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New (or old) ideas for 2006
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New (or old) ideas for 2006
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New (or old) ideas for 2006
Let's remind FoD what we would like to see changed ;)

Here are my two favourites, please feel free to expand on these or add some more!


Yes, an option to make a Best of Three challenge would be good. For those of you who don't like this, you wouldn't have to accept the challenge.

More Practice Options

It's one thing to play a game by yourself, and another to actually practice shots. It would be nice if two or three features were added:
Replay Shot:
 surely an easy feature to add, will allow us to keep trying until we learn how to achieve the result we are looking for
Edit Mode:
 we can set up situations which we want to try out
Scatter Option:
 just so that we can practice random potting :)
good idea on practice beppe, maybe a easy,medium or hard random placement? :D
i still think us british should have 8 ball uk rules fod if you need the rules i can get them for you let us now if your goin to do it or not!
Different coloured cloth for PC Version.
New PC Version skins - see ..X..'s posts. Would be a great addition.
like ur ideas.. heres mine
ppl shudnt be allowed to use bk spin wen ball is on rail and there shud be the touching ball

nice ideas beepe,espically on practice thing
That's a good one crownhunter. It makes a safety shot against a rail actually become safer, and means that bad positioning is sometimes penalised.
i was wondering,on FOD tournys,instead of doing who got the most ratin after 1/2 hours,why dont they do one like cases,a Knockout,and to limit numbers put a check in,where the first 32 get into the tourny.
hi i am definitely in favour of the british 8 ball rules ..they are way better than the yank version ..they kinda remind me of the shaggy song oh carolina and maybe ive got a lovely pair of coconuts .but on a serious not i really hate the yank version and as soon as it is abolished the sooner i will be able to sleep at night knowing those yanks will be puzzled by our british mind meld which is the uk rules 

thank everyone howdy ho 

remember kids dont put knives in the toaster
BO3 would be nice, yet there are many students who play here as well as employed people who sometimes beyond their control have to leave after 1 game. 

Practice is listed when you sign in. It is designated to teach you the best way to make all shots. Replay shouldn't be allowed in a regular game.  That isn't fair to the other player since most of the game is based on chance.

The edit and scatter mode would be an idea to add to practice area.  

All ideas are welcome, improvements make the game funner I think.  

Thank you Beppe for your suggestions.

sundown i have had 2 petitions both with over 200 replies each and still nothing has been done. it would be very good if you could get in touch with the flyordie team and let them know about the bo3 button.

this is how it would be implemented:

first you click on a person then you click challenge
instead of the "waiting for ........ to take up your challenge" screen appearing, a screen that says bo3 or bo1 would appear and then the person who is being challenged is notified that someone is challenging them and also the format i.e bo3 or bo1
if the person accepts this they would have to play first to 2 which then if a person disconnects they lose points for 2 games and also if a player needs to leave the game they can ask to quit hence a forfeit or draw button.

it would be a great addition this christmas and will result in many people returning to the games
>BO3 would be nice, yet there are many students who play here as well as employed people who sometimes beyond their control have to leave after 1 game.

I fully understand this, which is why people should have the choice. I would imagine that most people are like me, and would prefer to know whether they are playing a single game or BO3. With the nature of the rating system the quickest way to make points is to run if you win or stay if you lose, so the knowledge of what you are playing evens up the odds of the match. It also cuts out dishonesty.
Oh, and thank you for a reply SunDown... :)
o and sun down or any mod....
wat would you say to the touching ball and the comment where i said we shouldnt be able to use back spin when ball is on a cousion or against another ball.

just wanted to know wat ya think
Okay, here's another to consider when making a new PC game:

Include a snooker light practice mode so that we can practice without having to use browser or in full screen.
it'd be nice if fod would just tell us if there doing anything.
Here are a couple more ideas for the PC game:

Enemies List:
 It's possible to highlight buddies, but why not another for people we don't like? If someone runs or plays in a way we don't like, then we just list them as an enemy. They could show in a moody colour and should not be allowed to challenge us.

Full Screen:
 Couple of things here. Firstly there's maximize option at the top of the window, but no easy way to return to normal size without selecting options, removing the check, then clicking okay. I prefer normal mode, but like to switch to look at some shots on the full screen. Secondly, the full screen is low res, it would be nice if that could be increased.

Not serious suggestions, but just small ideas.
Reds and Yellows rather than solids and stripes or "spots and stripes" as in the uk. Would give the game a diffrent character.
How about when you point your cursor at an emoitcon it shows you how to do it. For example like when you point your cursor @ an opponents ball it tells you their skill , well same thing for emo's this would ad less hassel for people actually trying to explain how to do it.

Good for new players 
 Scrolling to be a Punishment of course :d
i think you should be able to talk to someone when they are in a different room or in another game, the same way you whisper to someone, just the whisper works no matter where they are in flyordie. so you just type in their name
/msg"....." and you can speak to them.
wot about replays because sometimes i miss a shot and would like to see it again. and maybe u could be able to save them to your computer
that could be abused though, by people doing replays every shot. why dont you just record what happens on your monitor, you can get a program that does that.
these are all gr8 ideas. but a little 2 many for the fod 2 do in 1 year i think :| mayb we should point out the main 1's needed for 2006 and think of the rest next year.

мaιn мan 
I fully support crownhunter's suggestion re disallowing the use of backspin when the cue ball is against a cushion. With the situation as it is, a well played safety shot will rarely reap the rewards it deserves.
I hope FOD sought out Snooker, e.g You choose the colour your potting,because when opponent is snookered it's annoying.
>I fully support crownhunter's suggestion re disallowing the use of backspin when the cue ball is against a cushion. With the situation as it is, a well played safety shot will rarely reap the rewards it deserves.

I agree 100% with this.
In fact, in real life the amount of power needed to create backspin increases with the distance between the two balls - an 11ft backspin shot would not usually allow the cue to spin back two full table lengths.
PC GAME needs a snooker light practice. Sometimes I want to try in full screen mode, but it's not possible right now.
mmmm, 2 vs 2 game modes. where players on each team have a shot each :p
> Let's remind FoD what we would like to see changed
> ;)
> Here are my two favourites, please feel free to
> expand on these or add some more!

> Yes, an option to make a Best of Three challenge
> would be good. For those of you who don't like this,
> you wouldn't have to accept the challenge.
More Practice Options

> It's one thing to play a game by yourself, and
> another to actually practice shots. It would be nice
> if two or three features were added:
Replay Shot:
 surely an easy feature to add,
> will allow us to keep trying until we learn how to
> achieve the result we are looking for
Edit Mode:
 we can set up situations which we
> want to try out
Scatter Option:
 just so that we can practice
> random potting :)

Great ideas, Beppe.

With the BO3 FOD should give the option for the person sending the challenge to choose how many games minimum.

Then when accepting they're agreeing to the amount of games.

If the player leaves then it conceeds forfeit and the amount of games played multiplied by the rating the person would of gotten p/ game will be added to their rating score.

Then again someone may have posted this and I can be stuffed reading all the posts. :)
Full Screen: Couple of things here. Firstly there's maximize option at the top of the window, but no easy way to return to normal size without selecting options, removing the check, then clicking okay. I prefer normal mode, but like to switch to look at some shots on the full screen. Secondly, the full screen is low res, it would be nice if that could be increased.

Hold alt + enter button, it toggles between full screen and normal size.
I just mentioned this in some other suggestion post that is going on.

1.) Force break or lose the game. 
2.) If FOD would implement the following feature...locks on rooms, only mods can get in, I would subscribe. 
3.) Bo3 option.
4.) Potting of white on purpose, loss of game.
its funny when u can play screw back when ther ball is agisnt another ball..in real life beppe this would also be impossible..but beppe i think forgetting that its a game..if u want it to be realistic goto a snooker club lol
 Would be impossible virtually for the system to detect whether someone potted the white on purpose or not though. People would obviously still abuse this with this facility.
>Hold alt + enter button, it toggles between full screen and normal size.

Thanks, that is useful to know!

Sure it's a game Martin, but keeping it close to reality is a good thing.
heres a idear best break option like on isnooker show ur best breaks 20's 30's eg that would be good
i like the idea of best break... perhaps or obviously only for subscribers, Bo3 button im not a fan of but as someone said u dont have to accept, nething to make the game more realistic would obviously improve it, but perhaps take away some of the arcady, fun elements,, such as pulling off a ridiculous long rail shot...

perhaps to speed things up have set pts on the "spin" ball so as to choose extreme top, deep screw that are in perfect line with the center off the white...

stick a NAP on the table aswell, lol
>stick a NAP on the table aswell

LOL. How many people would be able to work out what that means to the shots?
Beppe you do have some good ideas but if you want to master this game just play about 10 000 games and you will know every angle off heart , this game can be very easy and very non challenging when you do get to a certain level of your game . But what you said can be useful to many people that want to spend the time to get very good at this game . All the power to ya man (Y) ;)
and what level would you be at Real? lol
Doozer, you are subscribed :p
Different people learn in different ways Real Man. I could hit 10000 bad shots, then on the 10001st hit the same bad shot again. If I can correct the mistake each time and try again, I would probably learn the shot in 5 mins.
supa what would happen if dc in first game ? fod cant sort server out let alone sort bo3 so points would be lost for all games
lol and replay shot...people moan at lagg now let alone when u got 300 replays being played same time
a simple search button where you can see if players are online or not would go amiss.

i mean i only have 1 nick and when ur high rated there sometimes isnt any1 to play, but they might be lurking about some where in FOD lol.

the search button could jus say where the are if they are online and then you could go to that room and see them.

or you simply may want to see if your mates are online some where

dunno if this has been suggestes as i havent got  time to read thoruhg the full topic but i think this would be a pretty good idea on top of what has already been said.

Cheers, TP
play carom3d, very gd game and realistic! LoL just a joke :D 
>>lol, just a joke

Thank goodness you put that bit in, as carom3d is perhaps the worst pool game I've ever tried (just my opinion) ;)
ye it is, but the spin is real :D