Moving The checkers can be moved by dragging them with the mouse on their initial square and dropping them
to their destination field. For special moves/jumps the same applies (see below).
Special Moves
Capturing is indicated by moving
the checker to its destination field through the captured checker.
Resign If your position is hopeless,
you should resign the game. You don't need to enter a (final) move,
just click on the "Give up" button.
Draw You may offer a draw to your opponent
by clicking on the 'Offer Draw' button. Draw offers cannot be withdrawn.
The latter may accept the proposal, which is always to be taken as unconditional,
or he may reject by completing a move.
A draw offer is valid until the opponent has accepted or rejected it.
Multi-player mode You get into the Lobby after you have logged in. The bottom-right list contains
other people in the lobby,
over it are the matches being played, and the chat box in the bottom-left panel.
Challenge somebody
for a match by clicking on the person and then on [Challenge].
View a match by
selecting the match and clicking on [Watch] .
Send a private
message by selecting the person and typing in and sending the message as