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Petition for 9 ball league rooms
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Petition for 9 ball league rooms
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Petition for 9 ball league rooms
ok this is simple enough if you would like to see 9 ball league rooms sign your name and you can put a response of why you would like to see them or why they are necassary, if your not interested then don't bother ;)
I'll sign. We need league rooms in Nine-Ball, because the amount of random people interruppting tourneys is too high. Eight-Ball and Snooker have them, why not Nine-Ball? 
we need lg rooms! named lg rooms, make this so much easier! ;) HTD geo22uk AVENGERS FOREVER!!!!!!
 Yea, we really need 9ball league rooms..8ball and snooker have them..and it's only right 9ball does too...on to many occasions do we have people come in and start flooding our tourneys, for whatever reason i don't know...But atleast, if it was stated as a 'league room' we would only get people who belong to the league, or are interested in joining it...Not the people who just want to play pool and (or) want to start trouble...
can we hav a league room plz? Pretty plz??

not that i know that all games need them but just incase leagues in all games;)
yes,9 ball needs league rooms,because many people are creating leagues now,and there are not enough rooms to go around.end of story. peter-27;)
then tell them not to create leagues, i have seen very few good leagues since the old days
i,ll sign too  yes we do need these rooms as you always get interupded during a tourny and it does get frustrating not only 4 us but the other ppl as well as we have to stop their challenges.
If you subscribe you can use DND, and come off when you are ready for a challenge.
Man you aint kiddin. And in the last 3 weeks,4 lg have been made in Anger,Not for Fun.Twisted Angels started because ANGER,and was Kiled 1 time,too.Now it's T_A2,and allready the fighting is non-stop,and often floods to other rooms.
And now his partner SmokeMe hates him,and got a Lg up.These kids are just doing things for All the Wrong reasons.
Then theres Peter,who just remains Oblivious to the real World,on his 9th lg in 1 yr... Thats MYLEAGUES bad,not FOD's.
Avengers in the AM(USA TIME) Vampires At PM(USA TIME) are all I see as really worthwhile. And I aint being greedy,or self serving.
Thats exactly why I set up the AM shift for Vampires Last year.
And why I set up the AM hours as well, once I Made Avengers League.
And It works.
GL to any of you that make a LG,Just do it for a RIGHTIOUS reason,Not for revenge, or Power,that aint gonna work.
btw he is exaggerating(sry for spelling) like usual,its my 3RD Lge in 2 years actually.