Respect is the key to order - Founder of the Türkiye Republic [M.K.Atatürk]

Now I will tell you a secret. You can see the truth only with your heart. The essence is invisible to the eye. Look at the stars, if the stars are smiling, I am there. [The Little Prince]

I have only 2 enemies: distance and time. There is only one thing that can hold me back from my goal "my mortality"  [Monte Cristo Kontu]

There is only one good, knowledge, and there is only one evil, ignorance. [Socrates]
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Respect is the key to order - Founder of the Türkiye Republic [M.K.Atatürk]

Now I will tell you a secret. You can see the truth only with your heart. The essence is invisible to the eye. Look at the stars, if the stars are smiling, I am there. [The Little Prince]

I have only 2 enemies: distance and time. There is only one thing that can hold me back from my goal "my mortality"  [Monte Cristo Kontu]

There is only one good, knowledge, and there is only one evil, ignorance. [Socrates]