Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path.
Czołgi 329 points 1,152 matches
Dziewiątka 64 points 950 matches
Ósemka 170 points 532 matches
Szybki Snooker 113 points 264 matches
Snooker 41 points 49 matches
Ósemka angielska 89 points 49 matches
FodBall 0 points 12 matches
Curling 1 point 10 matches
Dart 501 0 points 8 matches
Dart Cricket 0 points 7 matches
Cztery w rzędzie 0 points 6 matches
Sinuca 2 points 6 matches
Gra pamięciowa 0 points 5 matches
Szachy 0 points 4 matches
Snooker Lite 0 points 4 matches
Kółko i krzyżyk 0 points 3 matches
Tryktrak 0 points 3 matches
Dart 301 0 points 3 matches
Bank Pool 2 points 3 matches
Warcaby 16 points 1 match
Date | Wynik | Przeciwnik | Ranking przeciwnika (zmiana) | Duration | Moves | |
08:32 PM | | 16 | 5:00 | 26 | ||
08:27 PM | | 6 | 5:02 | 30 | ||
08:21 PM | | 13 | 5:00 | 26 | ||
08:11 PM | | 0 | 5:02 | 25 | ||
08:05 PM | | --- | 5:00 | 15 |