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best player.
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best player.
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best player.
i know which one i prefer,but i will keep my opinion to myself...i am still trying to figure that one out.
no specific order-
ronnie kiev.ua
b19 usy
There are a handful of great players. 

I happen to think that I was very good in my "peak" which was at the end of 2004. I was very good and beat the likes of Werderbremmen, Ramos, Gica, Amanda LNCB, Chapula, Chico Ruiz, Goodgame, I Like Boobs, etc. 

Although I am not one of the "household" names in flyordie and probably not so famous like say "stunrun" or "endgame", mainly because I never playd for points (making me not standout above the heap of competition), it would be best not to play the likes of me if you are concerned about your ratings, heheh.

It wouldn't be a wise thing to play a veteran "mid-card"  whose been around great battles whilst being worried about your points. I been known to "upset" many bigtime players over the years. 

as far as the "best" is concerned, to each his own. 
Why post these posts all the time there stupid and a waste of time
its a forum you post your opinion ;\
Hey bubblerz I was Goodgame, I remember Chico Ruiz we were good mates, I was trying to remember his name a few months back. Did you play by any other nicks back then?
>>>Hey bubblerz I was Goodgame, I remember Chico Ruiz we were good mates, I was trying to remember his name a few months back. Did you play by any other nicks back then?

Goodgame! It's great to hear from you again. Had no clue you were Goodgame. [img=

I used to play you, Chico, Chaps, Boobs and others many times back in the day. I am Justin Macintyre. Other nicks I used to play with were

tOp gOoNer

There's more but It would be unlikely for me to remember them all. Heheh I used to wish you luck in your matches often and we had plenty of great battles between us. I always knew you were a great talent and I'm not the least surprised that you have developed into one of the best FOD 8-ball players today. Keep doing what you enjoy doing m8.

It is good to see you again Goodgame.

,Justin Mac.
Haha thanks mate! Yea I remember you now, nice seeing you, how about some games sometime soon? Hope your keeping well.

I wondered where Chico Ruiz got to, I used to play with Bob Bond alot too, dunno where he got to either. Alot of the players we played have all gone now, such a shame they have been replaced by kids who can't stop swearing and running, and who only care for points.
>Haha thanks mate! Yea I remember you now, nice seeing you, how about some games sometime soon? Hope your keeping well.

>I wondered where Chico Ruiz got to, I used to play with Bob Bond alot too, dunno where he got to either. Alot of the players we played have all gone now, such a shame they have been replaced by kids who can't stop swearing and running, and who only care for points.

Goodgame, I look forward to playing you again. Say, this weekend sounds great, as I would most likely have a lot of time then. I look forward to a bo3 or such, for old times sake. Heheh, although my skills have already peaked long ago and I am no longer as sharp as I once was, I still think that I can give you some competitive matches. 

Yes, I too remember Bob Bond, and the likes of him. He  was a good mate and had a lot of class, both as a player and as a person. Even with losses, people like him knew how to take defeat with grace; a quality that is often overlooked in society.

Anyhow, I look forward to the weekend games m8. See you around. [img=