours LD a nice double of CR....seems to work for Ralph ;)

sorry to hear about your car:(
Hmm I'll take a slice of Ralph's spit-pizza...I'm under-aged but what the heck? *orders a glass of happy juice*
Im a bartender so you need a ringleader i make the drinks and get the rest of you drunk count me in
Cyrus, i am the ringleader... Along with Jag ;)

*takes a piece of Ralph pizza*
Dogy drool has never bothered me ;\

*Hands LD a nice glass or henassy*  Sip it not shoot it ;)
Sorry to hear about your car... hope all goes well with it *hugs*

*takes a shot, watches the bottle spin, spikes the glass of water and orders more shots for all*
> 250 Mod mails to read first

Yeesh, they obviously need more mods.

Since I'm here, I may as well crack open a cold one... mmmm beer.  Can't get enough of that wonderful Duff.

here LD have a cosmo...sorry bout your car...
<<<goes to sit in her lonely corner with a bottle of tequila...sigh
Yay Sandy is finally here :)  *hands Sandy a nice cold 6 pack and his own bar stool*

*looks at kittin and wonders if jess can join our table*
*looks around for more JD and guzzles some down*

Next rounds are on Sandy ;)
* goes and sits next to jess with a bottle of vodka takes the lid off and drinks a few mouth fulls *
sits down and picks a fight with whoever is next to me :)
right pyra ill just be the designated driver :p
I'm underage but... give me a iced tea plz. :p
How about some brandy....with coffee that would be nice.

(Good way to go to sleep faster);)

*Tips bartender 60k*

Then ill take some AmberRock 6 pack once i wake up.

*Another 10k in advance*
And logo you can have Coke,pepsi,or what ever you underagers want to drink....That will be on me:)
*looks over at Monty, gets up and runs for the nearest table*

No need to start tipping in here...  Do that in the game ;) You know my chars :)

*pulls out a few lemon's, cuts them up, get's the sugar and puts it on them*
*grabs a bottle of Citris Vodka and lines up shot glasses*

Lemon Drop Shots on me! Come and get em!
ill take a few pyra :D, logo no underage people allowed  wheres the bouncer jb when u need um???;\

braves, no offense but lilm wanted me to stay
I've never had a Lemon Drop Shot.  Pass one over here Pyra!
*looks over at Ralph and wonders if he wants to be the Attack Bouncer Dog?*

*stands next to Smurf*
Ok take the lemon wedge with sugar on it in one hand...
Take the shot in the other...
Down the shot bite, lick, and suck at the lemon...

Now thats a Lemon Drop Shot!

*drinks one down, takes a look around...*
Hope theres more then 99 up there... ;\
thanks for the drink braves 
logo only special underage ppl are invited:p
actually they have the right to invite themselves;)
but oh well u can stay just this time...here have a glas of fresh orange juice]:)
;) @ Pyra 
I'll have one of those :D
*Licks the sugar*
*Downs the Shot*
*pops the lemon in her mouth* 

Hmmm.. been a while for those.. 

Can I have another?
It's been another long day in NewbsVille
After reading the other posts today it's clear that everyone needs to relax, and that means another round.

"Hey barkeep....another round for everyone, on me
...and walks out the door"

IM the bouncer around here.Just on break.;)
Hmmm how about a margarita?On the rocks plz and thxs greeny.:)

*Makes sure everyones behaving*
*pulls up a bar stool*

*Asks the bartender for another lemon Drop *

*licks the sugar, Bites the Lemon *

*leans against the bar next to Pyra watchen the show while she sips her vodka*

Ahhhh... this hits the spot :D

*blows the bartender a kiss*  There's ur tip hon ;)
(rocks up for a quiet beverage to find half of larki in a semi-comatose state)
why didn't anyone tell me about this alcohol infused gathering?
by the looks of it you've all been here for a while.
looks like i got some catching up to do.
"bartender! get me a jacks and coke... actually better make it a double"
Long day and 5 Lemon Drop Shots later.

Hey Kittin, Lusha, aren't firemen HOT!?
*Looks Pyra Up and Down.. *

Yup ;) They SURE Are :D
Exits hot tub and sees a bar with an open tab (best kind of bar):

Starts with a couple of dirty martinis to take the dge off

Settles in with a Yeungling Porter (dark beer from oldest brewery in America)

Proceeds to get botto before another trip to hot tub ... anyone intersted? (except Ralph ... sorry no dogs allowed :)).
Hottub??? No one told me!
Three more Lemon Drop Shots.

*Perks up*

Did Someone Say Hot Tub?

I'm there! ;) 

Bartender! Send a waitress outside please!
ohh a hottub sweet, * hurrys into the hottub with a fresh bottle of vodka and lots of glasses  any1 want some*
A hottub and no one told me?!?!

*Calls Bubba from jail to sub for him for bouncer*
Now play nice Bubba;)

*Takes more brandy from bar and joins braves to see if he can spare some vodka*

Weeeeeee!!!*Dives in*
Relaxation at last:)

:O cover yourself M! There are children here!!! My eyes!
Oi...I need some grape juice :|
I jumped in with boxers on so hush.;\
Theres no holes in them so what wrong swimming in your boxers?

*Downs some vodka.*ummmm...taste good.
YEA!!! Hottub party...
Are Bikini's allowed??? *Finds a lounging chair to relax in!* "Who has the bottle for spinning???"
*walks in after another hard day and realizes that everyone found the olympic size Hot Tub that he installed with the section of bar that runs down the side*

Nothing like spending a few mil to get a nice Hot Tub, excellent bar and friends who are happy :)

Andi, Yes bikini's, bathing suits and even boxers are allowed ;)

*undress outta his firefighter uniform down to his firefighter boxers and jumps in makeing a splash*
*works his way over to the bar and makes a few hundred lemon drop shots and JD chasers for himself*

*looks at Smurf and Kittin* Firefighters are Hott eh? ;)
boxers are fine lil.
I just have to plead with our European friends, no speedos PLEASE.
*Casts a spell and instantly has on a real cute Bikini*

*Heads for the Hottub, sets her drink on the side of the tub, and slides in up the her neck*

Ahhhhh... just what I needed :D

Oh and Smurf... I Second that!!!

*enters from the heat and looks around ignores the hot tub as he finds an empty table, sets his usual two cases of KD down beside a chair, then sits in the chair opens the seal on a fifth of Kd Tosses the cap and starts drinking*

This is a BYO right?

It has been a week.  What a tough time I have had since there is no access during the day.  Need a little R&R here with some good freinds ..and a hot tub.  I agree with Smurf, no speedos!
oh a hot tub..  

jumps in.... darn i forgot to take me jeans and jumper off lol

go easy on the vodka braves
*Does a big divebomb in the pool*
Any coke or mezzomix left?
I'll take sprite too;)

Needs to relax before her chess game
Sasquatch Bob arrives in all his gargantuan, hirsute glory.  And a speedo.  With happy faces on.  

He slips into the pool while cradling his 5 gallon bucket filled with long island iced tea.

I'd like to order a sprite!(hands over some silvers)
ACK... BOB!!!!

*Points to Rule #4.. or was it #5?.. anyways..

*covers her eyes*

Rule #4 Speedos aloud in your private room and thread only!

Rule #5 Anyone who declares War (and his army) is not allowed in!

Bubba get Logo out now!

*steps out of the tub, sets his drink down and gets his armour and weapon ready*

Ill be back in 1 min, maybe 30 seconds if he doesnt run too far!

hehe bob lets show them how we party in europe:p
LOL...oh a hottub...is there a place for me there?....gets herslef another glass of vodka and heads for the hottub to join the party ....:D
fastens his armour, sharpen my sword tonight my friends i will be the over lord

War is on!!! War is on!!

k u guys the war is not i repeat not real!

Untill you hang a white flag in defeat the correct way it is still on.  Im already targeting all your chars, i guess Pain is with you... And you are still not welcome in OUR bar!
(holds up a black flag!) I'm declaring the end of drinker's group once and for all!(also holds up a white flag to stop war)
LMAO Hey there Lil Man! U can't stop our Drinkers Group!

LMAO.. black flag indead..

*Tosses back another Lemon Drop*

Say Pretty Please Nice and we might forgive u ;)
Black Flag? over what? you have no grounds...

I accept your white flag... War terminated

*jumps back in after de armouring*

Told ya a few min or so...
alright then pretty plz!
And the black flag was a sheet of tar ova ur head!
lmao. u can't Plead w/ us for forgiveness.. then Throw stuff at us in the same post! it doesn't work that way!
alright then...(unstiks tar over the head of some1) and pretty plz again

You just dont learn do you?  Boy ya might just wanna stay outta larki till we all cool down cause we've all got you targeted to attack, steal, rob, laugh at... Its a game but those are all parts of the game ;)

See ya soon >:)

Kind of funny to think anyone would dare to imagine seperating Jaird from his drinks :D
Party like in Europe?  Why no one tell me!!!!!

[Bob trades in his bucket of Long Island tea for a bucket of Slivovic and a side of Akavit.

Then he releases truss and lets gut hang out over speedo, so Kitten won't have to look at happy faces.]

Someone turn up the techno -- too quiet in here!
Logo ,logo,logo...though you can learn smoething.Only thing mods come here for is to drink and have fun.

*Orders a Jack&Coke with some more brandy*Brandys good stuff:)

*Tells Bubba if he sees logo to kick the tar out of him and send him home in tears*

That outa do it:)

Cheers!!To one and all who play lark and dont annoy us:D!!!

And leave my South Park boxers alone..i like them, as long as they stay on.;\
We all like them as long as they stay on :p
*looks at Logo*
*picks up his weapons and chugs the last of the fifth in hand then goes Hunting*

I for one do not accept your Surrender. Nor am I giving you any Quarter. Prepare to be beaten at every turn I can do so at. 

1 You have mocked me in this forum by your posts
2 I do not like you and have you on mute permanently
3 I don't need a third reason But trying to close the Club is a good enough one.

Gen Nobody separates me and my Booze!!!

Be aware people that I am always on a perpetual hunt for LogoBrett, even to dropping whte ever fight I am in to go after him For the reasons stated.

lol i'm underage...nevermind, count me in. 3 more years till i can legally join this "drinking group" :) a jolly shandy would be nice
*Finishes off Jack&Coke*

*Finishes off Brandy*

*Takes weapons and armor off the shelf*

*Orders a Coke to join the underagers for a while*

*Goes with Jaird to hunt Logo*

*Sees paper that says:


      WANTED:For Bugging and being rude to peaceful Larks folk.

                Reward for his death:

Hmmmm.....just might be worth it after all. Only if the money is good and it is.:p


Bounty hunting Logo
Vodka and Oj or Rum n coke  classic  mm rum...mmmmmm vodka
Hi, it's me, Es.  Would it be alright to join you?
Hi, it's me, Es.  Would it be alright to join you ?  Just ordered a gallon of Margaritas for over here, but, erm, not too sure about all those little paper umbrellas?!!
Anyhow "Cheers"  ;-)

hear that kitty ?she has margaritas!lol sure u can jion us esme...and for inviting u i get a free margarita right?tnx:p
*Snaggs a Margarita from Es* :D Tyvm!

Sure u can join us! Welcome!

*Slides Over in the Hot Tub to make a lil more room for Es*

Jump in :)Just try not to splash..eh? don't wanna mess up my hair ;)

Hey Jess... Get in here!
Oops! I kind of forgot about the pretzels.  I'ts a good thing I didn't sit on them- um, anyone want some pretzels- the're only a little bit wet?!  

No pretzels in the hot tub!  Must have sushi!
*Walks in after a long weekend of hunting and promptly licks all the salt off the pretzels*

:D  Yummy!
pfft Sushi? More like those tiny appetizer sandwiches...where did I come from anyway? I dont remember getting in this hot-tub...
Casts teleport and appears in a empty spot within the club. Sees panther and bear decides to sit with them . Opens his portable hole and pulls out large cask of properly aged Ice Wine. Sets it on a table he pulled over beside end of the corner booth Pulls out huge pile of vension steak ,pepper and onion pitas and sets them on table. Then pulls out huge plate of shoulder blades, ribs and hip sockets still with vension scraps all over them. Sets it in closest booth with a reserved for ralphie sign. Lastly pulls out a huge goblet and fills it to brim and sits in booth turns and hangs a panther consortium sign in corner.
*orders a tall glass of apple juice*
...*realizes everyone is staring at him for ordering non-alcoholic drink*...
Can I get this to go? :|
*walks in and orders a bottle of JD and a shot glass*
*pours a shot in the glass and promptly drinks the bottle till its gone*
*posts a note on the full shot*
"To be savored when Logo is dead by my hands"
"Pyratic - God of Fire"

*posts a note in the bounty section*
"Wanted Dead (Any Char of Logobrett"
"Reward - 100,000 silvers"
"Restrictions - Must be able to prove his death"

*orders a bottle of Corona with a lime and goes to relax in the hottub*

See ya'll in the am!

Kings Mission 50: LogoBrett challenge.
Award: LogoBrett head as a mantlepiece, 10 diamonds, 10,000 silver.
The royal official tells you of the mission:
Recently outside the city, is an evil mage causing mischief. This mage is using his power to cause arguing among his people and the community. It is just not tolerable to us anymore! We must put a stop to it before he endangers the king's governers by making them constantly argue! To prove your noble deed, you must bring back his collection of LogoBrett Awards :p
LMAO Gen...that one had me laughing hard.:D
LOL Gen!  Nice one!

*downs a few more beers and a few shots and relaxes in the hot tub*
LMAO Gen! :D Good one!

*Gets another Margarita and goes to sit Next to Pyra in the HotTub*

Want some Company?? 

*Buys the dog a bowl of beer*
Next time Copy the stuff first!
Or I will have stuffed dog roast for dinner. 

*breaks the seal on a fifth of KD And chugs a third of it*

*In his usual spot his boot on the table and three cases of KD at his side, watching the floor show*
hehe good one gen:p
<<gets herself another glass of tequila and starts lookin for company since kitty is busy;)
*Grabs A Rum and Coke from a passing waiter* 

Hmm... *looks around to see what everyone else is up to today*

Hrm... with all these peeps.. MoleKat might just come out to play :D

*walks in and turns the music off*
*points to his char, 
You feel more powerfull, 
Lvl 37

*stocks the bar with billions in alcohol and food*

Its Party Time On My Behalf!

*downs a bottle of JD and goes for the next*
*pulls Kittin to one side, Jess to the other and sits Racy across from him*

Any other ladies? ;) hehe
OK, so who's gonna sit next to me?:D *looks over the possibilities again* we Are gonna be playing spin the bottle again aren't we?

ooooh....i'd Love a pina colada;)
oh lets paly spin the bottle again]:)
we had so much fun last time0:)
<<sips herself a glasful of martini 
Slowly eases into the hot tub and sets down another gallon of margaritas. (No little paper umbrellas this time-just paper cups)
I think I'll just have an alkaseltzer,myself.

Bob sidles up to esme, bums a cup full of margarita, bums some alkaseltzer and drops it in.

Ta Da -- Fizzy Margarita!  Shoots it.
*comes in sits down and orders drink*

well tub looks crowded and pyra has all the women....
*sits by himself in the corner*  :(

need someone to talk to
*slowly drinks rum and coke in solitude*
*ahem* i'm just sitting Across from pyra(a) still got a couple spots open here;)
Well then
*comes and sits next to Lusha*
what will you have....more tequila in your coffee???:)

mmmm Tequila.. who has the lime's?... im there

just call me Jose Cuarvo
sneaks in quietly wow busy place slides behind bar gets case of MGD and a ice barrel puts mgd in then covers with ice hmmm goes it sits in the dark quiet panther consortium corner
Ok I'm not 'sposed to drink with the Vicodin and I think the Hot Tub may increase the swelling in my sore foot.
Maybe I will just slosh the foot with frozen Marguritas.
I feel like a real party pooper.  :(
lol....think maybe i'm ready for a straight shot of that tequila:p
and i still go another empty side over here guys:p

Smurf....we could fix you a drink with no alcohol content:D don't think i'm allowed to actually say the word:s

*gives Smurf a bucket of Ice water for her foot*

*Hands her a Virgin Margarita*

There ya go hon! Ur No Party pooper!

Crank up the music Boys! Lets get this PartA Started!


;) @ Jess.. Yes indeed.. Firemen R Hot 
lol kit they sure are;)
well since i m not wearin my fireproof suit i ll go join aaro n lush:p
Hands Mr Jose Cuavro some limes for the tequila mmm Margarita....hehe Cheers!
Hehe... :D Looks like I get Pyra all to myself!

Whoo Hoo, Another Margarita over here please!

;) I can take the heat!

hmm a drinking group.sounds awesome. *slides into a chair at bar* vodka, and while ur at it a bacardi too.
ah while im also at it add a tequila. im feelin really depressed tonight.
(music has been turned up a little) "Oooh I luv that song, it's one of my old favorites". (hums a bit) "red wine----------feel so fine"  (passes the margarita jug along to Kittin ) "stay close to -------" 

          :)   :)   :)
* walks in takes a look around and see's all the women taken :(*  

* finds a empty table sits down, grabs a bottle of vodka and starts drinken*
Sasquatch Bob, deep in his cups, stands in shallow end and begins to sing and dance.  Those around him strain to figure out his chant:

"Red red wine you make me feel so fine
Monkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep line

The line broke, the monkey get choke
Burn bad rizla pon him little rowing boat"

Suddenly he topples backwards, floats to the surface, and begins to snore.
LD opens the door and drags a reluctant Luna with her.  Luna has the "brakes" on and it takes every ounce of strength to get her through the door.
Instantly lil, braves, and a few others dive under the table worried about a demerit.
"No problem guys, we are off duty".  
LD drags Luna over to Panthers booth and pushes her at him and commands "Dance".
Jaird gets out his harmonica, Pyra his guitar and they start a rousing hoedown.
LD grabs DMD "come on kid us initials have to stick together".  They ignore the hoedown and start a Samba.
Hey everyone I baked a cake just for Kittin's birthday.  I think there is enough for all.  It is an old family receipe Harvey Wallbanger Cake.
Happy B-day Kitt!
I just heard Luna and LD don't drink so I ran home for this Angelfood Cake and fresh strawberries.  
Yummy Smurf!

Tyvm! :D :D

Margarita's for all!  

This is gonna be the best party ever!

[Bob snorts himself awake and cracks a red-rimmed eye open]

Did I hear birthday?
Happy Birthday Kitten!!

[Runs over and tosses her in the air in way of a birthday celebration, and shouts "One!" After catching her he says:]

I know I shouldn't ask how old, but how else will I know how many times to throw you in the air?  I know!  We'll just call it 21!  Two!  Three! Four!.....

*Thumpin Bob on Chest...*

Put me Down Bob!!

Tyvm.. but I've had a lil too much to drink for all that ;) 

Oi... Can Someone get me another drink?
*gets kitt some alka seltser* ... 
alright from now on theres an entrance fee of 1 million silvers to each of JB15600's characters

ok-- thats it

awwww....*sees bravey sittin all alone and wanders over*

hey there....wanna dance? you're kinda cute;)
* looks up and sees her pretty face now how can i say no to that ;)* 

* drinks a shot a vodka gets up and takes racy to the dancing floor*

hey dj play something slow :D
 Wooohooo.....I think i'm gonna enjoy this:D  

No cuttin in fellas;)

*tosses the harmonica he doesn't know how to play, takes out his Sticks, sits down at the 10 piece, starts a C&W beat* (goes with hoedown and samba)


*Takes a drink from the Fifth of KD*

*Just Hunting Rats*
mm that cake was so good:)tnx smurfy:)
<<looks at LD n Luna-sees they are 2 busy on the dancefloor]:)..... gets herself another tequila -Cheers kitty!:D
by the way that was a very good idea bob...hey kit u ready for the other 10?:p
*sittin at the bar watchin people dance* hmm cool. 
*takes another drink from vodka and then goes back to watchin everyone. * 

im by myself for the moment if anyone want to join for drink. 
*Takes out his guitar and starts into a nice quick hoedown*
My kind of lady LD ;)
*downs some shots and continues the beat*
*Takes some cake and rubs it in kittin's face*
Thats good luck for your b-day hun ;)

*looks around at all the people dancin and continues to play the song*
Hey, Watergirl, you new around these parts?  Don't think I've seen you in the city.
Welcome either way to our Larki pub.
Now that I have stuffed myself on cake I think I will sit in the hot tub, close my eyes and just listen to the music.
* grabs a mini fridge and stacks it full of vodka, wine coolers, pina colatas, cosmos, and pepsi to mix vodka with* 

* takes it over to the hot tub and kicks every1 out, gets and* 

* hey hun u comming in *

* takes a hot of vodka  * yumm
and gets in*

shot*  i need spelling lessons :(
awww...it's ok hon, i knew what you meant(k)

*puts on her favorite swimsuit and climbs in the tub with bravey*

oh how sweet, you got all my favorite drinks here:D
Hey Pyra... I think we're gonna have to put another HotTub on Jaga's Card... cause this one's taken. ;\

*Orders a round of drinks for the house*

*Has another Margarita*

*Decides she wants to dance now that Pyra's done playen the gutiar*

*looks at the band* 

Time for a slow song boys!  ;)

Looks like i walked in just in time...

* takes Kitty by the hand and walks her to the dancefloor

* Yellow by Coldplay please in the jukebox - ty jagga's card for the pressie ;)

Look at the stars, look how they shine for you....

Happy b'day my special one.

*Watches as Pyra goes and grabs Jess for a dance. Good squishy!
only the best for you racy ;) 

btw your looking real good in that bathing suit ;)

yea better find a new hot tub kitty this one looks like it will be full for a little while 

* drinks another shot of vodka * hmmm vodka :)
lol....where's that Do Not Disturb sign?:D
Ok...I've watched this progress from a casual gathering of friends, through several moments of levity..through to the downright scarey...not sure I'll ever get over the notion of Panther and a hot tub in close proximity (only kidding bud)....but I have one question...how can you lot even consider a drinking group without an Irishman?!!?!?!?? Anyone got a spare stool?

You know what they say...god invented alchohol so that the irish wouldn't take over the world!


(the one bearing poteen:p)
not Our fault you weren't around to invite (a)

bring any of that oh so yummy Irish Whiskey?:D
Cinder, I was wondering what has taken you so long to show up.
I'll have an Irish Cream on the rocks, Baileys if you have it.
*takes another drink and starts laughing. everybody looks like theyre havin a good time*

cheers to u smurfmom, thnx for the greeting. im drinkin my problems away cuz im bored and there was a lot of losers on the street. i like the pub alot, u guys did good. 

*takes another drink* by the way the hot tub is awesome too to have in a pub

oh *bends over to pick up sign* heres the do not disturb sign. 

well i think ill be here for a while. lol. cheers.
*brings in half gallon of tequila*

Jose Cuarvo....gold ...nothing but hte bes:)

*takes top off and slips a nipple on the rim of jug*
should make for and interesting night now... >:)
*points to rule #5 or #6 or whatever number is next*
Rule #?? - Everyone shares the hottub!
Rule #?? - Pay Jag of Pyratic 10 silvers to rent a portable personal hot tub!

*Walks up to D and says, "hey im cutting in ;)"*
*Winks at the band as they start playin "He thinks he'll keep her" by Mary Chapin Carpenter*

*Dances away on the floor and as the song ends orders the band to play "Stays in Mexico" by Toby Keith and then "I love this Bar" by Toby also*
*See's Cinder*
*points to Cinders personal bar stool engraved with "The Best Robber"*

Have fun buddy *passes him a few drinks*
Hey Cinder,

Is it really kosher to bare your poteen with all these people present?  I already got yelled at for my smiley-face covered speedo.
<<looks at all her friends busy either with hottubs or their drinks...alone again :'(lol
....hehe C is here..Cheers green budy:p
..hm rent a hottub eh?..hehe jag pyr:)....i dont have to pay for that right boys...0:)

You can have it for free if the guy pays for it ;) hehe

*takes a shot and chugs some beer*
*passes out lemon drop shots to all*
*hands out red devil shots as chasers*
here you go pyra 

*flips some money over to him* 
for jess' hot tub rental....;)

now to get back to my tequila jug..mmmm
aw ty aaro:)
that was soo nice of you:)
hey all the girls are invited in my new hottub:)
as a reward aaro can join us:p
*Goes over an joins Jess in hot tub after dancin w/ Pyra*

:D Hey AA.. Come on in! and Bring some more Tequila would ya?  an maybe some Limes?

You guys are on quite a binge here.  Someone wanna calculate the bar tab?!

Anyone here ever do 100 shots of beer in 100 minutes, commonly called "The Century Club"?  That's about nine bottles of beer in an hour and forty minutes.  It's a game a 32 year old has no right playing, but I somehow never got around to it until recently.  I somehow managed to get through the century and the rest of the evening without any "complications" to speak of, and watching everyone else drop out (while running for the bathroom) was the best part of it all.

nine bottles of beer? how big are the bottles? in ml please!
ten pints is a good target in the UK over about 4 hrs. That's 4.68 litres. is that a lot?
*drinks rum* no ill pass on the hot tub. thnx for offerin tho. i feel really lonely alone over here. culd sumone drink with me plz?
Standard bottles round these parts are 330 mLs, I think.  About 11 shots of 1 ounce each.

sry to say but i dont think that we needed the the measurements. honestly *drinks sum more rum and vodka*
"Takes a pause for the cause, Walks over to the Walk in cooler where he keeps the saughtered Country Bulls, Takes a carcasa down, Carries it to the Fire pit, sticks a long Iron pole through it lengthwise, then Hangs it over the fire*

Beef's over the fire, Some one else can turn the spitt.
Some one else can also Get the BBQ Sauce for basting out.

*walks back to the Ten piece and sits down for the next set of dumming*


Working on the Fourth account with Zeal!
Jaird that sound so yummy!  This place needed a little "real food".  I will make some baked potatoes to go with that BBQ Bull.
all right, now im liking it :D
ooh that does sound good. bbq meat. aweosome. goes great with a drink *drinks more vodka*
Now THIS is my kinda Party!

*gets out the BBQ Sauce and puts it over by the fire*

Ok Boyz! Its up to ya'll to do the meat!  Don't Burn it!

*Whips up a Pasta Salad an some Jello Shots for Desert*

*throws some Corn on the Cob in a Pan to cook*

*Tells the Band to play some Kenny Chesney an heads out on to the dance floor for a bit*

So, theres a 200 Robbing group, and now Jag and i are makeing a drinking group. Not that sissy stuff either... Straight Hard Alcohol 

I drink JD and ill do so till i die!

If ya wanna join let me or Jag know lol 

Pyratic, JD in my vein's!
...orginal post by Pyratic...
16 pages later and its going strong :p *orders a virgin beer*
*thinks he should have started the BBQ A few days back*
Ok who is turning the spitt? 
*Pours a Couple pitchers of beer over the Carcasa*
I can't turn it myself.
*Picks up the beat to the Dance*

Chesney is fine, but I am a lousy singer.


Just Rolling with the Days.
i guess ill turn it its not like i got anything better to do ;\

* takes a shot of vodka * 
walks over to the meat and turns it that better :p
mmm BBQ.....course i ll join hehe:D
<<drinks another vodka while watchin braves fight with the meat:p
lol. i call the first piece of bbq meat. *swigs the vodka* adn while im waitin,ill think ill socialize with everybody. wheres the hot tub?
ok come and get it bbq done :p

* finds a empty table sits down and drinks a shot of vodka *
memememe! *grabs a small plate and another vodka* mind if i sit with u?
*sshhluurp* Ah, the joy of a glass of freshly-poured apple juice...
lol. * grabs ur glass and mixes vodka in it.* now drink it.
Pssst hes underage;)But Daddy lilM&M can say ok for this time.

Show me the hardest thing you got in that bar.:p
*walks in mid vacation and sees a large dead, cooked animal and smiles*
*grabs some meat, a bottle of wine and some candles and heads over to a private booth*

*calls over to kittin and asks if she'd care for a nice family cooked meal and points to the private booth*

*tells the band to play a nice italian theme in the private booth and walks into the booth with kittin*

Figured id stop and say hello and grab a few drinks while im home on vacation :)  See ya all soon :)

mmm.....gotta say b you can cook some bbq...:)

sure i will join in the hot tub....;)

*pulls out flask*  here you go kitty just for you. :)
Please AA keep that BBQ sause out of the hot tub.  Ewwww and I was wearing my brand new white bikini.  Oh Well, pink isn't to bad a color on me either.
*grabs a plate of other stuff to go w/ the meat and goes to sit next to Pyra*

Aww.. Ty AA... ;) but I'll have to pass this time :D

I got some nice wine over here from Pyra :D

Isn't he Romantic girls??? :D :D

*tells waitress to send over the finest champange to kitty and pyra*

gotta have champange in private booth....:)

now back to the hot tub. relax them sore muscles ;)

oh yeah another round for the house on me..

*Stops drumming and walks over to the Beef on the spitt, cuts a couple of steaks for himself from the rare part of the loin and spears a couple of the potatoes and two ears of corn, Takes the plate to his usual table beside bloody water girl, Goes for a bowl of salad, then sits grabbing up a fifth of KD, Half fills 3 beer glasses with the KD and sets them out for those that want them THen drinks a third of the fifth* Beef is done Some one can serve the rest.
BTW boody water girl Has any one introduced you to the KD? 

BBQ?  No meat before a big night of drinking.  

Just me and my bottle of Crown.  I will sit in the corner and watch y'all have fun.  Don't want anyone to catch my cold.
Poor Jag.  You need to drink something with OJ.  Maybe a nice screwdriver.
aw kitty n pyro u guys are so cute:)
poor jag....sitting there all alone...<<goes to his corner and joins him...:)..hey jag if i get sick 2 i ll stay at home and play larki all day(so theres no problem)]:);) ...
cheers!get well soon:)

oooh....i love a good BBQ. mmmmmm....very good

* sees bravey over sittin alone and takes him a plate too* 

mind if i join you?:)
no i dont believe nobody has. lol. but im thinkin about joinin in the hot tub. just bought a new black bikini. try it out and see how it goes for me. lol
yumm ty for the bbq of course you can join me 

hey theres a private booth open maybe we should go in there ;) 
*hears the nice italian music, good food, good drinks, and bravey invitin her to a private booth....thinks she's got it made:D*

* drinks more vodka* maybe. tell me as to y i shuld. but i need to be with a lot of people to get more aquanted with everybody. ill think about it.
*walks in after a long weekend and goes to his booth and scoots down next to kittin*

Thanks for the spirits and bottoms up all! *toasts a shot to all his friends*

Happy Turkey Day all!  Eat, Drink and be Merry!
ahhh.. drinking isnt something i often do unless someone spikes my drink like last week... but... its thanksgiving.. and with 3 plates just smothered in food... i gotta have a lil something... *grabs some beer* ... ahh. i love thanksgiving :D:D
WB Pyra :)

Glad u made it back all in one peice ;)

and :O JB's Drink'n!! omgosh... lol

*walks in and looks around*

Where is everyone?
Last week seemed to be dead... Ok ok ok, ya'll were with your familys and loved ones.  Hope ya'll had a Happy Turkey Day, or whatever day/week it was for ya was atleast semi-good to great :)

Now lets get back to drinkin and partying!

*grabs a bottle, pours a shot, puts the shot in the "Break in desperate need" box and starts to pour shots out*
Hey Ria!
Have a seat right her.  MEDIC! (bartender) My friend Ria needs a pitcher of Mojito's STAT!
I promised you this after your rough weekend.
Poor Ria had a sleep over for her young teen daughter.   After an overnight with countless giggling girs she need this. 
Any one else who can contribute to our friends return to sanity will be appreciated.
lol. nice smurf. well i just bought this bikini. its black and red, how does it look on me? *turns around a couple times, questioning with the eyes. 
aww thank u bob. * throws a bottle of vodka ur way* cheers. so where is that hot tub?
i dont know if i want to get in the hot tub with bloody water girl.... :D

just playin...as long as you dont bloody up the water ;)
hahaha not funny.thats not wat the name means so im gettin in anywayz.
Hey bartender...how about another round?:D

time to get outa the hottub for a while...what's next....more dancing maybe?:p
*winks at the band as they start to play "The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Charlie Daniels Band"*

*Downs a shot, chugs the rest of his beer and then grabs Kittin and Racey and heads out on the floor*

Lets show these cowpoke how to have a good time!
*laughs while sittin hottub at the crazy dance moves that im seein. 
u guys have fun. i dont have anyone to dance with and plus i just got in the tub. 
Lol Pyra...dunno that I can dance that fast:p i'll give it a shot though:D
lol. *drinks more vodka and realxes in tub
*drowing my antigrav thingies sorrows in gin*

Hey bartender...get Sandy a bottle on me;)
Make sure that bottle for Sandy is Tanqueray or Bombay Sapphire -- He needs the good stuff today.

Bob picks a position in the hot tub where he can see both the black and red bikini and the dance floor.  

Darjin takes some of the 54,000 silvers he lifted this morning and buys a round for the house.

Kaitar and Big Bopper are still hard at work on TA
bob come sit with me if u wanna. dirnks on me
*smiles at racey and lets her know kittin will keep her going*

*orders only the best tequilla he can think of for Sandy*
*watches the bartender go out to the safe house and bring back a glass full of the $1000 sipping tequilla*

Enjoy and be carefull!

*looks at Jag's statement and orders a few rounds for all on his card*
*Grabs a shot of tequila as it goes by, and downs it *

*Heads back out onto the dance floor w/ Pyra :D *

Hey Racy.. watch this!  ;) Try to keep up!

*laughs as the dude tries to keep up with kitten. drinks sum more the laughs sum more.
*glares at Bloody*

Bloody, Kittin has to keep up with me!

And mind who your talking about when ya say "guy", Jag and i are the ones who started this group! LMAO

*downs a few more shots and dances circles around the ladies*

Hmm whos cooking next im hungry!
Well, Pyra I don't cook.  But, I will take my last Mod paycheck I got and order out for everyone.  What would you like?

No need for that... Someone will be in to cook, soon i hope :( *tummy growls*

And if someone isnt in just put it all on Braves (Squishy #1) tab ;)

Thanks for the offer and i think im in the mood for leftover frozen pizza :)  Hmm strange man's mind... Go figure :D
Hey LD,

Question since i cant get in chat and its about this post, ill ask here :)

Umm, Are we the highest replied post on the forum yet?
If not what is the highest replied post?

Just thinking... hehe
nope not the highest, but up there.  If you go to the main FOD forum on the right is a "popular discussion" list.  You will see that one has over 300 responses and ours has 278?  How ever I think this one is MUCH more entertaining lol.

We so rule the forum!  Look at that post, it started Aug 9, 2005 and had 382+.

Look at us, Nov 1, 2005 and 275+ and going strong!

hehe, im such a lil kid at times, i love it :)

And lets not forget,  "I'm so Bad, i'm Good"

*buys a round for all and still looks around for someone cooking*
OH! sry pyratic! lol. i got mixed up. my fault. sry. *looks and sees a paid drink by tub. 
thnx whoever paid for everyones drinks. 
pyratic im really sry. forgive me?
Hmm... start cooking and ill think about it.. I'm starving! hehe
time for my first post in this ever-so-popular thread.  seems i can make a nice contribution... 
*cooks up a large meal of spaghetti and meatballs for all*  enjoy :D
*steps into the hot tub to relieve some aching muscles, including my larki-clicking figher* :p
:D Yummy!! Tyvm Jason!! :D

*Grabs a plate an orders some wine for everyone* :D

Oh an jason... lol its, Finger* ;) lol

The Kit :D
ok, so my larki-clicking "figher" (finger) decided to miss the "n", and hit the "h" instead... and hit it a bit late :p  you understood what i was saying.

MMM yummy italian food at that! *grabs 2 plates and heads off into a booth with kittin and a bottle of red wine*

TY for the food ill be back later... :)
*wondering how many hands pyra has got*
*finally concludes at least four, 2 plates, one kitty, and red wine*

i love spagetti...*grabs plate dishes out some for everyone, and takes the pan full*  pyra taught me that ;)
LOL AA!   He only has two, it just seems like more sometimes ;)

See.. 1 plate in each hand, bottle of wine under arm, an a Kitty holden onto elbow :D

*snaggs a couple of wine glasses off the bar on the way to private booth*
lol aaro u dont wanna know that;)
mmm  italian food any left for me?
<<takes a bottle of vodka -cheers everyone!mm needed that after this long week....lol i just realised its only Wed....-looks at the vodka......oh well...:p
*knocks on the bar door (afraid to try using a crowbar after the day hes had).

"ok, so I was given a glass of wine by Lusha (which I spilled) and directed here"..

Wheres the "You WOULDN'T believe the day I've had booth?"

Here poor Cinder got a seat right by me.  Orders a pitcher of wine.  Tell Mama Smurf all about it.  Of course if you prefer I could be HOL, in that case don't tell Mrs. Cinder your here LOL.
Sorry you had a bad day friend.  What's a matter?  Did Jus'Theiven buy a bad batch of crowbars?  Did Nuada pull a muscle? 
* Just hands Cinder the whole bottle*   

wanna talk about it? :(
Lusha after reading you post in the other thread I don't think Cinder will want to take your bottle of wine.  Not sure he will even want to be in the same room as you LOL.  
yeah, i figure i'm about his least favorite person in all of larki right about now:(

But geez, it's not like I was TRYING to do all that!
oooo this drinkers club looks fun:p tell me now that I'm 17 I have free entry and all u guys will buy me a free round to welcome me in:D.....
Slips in beside HOL...

"Oh sure I don't mind being in the same room as Lusha...so long as its soundproofed and I get to bring a big pointy stick" :p

*slips the Bailey Irish cream outta his backpack.

See HOL? I remembered.;)


(Reformed reformed drinker)

*Only kidding about the point stick Lusha...maybe a blunt one would suffice:p
Sounds like he wants to do somethin awful to me, doesn't it?:|

But you can lock me in a room with ya anytime:D
Welcome Nood.  I believe we decided that in here there is no age limit.  So have one on my tab for an old/young friend.  And BTW when I am in here I am off duty.  So don't expect me to enforce the age limit if there is one. 
Margarita on the rocks for me plz:D

*walks in reads all he's missed, goes to read other posts then order C a large bottle of spillproof alcohol of his choice*

*head back to his booth with Kitty and wonders whos cooking today*

*looks over at LD with puppy dog eyes and wonders if she can cook a nice home meal for him* ;)


Your welcome here anytime! *passes Katie a rum and coke*
Enjoy yourself, check out the giant hottub, the endless supply of alcohol and glance at the giant bar tab thats already paid for ;)
ooo yay I'm welcome and free drinks all round thanks guys....
Tell ya what I'm gonna adorn the walls with all my artwork:D larki art he he....
I'm still dreaming about that hottub, mmmmmmmm:)

Katie (new member of the drinkers group):p
lol. join in. i dont know everybody here in the tub bu they welcome.
hehe noo course ur welcome:)
<gives noo a cosmo..jag ll pay for it:p
<gets one herself...hm need smtn stronger...gives her cosmo to kitty and gets herself a bottle of tequila]:)
hehe thats better

hey smurfy if ur gonna cook for kitty n pyro can u make smtn for the rest of the gang:)
cause 3 weeks of drinkin n we olny had a cake and a bbq..gettin hungry here lol
ty in advanse:p
Orders a bottle or CR and crawls in the nearest empty booth to see how fast she can finish it off
Has a liter of rum to share with every 1
Hope you don't mind, I cook healthy. (how do you think I stay so hot?).  We will start out with a little Visiousjaw Turtle soup then I have a large amount of Boiling Pike, broiled with sauteed Grinagaric. On the side we will have a little steamed Thorny Melonskin.  I took all the thorns out myself so you better appreciate it. We will wash it down with what ever you have near you here in the pub.  Don't forget you have to bring your own Savage Cutlery, I don't aprove of eating this food with your fingers.
Lusha is bringing dessert.
Can i have a lil slim?

Ill cook then since no one else wants to but Smurf, but i dont like healthy.Ill take a little of the melonskin:p...

Ill see if i can play a guitar while cooking and drinking at the same time with one hand.This will be fun to try:p

*Plays "Making memories of us"*  Keith Urban;)

This goes to kitty and Pyra.:D

Next, something a bit more "wild";)

p.s. an order of everyone would be nice.;\
ah No thanks Smurf.  I am running out to White Castle (you have to be from the Midwest US to know about those).  I hear lots of drunks go for them.  I wouldn't know but I like them and they aren't the least bit healthy.  Anyone want me to pick up some for them?
Pick me up 6 bags of doubles with cheese for the consortium over here and TY LD
will u pick me up sum smrufmom? plz and thank u's. ur next drink is on me.
OMG White Castle!  Ill take 6 #3's, all cokes and large fries.  Also ill take 5 cheeseburgers on the side!

*looks at the healthy and non-healthy food and decides to mix em all together*

Well i guess ill cook today...

*Puts on his "Ladies, Kiss the Cook if its good" apron*
*goes and opens a window then heads into the kitchen*
*turns on the oven and also the stove burners*
*pulls out a large pot, a large frying pan, a cutting board, a few boxes of spaghetti, few jars of sauce, 4 loafs of bread, 5lb's of HOT italian sausage, and lets not forger 5lb's of meat*
*prepares the meat as the pot of water boils and makes a few hundred meatballs*
*goes to his seasoning cabinet and gets garlic, basil, celrey salt, parsely, oregano, chives, and a few other spices*
*prepares the bread into garlic bread and puts it on a few trays for the oven*
*pours all the sause into the smaller pot and mixes in a whole bunch of spices*
*throws the meatballs in to cook*
*starts to fry up the sausage and pours a half of bottle of white zifindale in the pan and waits for the sausage to slightly brown*

*takes out the meatballs and sets aside for now*
*stirs the sauce and walks over to kitty and racey for a taste test*
*takes out the sausage and cuts em up into pieces and then places them back into the pan with another half bottle of white wine*
*sets the table with plates, forks, knives, and a glass with the choice of red and white wine*
*throws in the spaghetti, stirs the sauce, throws in the garlic bread, throws the meatballs in the sauce*
*waits for the spahgetto and pours some more white wine into the sausage pan*

*takes everything out finishes it all off and brings it out the the large table for all to enjoy*

Hmmm now even im hungry for pasta and its only 07:38am...

mmmmm good. *kiss the cook. good job
Bob wants 20 sliders, 15 orders of chicken rings, and a baker's dozen of onion nuggets.  In exchange, he will mix batches of his world-famous Kamikazes, Long Island Iced teas, and break out a bottle of his home-made Mead.
jeeza u eat alot. and if ur still goin to white castle get ;me sum.
Oh yummy pyra:D very good *kiss the cook

like smurf said, i brought dessert...a couple of each:

Lemon merengue pie
Cherry pie
a couple dozen cinnamon apple turnovers
and of course chocolate cake

got ice cream and whipped cream and sundae toppings too:D

*graps a slice of cherry pie and a plate of food and finds a table*

Nice song LilM:)
*smiles and blushes*

Np everyone enjoy the food :)

*takes a plate and the rest of the cherry pie and goes to sit with Racey*

Im thinking *Standing outside the fire - Garth Brooks* next...
*takes a few turnovers, and a nice large piece of chocolate cake*
thanks lusha :)  tastes good after almost a full day of work.
mmmm so much food so little time.........
ty smurfy n pyro n racy 
mm gang lets dig in!]:)
<takes out her camera and makes a lovely photo of all the gang..just like a family:)
lol got the christmas mood....:p
All this food is depressing me gathers the entire consortium and goes to steal and rob from everyone and kill some innocents!
Ill take spome bread, spaghetti, some italian sausage, and a nice load of meatballs:D Those are my favorite snackys besides lemon merengue pie.:D:D

*Puts down guitar and eats for a while.*

Well pyra...i have to say its pretty darn good.:):D 

Tyvm pyra.
i dunno y but i feel really lonely. like i dont belong. might as well pack my things and leave the pub. one last drink plz.

Why ya leaving?  Are ya ever in chat? Thats a great way to get to know us all...  Start there and sit back and enjoy a few drinks with us all!

Hmm, Whos cooking breakfast today? Im Hungry! hehe

well i just havent tried larkinor quest yet. im more into tanx and billiards. but ill try later. well if u insist i must stay bu ti dont kno anyone still.
Ahh.. Not from Larki... Then i guess you should leave until you play larki...  And no mention of other games in this pub! ;)  Take care
*eyes widen.
umm ok but i was just sayin. lol. btw r there any hot guys here?
Ok thats def not allowed!  Its not that kind of chat.. or thread for that matter!  Now get out!  Bouncer take care of her pls.
lol. i was just kiddin. i already have a bf. im sry.
well then ill just leave if pyratic is gonna be a little snobby. cya guys. thnx for the drinks.take care.
*Comes back after a long weekend at the family's house*

Whew.. Bartender I NEED a drink! 

A few dble shots of tequila please!

*pulls a bar stool up to the bar and sits down*

*watches the bartender line up the drinks on the bar*

*downs the first two... orders a margarita and turns to watch the rest of the bar*

Gets up from eating*

Come on pyra that was some good food you made but now duty calls:(

*Takes BWG out side the bar, and says "come back when you know the rules!!"

Goes back to finishing bread w/ sausage.When finsihed....

Now for 
Lusha only
 :p..."Picken Wildflowers":D:D
Hope you like it.:)

Wooohooo M Thanks:D

Ladies choice dance;)

And Braves promised me a dance I believe:D
*sigh* gotta be country huh :(    but hey its with lusha what could be better:D

* takes a shot of kahula white russian, and takes lusha to the dance floor *  watch these moves ;)
braves dancing disaster ingredients:

1. Intoxicated youth.

2. Intoxicated youth thinking they can dance.

3. No medical officials on the scene.

4. Set to 350º, sit back, and watch hilarity ensue. :D
Umm #3 is incorrent... I'm an incoharrent medical person... ;)  FF1 training has EMS training in it too ;) hehe

*waits for kittin to drag him to the dance floor*
Lmao Raven! 

*Looks over at the cute Fireman*

Hey baby ;) wanna dance? ;)

*leads Pyra out onto the dance floor*

*thinks* Lilmey is a good DJ :D

ooo dancin i love that... hey lil play smtn wild:p..its 2 early for the table dancin tho<looks at braves....lol
<starts dancin next to her friends...anyone wanna dance with me?:D
Ok how about one of my favorites?

Honkey Tonk Badonkadonk

Then hows....

Play something country.

This is for everyone in the group. A toast to you all:D

And ty kitty..do i get a tip?:D
Heres a tip M: Don't take candy from strangers.

*Hands M a shiny new gold dollar*
*stops drumming to take a drink of the KD an looks around* 
You mean BWG wasn't a Larkinor Quest player? Geesh!! We starting to get Gate crashers? :S
Yeah I am a bit famished and a lot thirsty.
*downs the last gulp of KD in that fifth*
Hey Pyratic toss me another of them fifths from my case there! Still thought it was a BYO bar.

Jaird :D
*Dances happily with Kittin and wonders if shed mind givin him up for a dance with Jess*

*tosses Jaird another from his case and points to the "Unlimited Alcohol Sign"*

Lil sure does know some good songs to play :D

How about we put on Garth?  Two Pina Coladas ;)

*Goes back to dancin with Kittin*
Naw I don't mind Pyra :) 

*Heads over to Lilmey draggs him out on the dance floor*

Someone else can watch the tunes for a bit, you need to have some fun too! ;)

*Dances with Lilmey beside Pyra an Jess*

Bartender! Another round please!
we don't gotta change partners do we? *dances closer to lusha* 
since lilm is busy raven your the new dj, play something nice and slow 

dont even try cutting in boys ;)

Yeah...Real slow...and can someone dim the lights a bit?

hm  a real DJ huh? ;\ I control the fate of this pub.
But yeah I'll put some Marylin Manson on really slow- I bet the kids will like it. 
*dims lights whilst the dancers get accustomed to the creepy music*
:| I have recently been informed by a very reliable source that lusha doesn't take too kindly to marylin manson. (for those of you who know he just got married :p)*puts on some..erm.... what do you guys like? Oh, well.
;\ Puts on some country since I know braves will like that :D
*shuts the music off as his ponders weither or not to throw raven out*
country huh bad dj :p

who wants to be dj ?:(
*kicks out digging* plays some stairway to heaven..hope ya like that lusha :D::D
that's much better:D Blows a kiss to the DJ;)

Ah its a cheek-seeker! *evasive action* :p
Srry kitty just dont feel like dancing today...maybe another time.

Move over  Raven:p

*Gets back into the music*:)

lilmey...the DJ;\
:O! *cracks M with a newspaper* *THWACK*  I was named DJ here..plsu lusha likes stairway to heaven. ;\
*takes a look around and wonders why all the crazy changes in music...*

*goes up to hit laptop and sets a playlist of solid country and light rock mix*

No need for a DJ now... ;)

*Dances around with Jess and wonders why LilM didnt wanna dance with Kittin :(*

Throws up "Id do anything for love (but i wont do that) - Meatloaf"
wow if you need some music you coulda called me....

anyways looks like pyra got it under control will just have to bring earmuffs and drink with them on ;)

could you throw some motown in there every now and again...i dont care if i am the only one dancing to it, would be worth it...lol :)

oh yeah another round for the house
Ok I ran home and put on my new red dress.  
DJ could you play "Lady in Red"?
I'd like a nice slow dance with the first voulenteer.
(feeling a little neglected, figured this dress would get noticed)
would you do me the honor of dancing with me smurf...

*hands smurf a long stem rose*  ;)

*brushes off his shoulders and gives his collar a flick*  LOL
*Decides since Lilmey isn't in the mood that she'll just sit this one out an have another drink*

*plopps down in a vacant booth an orders a White Russian*

Oh an Mix it strong would ya Bartender?!

*Leans back an watches the crowd... glad the music has stableized*
* sees kitty alone and walks over and asks her to dance with him*

* her bertender ill take a margarita 2 olives please :)*
lol pyro ur a good dancer.....hehe
and the music is good tnx to all the djs
<orders tequila for everyone.....hehe u know jag is payin]:)  .....i want to make a tost for V's health!cheers and hope you will get better soon!
*guzzles a gallon of joses finest* mmm thats good
LOL.. Thanks B :D

*Heads out onto the Dance floor with B*

(hope Racy don't mind)

No prob Kit;)

Guess I sit this one out:(
*takes Jess on one shoulder and Racey on the other*

Lets dance some ladies ;)
naa i can take two of ya :D  since theres really two of me right slipknot :p
wait...now i'm confused...who am i dancing with?:s
your dancing with me lusha :D, hands kitty off to D we can dance later;)

takes lusha to the dance floor, time to have some fun :p
Mwahahahaha *slips in a marylin manson CD while DJ ain't lookin'* ... wait, I'm the Dj..
*walks up and removes Gen's DJ privligaes permanantly*

*goes to his bar stool not to be disturbed and site with Jag*
Am I still here?? Musta feel asleep in the private booth with little boo...

Sure B i'll take kitty off your hands, they seem rather busy with racy's stuck zipper - use my private booth with tinted windows.
Hm..well I'm the DJ no longer..but while I'm here, I'm gonna order a 200k silver glass of soda :D
peeks in then goes  back out to Rob Steal and kill some more
hiya D....wondered where you been

musta been on a binge in the bar huh ;) new job must be really workin you....well see you runnin around larki sometime...

oh yeah bartender....i would like to buy my man D here a drink whatever he wants on me :)
POW!! WHAM!! *Hits raven with ballast and knocks him out*

Dont touch me raven...again.

Demon i believe i owe her a dance.;)

*Knocks on glass and asks for kitty* 

Plays    *Bless the broken road* 
For kitty

Then     *Get a little mud on the tires*:D

After that then your light rock for a while.

P.S. Im hungry...whats to eat?:p
how about fryed raven sound good enough lilm?:p
I'm surrounded by drunk cannibals! :O *runs for the door*
Oh and kitty i might not be able to dance well with one hand.:S

Come here raven, come here boy.
<goes to sit next to pyro n jag -hey boys -cheers!:D...hm hey jag i didnt see u on the dancefloor..wanna dance?]:)...<takes him to the danceflour without waiting for an answer..hey lil play smtn wild!:p
*scrambles through the doggy door...eww I put my hand on something the dog left here* 
:O I didn't realize that word was bleeped. ok then call it the 'dog door' instead... (it doesnt like dog with the 'gy' at the end.
Im on break with kitty....ask the laptop;\
Thanks for the Dance Lilmey :) 

an don't worry bout ur arm, ur doing great! :D

*whips out her Cell phone an orders Pizza for all*

Hey Jaga.. u mind payen for that when it gets here?

;-) at Jess sitten next to Jaga an Pyra *cheers* MJM! 
*turns around on his barstool and looks at the mess*

Raven! Now you better get back to janitor duty before i feed ya to Ralphy...!

*turns back around, stares at the bartender and orders 23 shots*
*turns to Jag and tells him to order 23 shots and lets go!*

*waits as the shots are poured, toasts Jag and away we go!*
*slams down #1 and goes for #2...*
*Finishes up her Dance w/ Lilmey an heads over to the bar and pulls up a stool next to Pyra*

Bartender! A few Lemon Drops over here please!

*wonders y Pyra isn't in Chat today?*
Jag does not dance, but will happily tip a toast to all that are.

Pyra...lets just drink.  Darn...where did I put that glass?  Just go right from the bottle I guess..
what?u dont want to dance with me?:'(
fine then:p....<goes to her corner with a bottle of tequila...
*grabs jess by the arm*

here we go since jag dont wanna shake a leg then i will....oh and some tequila...i'm in heaven....
dancing and tequila what else is better lol

i hear the non-alcohal drinkers have to bring food :p prya...so .. heres a pumpkin pie :D but i get the first half..
*turns around slowly*

One Pie???

Ralphy, get em!
*walks in* howdy:D im new member of the group, so first off... *takes a small slice of jbs pie and takes a seat* ugh dancing? havent done that in years;). 
heres 5 more... glances nervously at the dog...
I didn't make that mess pyro...:( it was Ralph. 

*takes 2 of jb's pies...sees the dog of questionable breed in the corner and decides to give him some...*
*hands Ralphy some freshly cooked steak and refills his alcohol bowl*

Now when that settles some, Sick em' boy!
im not afraid of a drunk dog! :p
hehe tnx aaro ur a great dancer:)
mm pie all that dancin made me hungry..tnx to u 2 joe:p
*Notices that the bar has installed some really nice gardens outback along with a new coy pond*

(since they are just rake'n in the cash lately)

*goes out back to stroll through the gardens a bit an watch the fish*

Hey Lilmey.. make sure u have the music loud enough i can hear it ouside ok?

*Takes a Cosmo for the road*

Have you every heard...

 makes her cloths fall off
" ;\

*Careful jess.....*

This is my next one:p

And dont worry kitty...ill put it max volume.:p

*Wishs dance could have lasted longer*:(

Then its back to my corner and drinking after this....laptop takes over then.
I was so thinking of that same exact song...

Kittin, there is an oudoor speaker setup installed ;)

Rule #??  No fishing or removing the Coy and other fish in any way shape or form!

*thinks of installing an electric Ralphy fence*
*wonders what we should buy next*

Send me some ideas and we will take a vote on it...
Any of the mods want anything special for the bar? :)
Pyratic...there is only one person you should have a private booth with....
*Grabs another Cosmo from the outdoor waiter*

*finds a bench in an nice secluded spot by the pond*

*Sits to enjoy the scenery and the fresh air*

Hey Lilmey, 
Would you play 
You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone
 by Brooks & Dunn for me?  
And dedicate it to Pyra would ya?

*Asks the Bartender for a Dble shot of JD*

Cheers Pixie! Enjoy!
I'm new around here...but I'd kindly ask Kittin_101 not to dedicate any songs to my boyfriend.  I'd appreciate that...it'll be easier for me to make friends around here and enjoy this game...
Don't worry Pixie. I won't be dedicating nuthin else to Pyra.

But don't expect a real warm welcome

Enjoy ur game.
Kittin I don't understand why I wouldn't expect a warm welcome? 
<goes to sit next to kitty and gives her a big hug...
<shares the rest of her tequila with her...:)
.........................hehe lil nice song:p 
*Hugs Jess Back* 

Ty Jess, I needed a hug :(

*Orders them both a Large Cosmo*

*Cheers! MJM* ]:)
Sorry Jess, I reall do not dance.  But will be happy to drink with ya.

Go on Jess... Go drink w/ Jaga.

I'll be alright ;)

I'm Tuff.. rem?

]:) MJM
Welcome Pixie.
Would it be redundant to buy some video games for the bar?
rough day, instead of water i think ill have some hardcore applejuice today... :D
actually i had a real good day :)
Been out a while........

Gimme Jagg's credit card...... :D
Applejuice? bleh, I moved up so sodapop like 2 days ago jb ;) lightweight. :D
Ask the laptop.....not me i done for a while...arm hurts.

*goes outside and starts to walk in one direction...need to be alone for a while*

And starts humming....

Who you'd be today
Hm M needs to be alone...
*Builds a wall of Lincoln Logs to seperate lilm from crowd*
There ya go, hope it helps M ;) :D
Everybody alll of a sudden wants to be alone....hmmm

*gives kitty special flask* there you go ;)

well guess i will go be by myself today too...lol 
*goes to his corner with half gallon of tequila* ]:)
:D Ty AA ! 

I will put it to good use!

*Feels special now that she got the "Special Flask"* 

*Looks around, Takes a shot of JD and hugs Pixie tight*

*points at the new Bar Video Games and also the recipt showing Jag ordered 6 80" Plasmas and a few video game systems and games*

*changes the laptop to "Garth Brooks - Standing Outside the Fire"*
*Pouts @ Pyratic...where's my shot? teehee.*
*takes kitty by the hand* lets go bust a move....;)

still dont know what song you like though...lol
*takes a shot of tequila* mmm good flask..
:D @ AA 

How bout "10 rounds of Jose Cuarvo"? 

*Heads out onto the Dance floor w/ AA*

*Hits the Remote button for the Laptop so it starts to play*
*laces up his gator dancin shoes*

ready to dance till the soles wear off...lmao ;)

or till i cant stand anymore
alone?no i dont want to be alone.....
<goes to sit next to jag...hey there]:) so what are we drinkin?....hehe lets start with some tequla...cheers jag!:D
sodapop is WAY too strong for me gen.. guess ur just better than me ;\
Bartender, pour me something strong

oooh! oooh! I know :) lusha how about some gin and essence de' mustard seed? My great Uncle Arty poured some of that stuff together once and gave me a sip :(..I'm still recovering.
I'll try anything about now;) thanks gen
*walks in carrying a 15 ft live xmas tree and begins to set it up*

*places lights, garland, tinsel, and lil name tags all over*

*also puts a sign up for ralph, "Do Not GO on or NEAR the tree or you will be fixed" ;)*

*passes out shots for all and toasts to free drinks from the 23rd of december through the first of january*
Gen and jb156 I have something just for us, and it will go well while we watch the tree being decorated.
My grocery store just had Apple Juice, buy one get on free.  I bought bunch!  I am going to heat them up, add some spices, and we can have some Hot Wassil or Hot Cider or what ever you want to call it.  I dragged Luna with me too 'cause she doesn't drink either.
LD, would you mind sharing some of the apple cider with me too please? :)
*Lines up behind Jason for some Yummy Apple Cider*

*Adds a lil bit of Extra Sumtin to it when she gets back to her booth*

:D Merry Christmas Ya'll :D

*thinks hey.. thats a good song too* ;)
*lines up for some Hot Apple Cider too*

Drat i was just at the store this morning and it didnt even dawn on me to buy some... hrmm...

*Goes back to decorateing the tree*

*Hands Ralphy the star for the top of the tree and he can stand higher on his hind leggs than i can*
Hm I wonder if I'd be fixed for touching the tree. :O
lol cuz I wouldn't if I were you Ralph :p
moves fake wall into place concealing pong scoops out all the fish has a quick bear type dinner the moves wall back to where he hid it before and climbs over back wall and outta club
*climbs up tree to place the star*

*falls out of tree cuz he can't climb down*

ooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww!  that smarts!

KA-CHING!  I think I just heard my bonus come in  :D

Barkeep!  Drinks for the house on me

Nice tree......

*Sits at a booth alone.Wonders if kity will join*

....Some white russian would be nice
*finds a seat and wonders who's gonna join her tonight*

How about an Irish coffee? 

Cheers Ralph, thanks;)
hehe tnx ralphy 
hope that fall didnt hurt much:p
<goes to sit in a cosy sofa lookin at the christam tree....ah christmas......
Ralph, I sugest a soak in the hot tub for those bruises you incured.
*Goes over to Lilmeys Laptop and Puts on a selection of Country Christmas tunes*

*Puts Presents under the tree for everyone, w/ tags on that say "Do Not Open til Christmas- signed MoleKat"

*Slides into the booth next to Lilmey, an hands him a drink*

Merry Christmas Lilmey ;) 

Hey Racey Come over here an sit w/ us!
*Dims lights ,shuts the tinted doors on booth*

Merry christmas to you too kittin.:)
Hmmm...decided to join kittin and LilM for a bit. Can't let people get any ideas, I'll Chaperone:D

Do I get wine too?:p
Hiya Racey :D

You know ur always welcome ]:)

*hands Racey some Spiced wine*

Try it, U will like!
*soles wear off shoes*

well that is it for my dancin....lol
time to start drinking again,mmmmmm ;)

*goes off to booth with gallon of Jose Cuarvo* ]:)
this could get interesting
<goes to sit next to aaro hehe just look at those 3 over there hehe they sure are havin fun:Dlol
*lets lusha in*

Man just when it was gettin good;\

*HonkeyTink Christmas*:D

Happy new year too;)
LOL Lilmey...

Shouldn't that be... "Honkey Tonk Christmas"?

*applauds Ralphy for his good work and gives him a ticket to the puppy day spa for a week*

*fills ralphys food dish with only the best meat and his alcohol dish with his favorite*

*downs a few shots then goes to play "Jingle Bell Rock" on the laptop*
Hello everyone, 

just thought I would stop in beacuse i had heard so much about this place.  Nice little party going on.  I am not a drinker but the cider looks good and and I will dance with anyone that is willing.

And I would be happy to escort anyone home that has had just the right amount to drink, because we all know that is no such thing as "Too Much".

Happy holidays everyone

Hi Pat!!!
:D Welcome!

*Waits for Pyra's song to get over and then puts on a Country Christmas album*

*Drags Pat out onto the dance floor!* 

Come on :D Let's show these City folk how real Cowpokes boogey ;)
Ok Kitten give him up!  Being a Mod most guys are intimidated and don't offer to dance with me so I guess I just have to commendere them.  Sad but if I want to get some exercise guess I have to force them but P. offered to dance with anyone.
Wow that last batch of Hot Cider really went fast!  I didn't expect that.  Mixing up a double batch of Straight Hot Cider and spices for my good friend Maybien.   He deserves a special treat!
wow that took forever to get through all those posts....

::cautiosly peeks into the bar :: wonder if anyone would strike me dead for ordering a diet pepsi ;\
heya Draco...good to see you found us! *Barkeep...get the lady a diet pepsi on Jaga's tab:D* 

Pull up a seat and stay a while;)
*walks in with a bag full of gifts and places them under the tree*

*Also takes out a new set of gold plated shot glasses with all the regular's names engraved*

Be carefull those are triple shot glasses ;) Enjoy!
Kittin, LD, 

no need to worry. if you can half-time I can take you both out on the floor at the same time...but if you work me to hard, we may need to spend a little time in the hot tub ;-)

Whooo Hoo Pat!

You betcha I can ;)

And I'll hold ya too that hot tub trip :D

Just make sure you leave the boots on the side ok?  

Hats alright, we'll try not to get that wet ;) 

It'll look great w/ the speedo's ]:) don't wanna ruin your image!
sounds good to me...it has taken several years of work to look this bad in a speedo. LOL

btw the cider is great LD (my favorite)...keep it coming
:: pulls up a chair near lusha:: how yall doin? ::watches pat and kittin on the dance floor:: i gotta learn how to do that
Peeks in as panthers consortium continues ummm gaurdin?? peoples homes and sees Draco over hearing her remark glides over lifts her up holdes her up off the floor dances one song with her sets her back down and slides back out the door
Pops in - looks round for his dance....any takers?
So, D, do you dance with old ladies?
I prefer experienced partners Smurf -- care to go for a turn  on the dance floor?
*Watches Bob and Smurf dance'n * awww.. How Cute ;)

*Leaves Pat Dancin w/ LD*

Now don't get too wore out there Pat, I want another dance after this one!

*Goes over an Drags D out onto the dance floor*

Come on D ;) Think u can keep up?
You may not know this but as a former bar manager I still have many contacts for the bands that used to play at my place.  

I have commissioned one of them to come play a Christmas concert for us here.  So 12/24  be sure to come down and drinka/rocka Christmas Eve.

Didnt see that typo there....Honkeytink...dont know what i was thinkin...speaking of which that sounds like a good song:D

*What was i thinking*
*smiles over to Jag*

Thanks buddy! Cheers! *holds up a toast*

Pixie and i will try to stop in over the holidays but we will be heading home to NJ today and be returning sometime sunday.  Take care all, have a safe and happy holiday!

Hope everyone's holidays are wonderful :)  Take care and be safe!
HOL opens the door and trys to pull a huge, open box through the door.  Ralph pushes from the outside.  The little dog is a good climber (amazingly) but not much help pushing.  Jaird approaches the box and with one big pull it pops into the room as if the sides were greased with Rat Fat!
"Ok everyone this is a box to contribute Toys for Tots".  Hol drops in a Talking Elmo and a toy pull train.  "Everyone contribute!  Next year I will bring it sooner and then try to match the toy you bring to a RL one for Toys for Tots.  This year the toys will go to the poor children of T.A."
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanakah and all the rest.
I don't know.......do you think this stuffed Pikapu in inappropriate?
*drops in some brain-teaser books and pencils to let the kids have fun while learning too*
merry christmas to all in the pub here... i'll likely be on very little over the holidays, since i've got so much to do.  have a great holiday season everyone.
*grabs a coke for the road*
* tosses in some brand new hockey jersey * hope they keep them warm :p

merry xmas to all the larki people in the pub :)
oh evrything is beautifull...with all the xmas decorations and the xmas tree....and all my friends are here hehe cheers gang!i liv u all!:)
merry christmas!
Well christmas is over and time to drink....

One of the customers counts loudly on the counter, and then shouts: "I invite everyone to a beer!" - What a nice guy!(Me):)

Next ones are on me;)


*5 o'clock some where*

Hey Gen why dont you play the part of Jimmy Buffet? and ill do Alan Jackson:D
*tosses down a shot of whiskey*

Ok...I wanna dance:D any of you guys up for it?;)

*walks in after a long, yet very happy mini-vacation and sits down on his stool and orders a triple round of JD for all*

Happy Holidays, and meet me here for a New Years Toast if possible.

*looks around and taps his foot to the music*

Great song!  Lets put on some "Stays in Mexico - Toby Keith" and lets not forget "Whiskey Girl - Toby Keith"
Naaa....it not Mexico here Pyra........how about 

*Whiskey lulaby*

Then...my fav...*Boondocks*:D
The entire Panther consortium stops by for a quick refil all that hardwork needs some liquid to lubricate the internal workings. Waits until present songs play out then commands a four pack musik blast to play so he can feel more at home. All the speakers in the  club blast out Run Through The Jungle (CCR) , Copperhead Road (Steve Earle) , Desparado (Eagles) and finally Bad Company (Bad Company). As the last of the songs ends they Consortium gets up and marches back out into the war.
It may not be Mexico, but its sure a party 24/7 in here ;)

Nice songlist Bear, have a few on me!

*Downs a few shots and orders a bunch more*

*Hangs a sign*  "All drinks, food orders and rentals are free from 12/29 to 01/03"  Happy Holidays, leave your weapons at the door!

"Redneck Yaht Club"  Enjoy!
Ouch! My aching back! Marine corps 'Toys For Tots" Program still going strong! Large Box Indeed! 

*Goes and Grabs another fifth of KD and sits down to ease the back pain, puts his feet up on the chair in front of him*

Friends, Enemies? Eh! Who gives a Rats tail?

*slipped a Lincoln Log set into the box as he dragged it in*

*Puts in some dwarf picaxes.....mini size*

*Downs some tequila*

Anyone want to suggest songs?While i wait...

*Anything but mine*-Kenny Chesney
HOL saunters in to the bar wearing a red leather jumpsuit, (the tight fit allows easy entry into half open windows).  Makes Nuke Boy and Ralph carry in two cases for her.  
"I have an announcment".  Music stops, you can hear a pin drop.
"I am now the #3 Robber in all of Larki.  Champagne or Sparkling Cider for everyone!"  Ralph opens one case and Nuke Boy the other and passes them out to all Larkinarians.
"Now I can only see the backsides of Procrustes and Cinder.  I must say it is some sight"
Happy New Year's Everyone!!

*passes out champagne to all*

Best wishes and lots of luck for the new year :)
I have found the perfect toy for all the little girls of Larki.  I brought a dozen 12 inch Uneartly Vamp Dolls, complete with 20 piece fashion wardrobe.
Holidays have passed time to drink:D:D......

*When the sun goes down*
When have holiday's ment to STOP drinking???  Your nuts to think you have to stop for the holiday's... They mean drink even more then normal to me... :D

*passes out shot glasses and wind glasses, etched with thier names, to all*

I just thought I would stop by to get a 

*orders a half gallon of Bombay Saphire Gin with some OJ*

mmmm mmmm mmmm good.... better than campbells soup. lol
*Boo walks in to say hi to all her friends.

Can someone grab me a Coke? I think I'd like to have some fun on the dance floor...always works up my thirst.

Somebody start up the music and then get out here and dance folks!

*Walks out and waits for the music....
Slides out on floor next to Boo and smiles can I have this dance MyLady andthenext20Orso2. lol
Why certainly sir...it would be my pleasure to dance with you:-)

Hey DJ...start the music...a slow song to start off....
slow song huh, pefect time to learn how to dance hon:p  * walks over to lusha, may i have this dance pretty lady *
Tosses Dj a cd songs 3 and 5 are good start (Slow Dancing and Afternoon Delight)
* walks out and cuts in on boo and bear, hold the drinks would ya bear ;) * nice slow song with boo sounds fun 
Balances the cups on braves shoulders as he starts to move says umm nope you hold your stuff
I think I like this place...good company, good music, great dancers....and plenty of men to go around. lol

*enjoys some dancin with braves
while Bear and Braves talk werepanther whirls boo away to quieter corner of dance floor
uh oh...a fight?...there's enough of me to go around boys
ok were you can have this dance, ill get the next one ;)      any ladies out there want to dance?
*slips in the side door....

drops an Irish whiskey up to the DJ, along with a plain covered CD....play song 9 my friend ;)

The final strains of Were's request ebb away, and Braves is quickly nudged back in Lushas direction.

"Hey Boo, I heard a rumour that you have rhythm...care to prove it?"

" I brought the Dirty Dancing CD, ya feel up to it?" ;)
Are ya kidding Cinder?  That's second nature to me...just try and keep up with my moves.  I'm sure you'll find it fun at the very least.

*Grabs his hand and starts dancin when the music starts
*draws a 6ft chalk circle around Boo and himself....."no cut-in-sies for the next three songs...anyone attempting to do so will be robbed:p"

*Wonders if he can keep up with Boo for three songs - shes-a-moving!

Hmmm....I heard music and had to come check it out...

I know, I'm late...but i found my dancin shoes:D

Sooo...who's first?
Take your pick Lusha...except Cinder, he's mine for now... these poor boys need more women to dance with, so you shouldn't be lacking for a partner.:-)
While c is busy erases line and makes it 3 1/2'
For now???

Theres a few things I can do all night...and dancings one of them Boo..so hope youre ready for a loooooooooooooooong night!
Awaits his turn with Boo like a gentleman randomly peekin in packs the meanwhile
*surveys the room briefly*

Ah, There he is...Hey Braves, how about a dance lesson now?;)
sure just step into my private lessons booth and ill teach you some good moves ;)
lol...hope you're up for this;)

*follows him in the booth and shuts the door*
* runs and grabs some wine coolers and beer then goes back to the booth shuts the door and puts a "do not disturb lessons in progress" sign on the door *
LOL oh my...i get to drink before i try dancing? is this a good thing or a bad thing?:D

well, at least i'm pretty sure it's gonna be a fun thing;)
That will at least make it interesting....well I made it through a long hard night of dancin...how you holdin up there Cinder?
*looks back from his barstool at all the dancin*

*downs a few shots and grabs Pixie out to the floor*

No cut-ins or ill flag ya ;)

*Begins to dance the day away with Pixie on the floor*

Keep the music comin DJ!  *requests Cotton Eyed Jack*
Ok guys, HOL is here!  Who could possibly need more.  A nice slow one with Panther, Fast one with Cinder, Country one with Jaird, a little Hip Hop with Lil.
Going strong yet......what next?
Aa offerd to dance with me before and I have to say he is quite light on his feet and a real gentleman.  Perfect for a Lady.
How about another on Aa?
Yes my lady...:)

*laces up his gator dancing shoes*

Ready or not here I come....
I was thinking, since Veriac and I are the best mods on FOD (lol little pat on the back here) I think we should lead off a dance for everyone.
However, knowing him the way I do, could I have two voulenteers to chaperone?  I'd like to mantain my rep as a lady!
Alright boys...LD needs your help for this spotlight dance of sorts.

I wanna see some enthusiastic volunteers :-)
 The Drunk and Drunken Master would like to join. (As a treat they bring tequila)
*walks over the the juke (on 4 legs cuz he's tired) and drops a quarter in

*presses O18 - Happy Birthday

*lifts his glass and says...

Happy Birthday to Boo!  Here Here!
Had to stop in and tip a toast to the girl finally legal age to drink in here...To BOO!
heres the song playing and pops his head outta the room and says "HAPPY BDAY BOO" would you like a special bday dance as your pressie?;)
I'd get a bar of drunks singing Happy Birthday and dancing just for Boo on his birthday
*Slides up to Boo, cuts in, and dances her over to panthers circle....

6' folks, keep it 6 foot!


lol ralphie...panther cut it to 3 1/2 feet when cinder wasn't looking

...but you're welcome to dance in there with me for awhile...just keep close so ya don't step out
 The big drunk giant Twinkie feels left out
Oh, and boys...thanks for the lovely toast.  

I'm sure I'll have a great b-day thanks to all the awesome guys around here in Larki...
 Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Boo. Happy Birthday to you! You smell like a monkey and you look like one to
Whooo Hooo I think Twinkie just started up the Kareokee Machine with that last chorus of Happy Birthday.
(Grabbing the mike)  Happy Birthday too you......
*drags Twinkie out to the alley

Boo ain't no monkey!

*proceedes to bite his legs off

Be nice or you'll have the Panther consortium on ya too!

*spits out chunks and goes back inside
 I've had worst! ( Resorts to cannibalism of a twenty-four pack of Twinkies with each twinkie a little bit grows back)
I realize that is just part of the song some CHILDREN sing but Twinkie I think you owe Boo an apology.  I have meet her and her daughter in person and belive me NO monkey.  Cute even!
Happy Birthday Boo! and many many more!
Happy birthday boo:) have a good day and all:p free drink on me:p ur choice
 I am sorry please don't hold anything against me!
Happy Birthday Boo!!!!!

*orders a round for Boo*

Drink up girly and enjoy your day :)
I certainly enjoy birthdays because there's a lot of drinks being bought for everybody and I don't have to pay!
Your Warning was 2Late Mr Ralphie the Consortium hunts him as we speak. Nice of you to try though. Is Preparing to rebake the twinkie in a never ending roller oven.
I hope You had a great Birthday!!  

Lifts her glass in a toast ... "To Boo... and another great year in Larki!"

Smiles,  :D :D :D

(The shortest, but most 
 post, yet!)  ;) 
*walks in after a hard weekend*

Happy B-day Boo!  Sorry its late... Better late then never tho ;)

*ponders on banning Twinkie from the bar*

*passes out a round of shots to all to celebrate Boo's B-day!*
*raises drink* i would like to propose a toast.....

we are toasting for ahh....hmmm.....ummm.....

well we can toast cuz its 
January 10th

I have no idea why but I'll drink to that :)
*raises his glass up*

I'll drink to that as well!

Gonna be a big party a week from today... Get your dancin shoes, shot glasses and smiles ready to celebrate~!

Ill tell ya more about it next tuesday!

might as well be the day after also...will be my birthday... :)
throws a snowball at pyratics face*  hey pyra! if u think ur too cool and all, meet me in a game of tanx or pool. 

Again stop posting in this forum unless you either A) Play larki, or B) have something larki related to say.

I will not challenge you to a game of Tanx or Pool as i do not play either of them.

Thanks but leave our bar!

I accept your challenge bloodywatergrl....let me know a time and place   bo5 sound good to you?
no demon i dont want u. I want PYRATIC. i called on him and i will only take his answer. ive heard all about him from some players in tanx and pool and some of them have a grudge. so pyratic, im askin u again. 
OK Bloody, you got a problem with pyra because some other people have a grudge? well I'm beginning to have a problem with you. How about if I challenge you to a larki battle? You're intentionally trying to pick a fight with someone who doesn't want to fight. Grow up and stop being so childish.

Unless you're prepared to Accept a challenge, don't make one.

NOW I wish there was a forum mute button. Some people don't need to be heard.
OK, before I have to bring in the Black City Guards, lets stop this now.  The atmosphere in this bar has deteriorated.  Stop the insults and challanges from both Larki and Non Larki players.
bloodywatergrl...if you don't know Pyratic or have a particular issue with him then what's the point of starting fights?  If others have a problem then they should be mature enough to handle it themselves...

...just my humble opinion...

*Round of shots for the regulars*
Ok another round of birthday drinks for all.  It is Penny's Birthday today and I dragged her in with me, so lets hear some toasts.
(don't we just love birthdays!)
To Penny, one of the sweetest Larki Players, Happy Birthday.
Thank you Smurf for the good wishes,  I'm not much of a drinker but since it's such a special occasion I'll have a vodka and orange
Happy Birthday Penny!!

*bakes a few cakes to spread around the bar*

Enjoy all!
Happy Birthday Penny!  Glad to hear you're in the January birthday club.

*whispers about a certain someone's b-day appearing soon in a bar near you....

Ill give you one more statment! I PLAY ONLY LARKI FROM FoD!  If you have a problem with me then start playing larki, raise your fight here, and get a demerit or ban since your being a PEST.  I will not accept your challange!

Thanks D for steping in but its not needed.  She/He/It will get whats coming to her from FoD Mod's as soon as she THREATENS me again.

Happy B-Day Penny!

*passes a round of shots out and a specialty drink for Penny*


Lets the good time's Roll!
*walks in and brushes off dust on tequila and bombay saphire bottle*

quiet in here lately...

*goes to booth and quietly drinks a few shots* 
*Walks in with a worried look on his face*

Well everyone... Today is the day... For my RL job, we are going IDU (Interm Daily Use) on the system ive been working so hard on.  That means that BOS gets a new meetering program, i start my 24/7 on call shifts and i get to breathe easier. It may not mean much to ya'll but its alot less stress on me and hopefully i can get back to playing larki more and in chat once again!

*Passes out triple shots to all*
"Here's to another thing checked off the list!"

 Best of luck today Pyr, you worked hard, time to see it all pay off;)

Cheers, hope all goes well:D
*passes out shot to all*

Its my b-day tomorrow and i dont know if i will be in or not so just wanted to share a shot with all today

cheers :)

Happy Birthday Aa.
Where did that Kareokee Machine go?
*unchains doors* 

I once heard that this was a happening pub in larki...;)

must have been ages ago...  *pours drink from dusty bottle of tequila and sits in the dark of the pub by himself*
*joins aa at the bar, pours himself a shot of vodka*

ya back in my day this was a "hip" bar, ah the memorys....
*turns the music on and grabs a bottle of wine*

Hey guys!  Lets go kidnap Pyra from work...
ok :D letme make sure i got all the stuff we need...3 masks check...3 black uniforms check... rope check...JD check...man power to pull him away from his comp? umm...
Braves...you've got the basics...leave distracting him to me ;) hehe

Off for a kidnapping quest....
i think ill wait outside his work... just call me when your done distracting him...well that JD will come in use after all :D
lol yeah well the pub is seeing a few of the members that used to inhabit its walls.... :d

lets see who else remembers how to shake a leg...

* plugs in juke box*...nothing but oldies
*updates song selections* there we go ill be on the dance floor and you 2 go get pyra lol :)
*Walks up to the bar, sits on his personal bar stool and orders a bottle of JD and his shot glass*

*Looks around and wonders what the three of them are whispering about*

*Pours a shot for the "In case of emergency" box and closes it*

*Posts a sign outside*
"Due to the mishaps of communication and the unwanted visitor's that used to inhabit the bar, we had to close.  Pyro~Jag Bar is repoened as of today!  Please enjoy yourself and help to remove some of the unwated filth in Larki"

Shuffles in quietly, goes behind bar and loads up a box with brandy. Goes to corner and starts makin pitchers of mix to add to tea for hot todies to help him through his illness. Attaches a Mr.Tea to a long power strip and sets out huge box full different types of tea's sets pitcher of honey on table. Now that all is ready he makes first pitcher of tea and drinks first drink. Gets up and assembles some vip rope barriers puts them around the booth and hangs sign supposed to be non-contagious but enter at own risk.
Slips quietly in the door (the only way a robber can come in), slides over to Bear, brings him a little hot tea (doctored up a little, excuse the pun), makes sympathatic noises, and rubs Bears chest with Vick's.
Walks in and drinks his life away. Remembering his operation he makes arrangements to have him taken to his condo after he has drank himself unconsious.

    The loneliest and operated on,
Walks in sits down at the bar and orders a french martini and another for whoever sits next to him.
Drinks the drink beside him and plans to get drunk again.
again i stubble upon the old pub that once fluttered with life as larki warriors and mages came in to end their day the right way...with a drink...now it sits in cobwebs and dust.  could it be the conquests in ta have claimed all the lives of the once powerful larkinor conquistadors???  or have the they made a new pub in ta to make up for this one????

either way im sitting down and having a drink...

*gets behind bar adn dusts off liquor* 

its back open under my watchful eye...

-AA [img=
slide us a JD an coke please :)
You serve food here? yes? good. I'll take your finest food stuffed with your second finest food. :D
Hi ya. I saw the lights..if your open for business I'll
have a margarita --on the rocks. Oh yes, I just happen to have a couple of bags of ice with me. And some potato chips. And some salsa dip.  And tortilla chips. And runny cheese dip. And some limes. And a gallon of tequila...

Party Time? :) :) :)
I just made chocolat chunk brownies.  Don't think there is much here to go with them.  Since I pretty much don't drink I wouldn't know.
Is there any milk?
I would be happy to mix up some ice cream mudslides.  I think they would go very well with the brownies.  Or you could just top them with Kahlua. :p

so you serve food.  i'll have a hearty helping of lasagna, with a large glass of coke.  and thanks for the brownie LD.  it'll go great for dessert :)
Finally I'm not the only person in the bar! :D 
Crying with tears of joy,
Since we have had a few ownership changes adn not many new customers i figured i will try to reopen this bar one last time.

First round on me...

I will take a hot coco with mini marshmellows please.
I invite all the non drinkers with frostbite to my booth.
i don't have frostbite (yet) LD... but might get it on the way to my car after work today... can i still head over to your table for a hot chocolate? :p
I'll take a dbl JD on the rocks please:D

glad to see the bar again:)

oh oh oh yay i sooo missed this bar:D get me a cosmo please.

*wanders over to an empty table and checks out the other customers*  ah...always was a nice bar:)
Two double chocolatey hot choco's coming up....double JD for the stranger with hairy feet LOL :p....and a cosmo for me lady....

after the day ive had il take a turkey and sprite ,,,,better yet forget the sprite and make it a double and keep them coming get lusha a cosmo and anyone else what ever they need..
Wanders in and sees everyone enjoying their drinks. 'Well, maybe I'll just have a 
 one.' says she, ignoring 
 New Years Resolution.
Sits down next to Lusha and Floss and orders a rum and coke. Ahhhh.... :)
Nothing like a drink with friends....:)

Walks in, looks around, finds her friends in a booth and climbs in.

"I'll have a hot chocolate with whipped cream on top please."
I have another presentation to do tomorrow so I'll just take a coke.

With a Crown chaser ;-)
needs some hair of the dog after this weekend.  Orders a double of Jameson and settles in at the bar.  Realizes, that unlike nyc bars, this is a smoking bar :)

I know I owe Lusha some shots... it there anyone else who i need to take a shot for?
OOO, it's get Ruppert drunk time...

Always fun...you owe me two for a trip last night.

Splashes the cash and orders champagne for everyone.
;) cheers!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone.
so where's the tunes...it's Valentines day...it's tradition to have a V-day dance isn't it?:D
She's right boys...Who's gonna step up, start some music, and dance with us lovely ladies?

*Looks around expectantly.*
I cannot dance.  God gave me (((_____))) this much coordination.  I use it for more.....important things.
Got my red dress and my red high heels on and waiting..........waiting...........waiting..........
can shake it with the best of them....and i get all the ladies on teh dancefloor to myself.... :):)

mm been a while since i last had a drink here
good to be back :)
<gets her a cosmo finds a table and watches the others dance .. ah just like the old times :)
finishes her cosmo and heads for the dancefloor ..:D
I'll have a dbl Jack on the rocks to help numb this toothache..
Hobbs, I can take care of that toothache.  *holds string attached to tow hook attahced to back of his truck*

C'mon let me at it.
"Its Friday...you dont have no job, you got nothin else to do...im get you Playing Larkinor Craig!"  

Good quote...i had to edit it a bit...five silvers and a free drink to whoever can tell me the movie its from. :)

-AA [img=
AA- the answer is in the qoute.  the movie "Friday".

Sits down at the bar next to AA and orders a double of JD ;)
got answered faster than i thought it would....nice ruppert...*gives him free drink and five silvers*...but being the bartender i do expect a five silver tip :):)

Ok gotta treat for Y'all (notice I have slipped in to an accent).  I got Ralph in the corner with the audio equipment, and he's hookin' up the Karyokee machine.
I put on my same outfit from Valentie's day and I'm gonna sing a little song for y'all.  
Crank it up Ralph!

Well you can watch me walk if you want to, want to 
I’ll bet you want me back now don’t you, don’t you 
I’m about to show you just how missin’ me feels 
In my red high heels 

Hope y'all enjoyed that.
Not bad not bad at all.....*applause*

im being the DD tonite:p but i want some one to come and talk with me :S
*orders a coke for himself and one for artic*

... so how's life treating ya these days?
Oh I'd LOVE a Coke right now.  One so cold you almost get a brain freeze.
how about a nice strong strawberry daquiri :D

hey artic...how long till cable...got a countdown going yet?:p
its all nice and quiet here...i m drinking my cosmo...oh hey hob is here *hands him some of his fav beer cheers hobsy :D:D:D....

i got the feeling this place will be crowded very soon hehe ;)

(proud member of the club) :p
oh and btw i am full of age now so there i can drink ha! :p
Oh to clear the dust from this place:)

 -checks the pipes(no leaks)
 -turns on the jacuzzi
 -dusts off the barstool and booths 
ok time for a 


*grabs the broom and sweeps the floor of peanut shells and dust*
*takes a can of coke from behind the counter and joins hob and jess at the table*
now that you're legal age jess... you can have fun here without worrying whether or not the larki cops will stop by.  have fun.
hehe thank you jason :p that just got you another drink ;)
cmon cmon guys larkis bar is back open again:D
Yeah, bout time I drop back in :)

*pulls up a chair with the boys and girl

Crown OTR for me, as usual.

Lemme call my Bro, see what he's up to...
get to start the wkend 3 hrs early :d:D
 starts with 2 dbl jd straight,kicks back waiting for the fun to begin;)

wonder who this cosmo belongs to :p

You decide that it's time to leave...
The baby phoenix turns to you!
The baby phoenix casts a spell! Lavastream flows towards you! Your enemy has made 233 hitpoints damage to you!
The baby phoenix regenerates! 37 hitpoints healed!
You are done for!!!
You've become conscious at home.
Your magic hull pops. Time to get a new one!

second death (forgot to chair) lost it all :(
   498 anti
    34 whaitis
    45 crowbars
 and antiballast #9 :(:(

oh ya bout 180 diamond nails


musta been those 2 dbls ;)
cosmo cosmo did you say cosmo?!!?!?!? i believe thats mine :p hehe 
cheers everyone :D

~just another cosmo girl ;)~
Had to post this:

Got pulled over lastnight on my bicycle cops says "because I dont have a front light on the bike"
Darn near become his hood ornament because he didnt have his lights on when him and 3 Blazer troopers had 1 guy in a car pulled over theirslights,going kinda blinded me,(not to mention he was around the corner in his cruiser,lights out)asked me if I'd been drinking,had a 1/5 of JD sticking out of my pocket and 2 24oz beers in pocket not to mention the 2 24oz in my bottle holders on bike:).
Told him "not yet"
The hood ornement and pull over happened 5 blocks appart:(

*Walks in and sits down* 

Hello everyone new and old....*buys a round for the house*

just droppin by to say hello and kick back a few with friends. :)
been a bad month(c other post) think I'll stay in the bar for quite awhile.
Gonna sit here and drown my sorrows;
       dbl jd NOT on the rocks and a steele reserve(211)24oz to back it.
....will get over it tho:):)
keep em coming

orders double steelies for hobs and I....anyone else in the mood for some refreshments????
can i have a cosmo ol buddy? :D...<big hugs..missed ya!!!!!!!
*buys a cosmo for Jess*

(F) for jess :)
ty aaro :) cheers and hugs:)
good to see you here again :P
<hands flossy a beer
bar is empty tonight....more drinks for us hehe :p
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