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English Pool Petition
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English Pool Petition
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English Pool Petition
Ok people,
many of us have argued the points for English pool game being introduced on FOD. Its a much better game than the American game, which is designed to be a fast paced game, and many of us h8 it. The English game requires more finese, and talent, and forward thinking.
Im not going into it n e more than that, because its been said so many times, and yet nothing is done, so here the deal:

This is a petition, please sign it, ONLY ONCE, no spam, im begging lol.
if anyone argues, i shall deal with it.
please jus a simple, signing, and a short sentence if u feel like it. 
Thank you masses.
Its just one step to getting what we want on here, and after all, this is what the very definition of "forum" is after all. every little helps.
so ty and goodbye, 

sincerely, Monster.  :) 
i agree, english pool is much better than this one :)
ty, every1, this is a perfect example of what i mean.
no childish "attempts" at insults lol.
keep it up. :)
Yeah stick me down.

I feel it's time for a new look pool/snooker

(still think we need a trick shot game :D)
a trick shot game eh?
not thought about that. 
yes, it wud be a quality addition.
for once tho, id even just like sum1 to tell us wots going on tho, knomean?
were jept totally in the dark, this forum is obsolete, as they pay no attention to our requests, nay, demands nowadays, anyway.
Hence a petition, u never know, we cant jus give up, we need to make them see the masses have spoken.
I like to hope that programmers are noting our ideas, but that's all it is "hope"
which is why i made this post, cos they make take notice for once if we get enuf names together.
so tell ur friends, ur enemies, and ur pets,
to come n sign lol.
no childish insulters tho.
none of us need that hassle.
lets keep this posting clean. :)
o ye
count me in for english pool :p
english prince, welcome to the club, ive made a note of ur name, i look forward to a long and prosperous time in what i like to call, 

"Players For Justice" 

it would be klass if fod made english pool... but dnt think they will bcos wot balls wot they use 4 ratingz thers only a 8ball n reds n yellows.
ur names on the list, welcome to the club.
but yes i see ur point about the ranks.
its hardly reason enuf to not do it tho.
we cud jus hav the points, 
or use jus colours, random ones lol.
its hardly a big problem, but its worth thinkin bout, so nice 1 m8 :)
Good point, but i don't think that should be an excuse used by the programming team for not making it, there's always ways to overcome things like that.

I'm sure someone out there has the imagination to think of a rating system :D
ooops took too long replying, basically said what you did monster :p
lol nw chris
our ranks are swelling lol
we need a membership card :p
Well from what i have heard, english pool is much better than american. I myself do not know the difference but i would like to get this done just to experience it and see if indeed it is much more challenging and ... well yeah just that ;) .
see, even an american agrees its a gud idea.
Ur in the group now, the PFJ, (players for justice)
Chris , the ranks grow and grow.
maybe this is the start of a beautiful revolution, against the tyranny of oppresion.

u and ur crazy ways of wording things
but i agree
A good leader rallies his troops with the power of linguistics. :)
only coz no 1 knows what hes saying so just nod their head for fear of being violently forced into following ;)
Lmao there's no fooling you is there :D
are u callin me a dictator? lol
think of me as our Montgomery,
and u are my loyal battalions of troops, invading sword and gold beaches.
ur valiant efforts shall not go unrewarded my brothers, the usurpers shall be quelled under our wrath!!!
i no monster like the back of my hand
he aint fooling me that easily ;)
Follow in the path of the vivacious character you look upon. He will show us true destiny, in spirit, mind and body, forever will he persue the goals we will strive to conquer.

This is fun :p
im not tryna fool n e 1 :( lol
i jus want english rules, like all of us ;)
im the commander of this force simply cos i set it up :)
stop using big words lol
no english pool rocks, and fair enuff monster, we'll call you our commander if thats what you like ;)
cookies? i think not m8.
jaffa cakes are the fuel of a real band of brothers :)
by the truck load.
we will ambush convoys of jaffa vans, 
and eat sum, sell the others to fund our organisation!
mate im swayed
i wanna get me sum jaffa cakes :D
swayed? u mean u were in 2 minds whether this was ur chosen path?
trecherous dog ye,
jk, ur still in :p
n e way shhh,
no spam remember.
i order u ,as ur CO, to leave it out now lol,
let the recruitment begin.
i'll give SJA a bell 2moz and tell her to come crusade with us, shes a tough lass
Hmm yeah back on topic,

What's the size of the staff list on FOD. There may not be many programmers, hence the long time for update, i guess i feel like the community of FOD has been abandoned, i mean when was the last time we heard from the OPERATOR?

We just need regular news features to explain what is going on. Many other game websites do this and i'm sure it isn't too hard to write a pragraph on how FOD is prograssing.

Let our voices be heard :)

im new to the forum
popped on once or twice like, but its not like any other forums
needs to be more activity by FOD staff i reckon
yes my friend
that is a blinder of a plan,
we cud use her on our side

the current memberships are as follows :

Commander : Monster
Second in Command : Chris
Officer : English Prince
Private : lcb2
Private : Skilled Que

we need more men, SJA will join as a Private, thats for certain, its still not enough tho.

get recruiting ppl, specially Chris and English Prince, with gr8 position comes gr8 responsibility, dont let our forces down boys :p

signed, Commander in Chief : PFJ

The Monster (H)
Yup even the experienced members say that.

I just think that the overall idea of a forum could be run a little more professionaly, it's great now for discussion, but it just seems like it's been put here as a way of pleasing a few outspoken people.

I would love to know the reasons why this forum was created. Might make for interesting read.
yes to both of u, we need INFO FOD
SJA would be our bodyguard mate, bella wouldnt let nowt happen to me, and vice versa :p
lol @ john.
back on tack tho,
its rediculous how they leave us to it, hence this Organisation, its obviously lighthearted, but if we get enuf names together, and im keeping tabs on that , dw, then maybe we can make a change.
i kno u hav a cunning plan chris, which i wont divulge info about this early in the campaign, for fear of the eyes that read everything gettin our plans.
however if u can use the list of members in ur plan, it may go a long way to helping.

Commander of Operations,
yes mate
i agree
wondering eyes could oversee us, hopefully we'll draw attention to a FOD staff member who will look into our thread and if we get thru to one, its a start

Officer EP. :p
Hoobster is in i have found.
ive made him a Private.
so thats one more in the ranks.

Commander Of Operations
Monster (h)
also got someone
phoenix17 has joined us

Officer EP
nice work,
that brings our numbers to nine,
making us a Squad sized group, of the finest minds and bodies the world has to offer. :)
this is taken from the "moderation" segment in the help for FOD:
"All gamerooms and forums are moderated. Moderators do their activity on a voluntary basis, for free, on the request of FlyOrDie."

this means they obviously see the goings on on the site, and contact ppl.
therefore, there is no excuse for ignoring us. 
point made.

lol indeed.
welcome back Chris.
its pretty sickening tho, it must be they simply can not be bothered changing things, yet attempt to keep us just complacent enough to not cause havok.
come on FOD staff, put ur money where ur mouth is, and at least give us valid reasons against it.

I sign.

(P.S. I get crown 2 days np)

Kobe B-)
welcome kobe.
nice to have sum1 well known on here.
and congrats on the crown, if u get it :)

welcome aboard m8.
ur accepted, were getting stronger fellas n lasses,
keep up the recruitment processes :)
If you are making a petition you might want to sign it only once? You have 4 pages of random conversation, thats gonna get you nowhere. Mind it wouldn't anyway.
An example of how long people have been asking for that is here, and I only looked for a few seconds, bound to be an older one.

yehhhs, once again hara kiri puts his tuppence worth in lol
u dont think we kno its been going on for so long? 
thats the whole point mate, its time it stopped, and trust me, this is the best effort yet , no doubt, so dont hinder us.
in a single day our ranks have grown from simply 2 fanatics, to over 45 members,
if your not with us , stand aside , we have no problem with u, we know ur points are correct, but we are not surrender monkeys, therefore we shall continue despite a small number of "infidels" like yourself.
and so i beg of you, 
please hara kiri, no trouble,
uve made ur point, and its been taken in,
now either join and help, in n e way u can, and maybe we can actually make a real difference for once, or stand aside and let us work.

figure i would jump in and make my 2 pence 
appears to be a lot of activity going on here, which is good for your cause Monster, and i shall back you 100%
another recruit i see.
well hara kiri,
hopefully now u see, this may actually make a difference for once?
our popularity increases every hour.
welcome Phoenix17

i counted, u have got 10 different people so far, for a 4 page petition, maybe if you stopped posting useless rubbish, they may take note,

P.S im in!!
that is just the forum sign ups.
me and particularly chris have worked furiously to get ppl in the rooms to sign in another site, its also a wiki site, so can be edited by n e 1 of us. 
this is y its only trusted ppl who are given the address.
like i said, 
get out our way if ur not with us.
its not complicated lol.
no1 is making u read or forcing u to sign.
so be gone, and save ur tuppence worth for a subject u can justifiably argue for or against, that you care about.

ok on second thoughts, i will be a hypocrite , and let u in simply because we have the need for it.
il get ur name down, n ty.
every little helps, despite ur abuse of our wonderful network :p
i believe i said i was in, im just pointing out that if you act like a child they wont listen to you
lol im honoured, put it in as fret np
fair enuf, altho no1 has acted like a child :S
sure, its lighthearted fun, but with a serious purpose.
i think having a bit of childish behaviour as long as its not like u see in the rooms, pathetic kind, will help us.
and it certainly looks that way from mine and chris's efforts last night.
point made by u Bros.

Fret it is then :p
ur down.
welsome to the "childish" PFJ lmao.

> and trust me, this is the best effort yet , no doubt, so dont hinder us.

Haha yea its great!!!

I never said I didn't want to have English pool, I do. But FoD already know people want it, and this isn't going to change anything.
thats wot u think lmao
jus shhh,
weve alreddi had contact from them, SUPPORTING the effort :S
if we can get a list of names, all in favour of it, LIKE YOU i may add, theres no arguement it will help the cause :)
theres no arguement against it m8.
il add ur name down, so ty.
now plz, if it makes u feel better then ok, i concede, u win this little arguement. :S
no can we please get back on tack.

would be nice to have English Pool

something new :) 
ur in , ty m8.
the benefits of it would be immense. FOD would be a lot more popular.

Looks like things are moving on nicely,ok i see people are saying it's been done before, but if we only try once what hope will that give us? Does a racing driver only try once to win a world championship? Did martin luther king only try once when people laughed at his speeches?


And neither should we, we should keep trying until we get at least a yes or no answer. The programmers already know the people want this? Then could they at least say "yes we are looking into this" or "no we don't have the resources to change the colour of some balls and add a few rules".

It's about time these forums were used for what they were made for, us! Like monster has said, if your not with us, don't get in the way of it, but for those people who have already shown interest (40+ so far from just word of mouth) we can see that it is an interesting point to read. 

Thank you for taking your time to read this and i'm not looking for an argument, but if you wish to make a contrasting point, do so in a somewhat democratic manne.

thank you chris.
particularly ur similes with the driver and luther king lol.
theres no arguement against it. so its been done b4?
well were doing it again.
as the PFJ motto states:

" Stand aside or get brushed aside "

the choice is yours :)

Monster. Com.
im in iv always prefered english pool its much more of a challenge im bored on the american version i ent plyed in tym
gud man toffee,
ur down.
welcome to the horde.
not really similies are they, more of anallergies but nevermind :D
lol ok bros,
i wudnt kno, i left school at 13 in favour of work, and a real life, so hu knos.
ty 4 an education m8 :)

in the words of the great prodigy,

" breathe the pressure,
come play my game il test yer"

so come on, lets get english pool on FOD, and play a real testing game.

yep count me in monster i hate the american game its rubbish and dont make no sense

Cheesey :)
If you want a testing game play a (15) ball, you should struggle;).
ur in cheesey ma man.
goes without saying.

and hara, shhhh, again.
keep ur unwanted opinions to urself.

" stand aside or be brushed aside"

the SJA?
il make her Private at first :p
see how she does, if she does well there may be a promotion in there 4 her.

guys theres no need 2 scrap the american pool on ere but simply add an english pool 2 count in 4 this guys:)
thats wot were SAYING m8.
theres excess rooms never in use, so convert them to english rules:)
glad u see the true path.

u in?

bella should be our secret service, our protection ;)
the intelligence services?
well maybe.
i was thinkin that myself.
however is she going to be a active member?
il stick her as Private, see how she goes, like i say, promotions may be in order.

not intelligence, u no tht not bella hehe
shes in n e how,
S.J.A -- Private First Class

welcome aboard kidder :D

Commander Of PFJ.
"guys theres no need 2 scrap the american pool"

that wasn't what i was thinking for sure ;)

we just need it as an addition, plenty of people have signed up, those of you that have spread the word :D
exaclty chris.
it seems only me and u that get actively recruiting, and yet, WERE ON FIRE :D
keep it up ppl,
get out there n spread the word, the revolution has begun!!!

any1 hu says this is made a mess of, (hara kiri), needs to take their head out their ar£e and look at the stats.
overnight this has gained almst 70 names signed.
nuff said tbh,
u cant argue with that, its that simple ;\

The question FoD will ask is "Will the English game increase revenue?". The answer is that it may draw a few extra people to the game, but mostly take people away from what already exists.

The next question will be "How much will this cost us to develop?". Obviously if the revenue to be made was greater, they would consider developing English pool. What this rests upon is how easy the development would be. If it involves a couple of weeks and just a few tweaks, then they are probably considering if English pool will add to the site. If not, I doubt you will have a chance of seeing it any time soon.

Another factor is how popular will it be? 70 names isn't enough. I sure there will be many more, but unless hundreds of people are interested it will be like snooker light - same same people, different nicknames. If in itself it becomes boring, and the decrease in 8 ball numbers makes that less popular, FoD will end up losing advertising revenue because of this move.

US 8 and 9 ball are recognized around the world, whilst the English game is predominantly played in a handful of countries. FoD is an international site, and I strongly believe that they will maintain the current games without addition.

All that being said, you can add my name as someone who would be interested in seeing English pool on this site.
excellent points well made.
ur names down.
this is wot we need HARA KIRI,
intelligent conversation.
the main reason for this petition is that having a list of names , is better than not having a list of names,
simple as that.
maybe , it wont make a difference in the long run,
but urinate on my headstone and turd on my grave if il give up!!!

oh and, 
english game as a snooker light format?
id settle for that.
at least they it would mean they actually are taking notice for once.
and the fact is, its easy to create it.
im even offering to do it for them, if they cant be bothered  or w/e ;\

Put it this way, all they need to do is change the colour of balls, and program rules, the hitting oponents ball is already there, miss ball rule is there, pocketing white etc.

It really wouldnt be too much effort. All we need is 1 or 2 rooms to begin with just to test it out, surely that wouldn't eat into revenue too much, i mean if they didn't make enough profit now the site wouldn't have continued for as long as it has now.

Losing players from 8 ball etc. i don't think would be a problem as many go on all billiards games anyway (i'm one of those people). As a business starts off money is vitally important, but FOD has become relatively established now so they need to make a move from cash flow to customer service.

If they introduced two rooms and it didn't work then i would say, ok our idea was bad take it off, but we'll never know until we try :D
count me in.. the english players on this game contribute alot to flyordie so its time we got something back :p
a little addition to my point:

FOD promote itself to advertisers as being able to show adverts at certain times on any game the business choose, now English business' i'm sure would like the idea of advertising in an English Pool game, as currently snooker doesn't have the numbers of 8 ball, so if we could get those type of numbers playing English Pool in the long run, this would benefit FOD's promotion on advertising ;)
meady, ur in.
gud points chris.
all correct.
its no effort blah blah blah.
thank god for second in commands.

Do not forget, this campaign has objectives twofold.

1) primarily, to initiate talks with the staff of flyordie PROPERLY, where they reply regularly, and take our thoughts into consideration, AND KEEP US UPDATED.

2) To see if we can get English pool on FOD.

CO. Monster.
hit the 80 mark ppl, keep it up :D
the revolution is under way, 
The PFJ is growing,
these are happy and prosperous times my brothers.

CO. ♣Monster♣
ye english pool will be mutch beta go 4 it fod lol:p
Welcome Que Chaos.
to the fine legions of the horde of PFJ.

*Cue sry.
must be losin my marbles,
gotta get a rein on that,
a mad leader is not what we need :p

I don't play pool at the moment but i definitely would play an english version if it were to be done.
ty detrimental,
name noted,
one more to add to the hordes.
another thing that me and perkz are discussing in MSN Msngr,
is the fact that they have " boulder dash", and " tanx" , and numerous other garbagey games, (in my opinion, of course:p) so why can they not make english pool? i think we have established its easily possible on a technical level to be done, its not hard to create the actual game.
Its just proving to the staff its worth their while doing it now. which is what we are proving here, the names are rolling in, and it couldnt be better from where im sitting.
Hopefully , with some luck and determination, this may actually make a difference. Granted , it will be a first, but theres always got to be a first.

i'm all for this i'm from the states but i'm all for this english pool sounds like it would take more skill and i'm up for another challenge from this game, very good idea
This really has taken off, i hope this demonstrates to some how this really can succeed with the FOD community.
Count me in ♣monster♣,i have been waiting for english pool and hope to prove my worth.:)

- gumpsta -B-)hopeful future private first class or higher;)
weclome my brothers.
Tgump, your an Non Commisioned Officer,
simply for having determination to earn ranks higher than Private,  as i say, meagre support goes highly rewarded among us!!! :p
Skilled Cue, welcome, PFC.

♣Monster♣ CO.
were up to 100,
weve hit the CENTURY MARK!!!!
congrats ppl,
gr8 work,
but keep it up!
im proud.

Yes continue to spread the word.

For all those that doubted this, i hope reaching the century mark shows something about this.

Let's hope this continues in order to benefit us all.
Yes WE, the people of fly or die, do rock. United we stand ;)
yes, thank you for that long and thought out comment Officer Cleverness lol.
non the less, were making a real go of it, and keep up the work!

And so dies another posting.
Correct move by the FOD Mods there. well done.
altho to be fair, it took long enough, at least it happened tho, so thank you.

*raises the glass*

hear hear, compliments to the mod who deleted that tpic
1)wtf about topic closed?
2)thanks for the promotion!!!:)

GumpstaB-) comissioned officer

P.S. did i  spell that right?
Oh someone made a topic insulting a certain player

but it was removed quickly ;)
ur a Non Com m8 lol

Non-commisioned officer***

- gumpsta -B-)non-commisioned officer;)
Remember everyone keep spreading the word and get people to sing up :D
Lol thnx....i hope we get our goal:)

- gumpsta -B-) non-com officer
Hey chris,what time is it there?
guys i don't mean to get ur hopes down or nothing but people have tried stuff like this many times and it's never worked :) plus its an idiot running the petition to start with lmao neways gl but i severely doubt it will happen
Let me correct you on that you're not in,then leave cuz we dont want any insults or comments,unmles they r good 1's ok?you in or out?
oops..sorry bout that...a lot of typos.:|
tgump it's 1 am here lol

and didi, it may have been done before, but what's the point in giving up?

Has someone already had over a 100 names before? 
You don't give up if you believe in something, PFJ don't quit:D
jus ignore didi,
hes got a rat up his behind cos hes one of them sorts,
started mouthin off for no reason at me in pool.
well n e way,
im jus playing TS online, 
so il be back in about half a hour,
Chris im leavin it in ur hands, i kno u can handle it maturely.
tgump, help him in every way m8,
il be back soon.
keep it up.

Come on peoople,we need more listings of people!!!let our voice be heard!!!!i hope this doesnt turn out to be a triple or quadrouple...oh ROFL!!!too late ;)

gumpsta non-com officer
fine dont say i didnt warn ya.. because u'll only be disappointed.. people have tried many times and its been unsuccessful.. and by the way before u say all this crap that u got so many members to sign it.. there are MILLIONS of registrations.. so about 150 wont make nothing 
I will not let you down,♣monster♣:p:)

gumpstaB-) non-com
over 100 in 2 days m8.
jus leave us be.
uve made ur point.
the believers are outweighing the non-believers by many.
i suggest u read the whole postings.
all ur arguements are dealt with there didi.

Find some1 else to annoy,didi.We aer gonna try and not give up,we aer going to win or die trying m8s!!!!

gumpstaB-) non-com officer
"MILLIONS of registrations" please don't exaggerate lol there's only a thousand+ playing at one time

And i get satisfaction from trying, whether or not we fail :)
yeah i agree only thousands at one time.. but wat about the whole registrations... no chance n by the way.. i aint disagreeing with ur post to be honest with ya try as ya like.. but like gump sed u'll die tryin.. HAVE A NICE DAY ;)
"chris the night owl"lol:p 5 pm here m8;)

Gumpsta non-com officer
Didi just shut up & leave us alone m8;)

Gumpsta non-com offcier
So you truely believe there's millions of people registered?

lol most nicks are the same person anyway registering with another nick ;)
exactly, read the objectives of the PFJ.

1) primarily to get the staff to listen and communicate intelligently with the players.
2) english pool on FOD.

its not jus about the pool.
this is a revlution of the higest magnitude.

im playing game.

infact im that confident i'll be in on this petition.. and gump give up telling me to shut up it is annoying and there is a thing called freedom of speech on here :).. but i still dont think it will make a difference
dont get angry with ppl,
or swear or abuse in n e way mate.
ul get the post taken off.
im not sayin u will, but jus dont mate lol.
rise above it all.

exactly.. like i said gl with the petition ill give my support.. i been wanting it for ages being honest.. but as long as FOD get money they dont give 2 craps about us members to be honest and i think thats how it will stay.. n to be honest i respect u all for tryin to give a voice
"may we rise above all others!!"

P.S.you can quote me on that;)
ty didi.
ur down on the list.
we cant just roll over n die tho can we.
oh n change of plans.
im not playin this game, so im here.

by the way monster.. i apologize for calling u an idiot it was inappropriate and i apologize.. ty :)
Apology acceptedB-) 

gumpstaB-) non-com officer
See how good it is when everyone gets along in a civil manner, if only the whole site was like this :D
Beware monster,were losing recruiters!! whatever happened to phoenix,anyway?

gumpstaB-) losing members:(
chris,id like to play u in chess sumtime.whatdya say bout it?
sumhow i dont think hes the chess type lol.
and phoenix mon amigo,
is doing work for the cause, dont u worry bout that.

Ill call 911,arrange his funeral plz!!:(

gumpstaB-) non-com officer
dont tell me monster died 2:(
lol he was with me watching my game sorry to hold him up lol he should be talking soon :p
Id like to see his rate,maybe have a game or 2:p
I'm not a chess guy?

I know all the rules etc :D lol

Yeah i suppose i'll give you a game. I'm not rated though. 
Chris a (7) same as me at minute just thought id let u in on that lol
mand playing in room 1 now?

Mind* and thats chess room 1?
Oh yes & you can find me by the name"forrest gumpp":p

Yes i'm there :D

ok back on topic ;)

A new idea for FOD, when messaging in private, if we click on a name it would be better if it actually stayed in the chat box so we can continue chatting privately without having to click on their name all the time, slightly annoying.
well actually thats slightly off topic.. coz this is the english pool petition.. i'll bring it back on topic properly.. seeing as theres so many rules in english pool.. what rules would we play?
Ummmm 2 shot rule after a foul? Able to hit the oppononets ball on your first foul shot.

Allows some tactical play
Anybody want to watch,me &chris about to play in room 1,hurry if u want to watch!!!!!
i thought that was the "free ball" system where only you play for another persons ball if you cannot see your own at both sides. but i could be wrong.. what about the black... i play 1 shot usually but still could be two
good game chris;)

GumpstaB-) doesnt hold grudges
You too.

And i play 1 shot black too mate ;)
Wow...176 replies..oops...hehe..make that 178;)

Gumpsta non-com officer
Oops number error....oh well lol its 178 now
expect a wave n e time soon fingers crossed.

I wouldnt mind giving it a try
Wow ive posted 35 times o n here..looks like this makes 36;) im a little mini-chris in posting :)

Gumpsta sir-posts-a-lotB-)
We'll start you off as private...see how he does...eh,monster?

gumpstaB-)non-com officer
tgump lol.
i admire ur enthusiasm, but less spam lol.
stay on focus matey :D

right this is the idea basically english pool smaller pocket more skill needed.... plus you have a specail cue tech control were u can curve the ball. also u can chip the ball as well.... n if its a foul two shot no carries. also one shot on black even wid foul
... only allow to move white ball in D... no allow to shoot behind on black shot if foul occured.. ty :) just let me make the game lol
lol gud man.
its not up to me or n e one else tho, its the staff im afraid.
ur about 20 steps to far ahead in the campaign.
ur signed up n e way.

You're in.

GumpstaB-) recruiter-in-command
recruiter in command:S
ul be in the stocks b4 long lad lol.
promoting urself , tsk tsk.

What...lmao....nobody else volunteered,so i figured id step in....gump for recruiter!!!

P.S.vote for gump!:);)

 I agree that english pool is better than american pool games.
Count me in..and i vote for gump!!!
If you're going to overthrow monster, you'll have to get past me first ;\

and welcome to the petition rodea and ange :D
Both added. 
welcome Privates.

heh..thanks ange oh and monster,im not trying to take your place,just as recruiter,surely you wouldnt mind me helping you???

GumpstaB-) future recruiter
Permission granted?

gumpstaB-) hasnt found his rank yet;)
lol dw m8.
ur a cheeky one lol, but i like it.

Hellooooo???sorry just kinda anxious for a reply;)

Gumpsta anxious for a reply
hehe look at how many posts i have B-)
113 & counting...chris would be proud lolB-)

GumpstaB-) a post prodigy;)
Tgump, i admire your enthusiasm, but calm with the spamming, stick to one post at a time, we need to keep this legitimate ;)
Sorry chris anxious for a reply;)

gumpsta B-)
(Ponders whether he should take over for monster unless he replies)

(ponders whether tgump shud stop spamming)
Gump shh me and monster are busy getting some good secret results... just be patient ;)
yeh, cool it.
do u want ur membership revoked?
n e way, 
a Senior Mod has just joined the cause!!!
zztop, a moderator in a high position, has joined the PFJ,

♣Monster♣ C.O. PFJ. (and dont u forget it tgump):p
secret chris?
no chance.
this is a victory we must all revel in, the ppl will unite when they here this!

it's true zztop joined the cause.

This must demostrate how high up these things go, keep up the good work and keep spreading the word
a great number of players are petitioning for an English pool option, since the majority of guests visiting our fantastic site are European, perhaps there voices should be heard. I do not know if the programming involved would be extensive, I believe it is just a matter of ball color and a slight rule change.  And from what feedback I have encountered I do believe the subscriptions would be greatly increased. thank you for your consideration in this matter.
:) oh no,
thank YOU my friend.
hopefully this is one step towards victory.

urs sincerely, ♣Monster♣ CO.
Well id subscribe if they made english pool for sure;)

Another successful day, zztop sent emails to moderators and the owner of the site, finally we are being listened to.

Do not submit until you feel total satisfaction for what you do. Fellow petitioners guide those wanderers to this petition and let them sign.

Off to bed, see everyone tomorrow :)
chris mate, 
im in a bad way.
so depressed u wudnt believe it lol.
dont wanna bring every1 down like, but its so bad.
for the rest of u, chris knos wot im on about, dw.
shes only just left n im already this depressed. :(
wot am i gonna be like in a few day? 2 weeks shes away for, il never cope.
il have to throw myself into the PFJ full tilt, to keep my mind of it. 
You can all be expected to see a frenzy of activity by ur leader over the next few days and weeks, im gonna be living up to the name "commander" also, beating any troop that dosnt carry his weight with my swagger stick, and losing my shoe in ur rear end!
n e way, 
thats all for now,
keep up the good work, and hopefully ZZTOP will get back to us on the morrow, he has emailed the FOD "boss" highlighting our cause, and also sent the same copy of the email to all the MODs!!! 
Surely a great blow for our organisation.
anyway my brothers and sisters, 
i shall retire to the drawing room for brandy and cigars, (im off to bed for a kip)
and bid u farewell.
Who ever arrives here first, i place the topic in Chris's proven capable hands.
Follow his lead as you would (hopefully) follow mine.
and Chris, any layabouts, make a note of their name and rank, they shall be struck from the list, stripped of rank, and frogmarched thru a pool of boiling urine.

This game is very very easy to play,why have english pool ,that would make it even more easy,with 2 shot carried,one foul and i for one will clean up no problem,as will many other player's,bad idea.
You think that's easy? Try 9 ball, you can win in one shot :|

8 ball is all about the tactics of using your 2 shots wisely, saying it's an "easy" game is a bad argument, for many players can clear the table in games like 8 ball anyway.
See how good it is when everyone gets along in a civil manner, if only the whole site was like this 

Not a bad arguement,it's fact,try practising what you preach baby.
that's exactly what i'm doing
you made a point, a counter-argued it
And you cant clean up easily in Eng Pool THAT easily, as its designed to play safe off shots, instead of just hitting and hoping. Sure, we will get players that treat it as 8-ball, and whack it about, but for those of us, MANY of us, that would play correctly, we would finally have a fair ruled game, and simply would not have to put up with the arrogance of so many americans maybe :p

thank you amigo, and thank u SOLID GOLD for refering him here :)
ur in LCM1.

sorry pal.

i agree with everybody that we should have english pool so that we could have our own pool with english talkin people instead of people that we dont understand 
lol salty mate.
ur absolute blunt forwardness makes me giggle haha.
ur dead right tho mate.
all these foreigners, theres rooms specially for them, yet they plague us still, with their insults, IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE.
whats the use in that?
we cant be offended by sumthing we dont understand n e way.

yes. I looked on the message and they were talking about me in another language and I didnt know what thay where sayin. LOL
Again, ur in.
welcome :D

♣Monster♣ CO.
i just heard from ♣Monster♣,
the FOD staff dreamed up some falsified evidence and banned him, ECHOES OF MARTIN LUTHER KING!!!!!!
Removed the leader of the PFJ, 
the work shall continue through the Officers of the PFJ, 
Chris is taking over command, these are the wishes of ♣Monster♣, told to the ppl thru his tool of messages,

This is a sad day, i congratulate monster on the effort he put into letting us be heard, he did a valiant job and i think we have moved forward immensely, and i hope that we are finally being noticed.

I will try to get the latest on the effort to contact the operator to see if anything has developed.

RIP monster, from the fall of one, we gain in strength, and will not be beaten.

you cant have english pool :D B-)
♣Monster♣  fúcking dopey cúnt,just get Hide ip platinum,make another nick,flyordie have no way of tracking you,they can ban this nick it's no use to me,and chris you áss licking little fúck face(EAT MY SHÍT) i hope your parent's die of cancer.
put me down for english pool boys;\ :D will be great :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
 so monster ... we here no more ROOAARS :( but it is ok... this war will be won and we will avenge ur loss! :p
Sorry about ♣monster♣,this really angers me that fod would do this kind of crud....May he be remembered forever in our hearts...ok ok maybe i did copy that off the inter,but can your second-in-com.,chris?
 YES IT REALLY ANGERS M. We will win this tho
We will win for ♣monster♣ m8's!!!!CHARGE!!

Yes for monster. Monster may have got ban but we will still fight.
Yes....we will...but the irony is....the thing we're fighting for is provided by our enemies:(what you think of dat?

Just like iraq supplies our oil:(

Hoobster is Monster. You can tell by his crap way of formulating posts.

uh oh now flyordie gonna ban hoobster:(
Enthusiasm is what i like to see. But remember do not get angry, we don't want to portray the wrong message. We will continue this in a organised democratic manner, just as monster would have wanted.

If we look like hooligans it will get us no where, let's show we have diginity in the way we act our thoughts and hope we can get somewhere in the future :)
Don't worry you don't look like hooligans.

You look like wannabe hooligans;\.
:O *is shocked* :D   i'll keep people in line don't worry. Anyone who acts in a disrespectul manner will be ejected from the PFJ immediately ;)
Welcome aboard friends :) Spread the word and keep it diginified ;)
lmao? limo? lime? hey look at me the attention seeker?

i couldn't make sense of your reply.
what do we do exactly now were in?
Tell people about the petition and help us get noticed, we need more names :D
love the idea for 2reasons:

1. it will be something new(and as you said,its a fun and fast paced game)

2.bring out those jaffa-cakes:p
lol kito :D welcome to the effort, we are doing well with numbers now 115+ people we have who agreed with the idea (not just in the forum but in game lobbies too) :D
chris,i am taking tgump's place,as he has been banned as well as monster,and those were his wishes...flyordie is taking out our members!we must win!!;\

KillerB-) oh and chris,i have something to tell you that is too risky telling you in public,tell me when you read this
his wishes were for me to take his place,not get banned lol:p

>oh and chris,i have something to tell you that is too risky telling you in public,tell me when you read this

You are tgump, was that it? Honestly you think mods are stupid?
I would be well in favour of English Pool.

I thought this was a petition, not a bloody topic to constantly spam with childish replies, I've just scrolled down this page to find that 90% of it is complete garbage.

Although the majority seem to be in favour, it probably still won't happen:|.
Thanks for the support lister, it may not work, true, but there's no harm in trying ;)
while we are in this petition, which rules would we want to see implemented, World, league, pub etc?
Well the rules i know are:

2 shots on foul (firt shot opponenets ball can be hit)
if you hit your ball and opponents goes in this counts as foul
your ball and opponents in is foul
white must be played from behind the line after foul

all the ones i can think of from the top of my head, unfortunately im not a expert of the english pool circuit lol
Well I would expect them to implement proper professional rules. But then if there was a rule which a player never knew about because he plays different rules where he lives, then there would be arguments alot of the time. That would the downside to having English Pool on FoD.
Well whatever rules they brought in i would just learnt hem anyway lol I didn't know the full 8 ball rules at first but soon picked them up ;) so i'm sure there wouldn't be a problem.
:O ;)

Hmmm i think i'm going to email the managing director of the company that owns FOD. He at least responded to me before, better then sending emails to FOD :p
lol boys.
the rules chris stated are the ones ive found most ppl use.
they would be the ones i would like to see. simple saturday in the pub rules, we should even add graphics of pints on the cushions, a credit system so the challenger has to put the 50 pence in, and random pork scratchings blowing across the table like tumbleweed. this would lead to a realistic and challenging game.
Lol, actually a pub environment would be cool. NON ALCOLHOLIC drinks of course ;) for the younger people :p
lol m8, haha, having pork scrathings blowing across the table wud be CLASSIC haha, no1 can argue against that lads lol.
Yes you could have a new background! Like...in africa or something, with herds of wilderbeast sweeping magestically  over the plains. Or like in a night club with strobe lights all over the table. Or by a massive waterfall with monks around n things. Thats sure to cut down the lag, dc and make the overall playing standards significantly better.
lags and dc are already bad enough :p could it get any worse ;)
I never dc, and if you don't like lag then sub.
Totally agree hence why im subbed, but the numerous people who have been complaining about d/c etc. Think the problem is as bad as it can get already lol.
tgump, why are u advertising the fact u have evaded a ban on the FORUM of all places? and copied monsters name lol.
simply telling you im gump,not tgump;)
Tgump is just an ugly lil person with no life;\
im in. and gump/tgump, get some originality.
welcome aboard drunk :) we are nearing our stretch of people who are signing unless we create a new wave ;) i think our message is starting to be heard by the people above
 (according to an informant i have) :)
Which is........? oh and Ω drunken monkeyΩ,take a look at your own name be4 you tell me to get some origanilityB-)
i never release my sources ;)
Sign me up! American Pool is the worst give me good old british Pool any day! Plus While your at it any chnace of getting them to switch off the 2D view option?
tgump, u wudnt be saying that if u knew hu i was lol. lets just say im now a shadow operative. and why would we have to get rid of the 2D view? u dont have to use that mate :)
lol! yeh but you have no control over whether the other player uses it, you should have it so you can create matches without that option enabled. Just see my thread I posted...
agreed. i just misunderstood slighty sorry. anyway, im off for the weekend, im not staying in this miserable country a minute longer, so im off for an adventure. peace and love my ppl.
Have fun ;) spread the word of english pool lol :D
englis pool?? ok im in... sounds better than wot we hav now. 
we always needed an idiot, welcome aboard.
well we have shown just what a subject like this can do and the amount of interest it brings up, if the OPERATOR does read the forum many times a day (as i have been informed from a very good source) then hopefully our message has got through to the higher gods of FOD.
I agree, english pool is much better than this one 
The Warriors(h)
16 days on and names keep popping up :D
the warriors eh, ask cochise, cowboy, rembrandt, snow, fox, cleon etc if theyre in also :p
u like this? :p Is the best film
The Warriors (h)
This matter will not be taken seriously with a petition full of Spam.
raw talent get english pool in these this usa confuse me whats with all the rail stuff get 2 pub play n u dont have 2 hit a cushion is much better

u can snooker more easily its better lol
scotty, this is not the petition, this is merely a way of getting names FOR the petition. the actual petition is a simple notepad document on my, nay, ♣Monster♣'s computer.
I would welcome English Pool with open arms. :)
Just as we welcome you with open arms. :)
well thank you for the welcome chris :p... i know an IDIOT is always good for sumhting. u could use me for continuing to promote the idea. :D lol . not. 
you know ur operation is successful when the village idiot joins.
Monster says:
lets take it to em
Monster says:
viva la revolution
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
well anytime anyone brings up a point about FOD i always talk about the way it neglects the site users
Monster says:
Monster says:
and its true
Monster says:
no1 can argue agianst it,
Monster says:
Monster says:
we have sooo much  evidence against it
Monster says:
they are rediculous
Monster says:
the "english pool petition" , i kno its mine lol, however, its beeen goin for ages now
Monster says:
at least 2/3 weeks
Monster says:
and still recruiting
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
Monster says:
and mark my words
Monster says:
i hav them ALL down
Monster says:
in a word document
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
we should post that
Monster says:
Monster says:
i will
Monster says:
tomoz mate
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
just a whole list of names for those who say
Monster says:
jus for the sake
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
oh but its just spam
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
Monster says:
spam ?
Monster says:
Monster says:
the forum maybe
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
yup thats what i mean
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
people are going
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
you havnt got any names
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
the topic is just mindless spam
Monster says:
but the actual petition, no mate, its fact , these are names that want eng pool 
Monster says:
are in the 150 + now
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
love to see how people argue against that many names
Monster says:
and i for one, wud SUBSCRIBE, 
Monster says:
if eng pool was intorduced
Monster says:
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
see i would even be happy if someone fromt he staff posted that they couldn't do it and explain the reasons
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
at least there would be communication
Monster says:
yes, spot on
Monster says:
Monster says:
in fact
Monster says:
i may post our convo on the forum
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
yh just take any points we have made and stick them in a post
Monster says:
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
and i'll just back them up
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
as if you merely made them up
Monster says:
lol it Huge tho
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
just put it in your own words
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
just say a bit about the fact we aren't dying for the cause of english pool
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
we would be happy if they just communicated
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
and even said no and stated the reasons why
Monster says:
yes mate
۝ψ٠ςħяīڳ∞яσçkīη says:
i'll think of something to add onto it 
Monster says:
Monster says:
well im on it now
:) there u go, listen, theres no excuse lol, FOD mate, ur out of order haha.
Lol that's a transcript of a conversation we had, basically we are saying that FOD need to communicate more with us whether or not English pool should be introduced. What happened to the days where OPERATOR used to post to the people, we are being neglected and for all those critics of this movement out there we will be publishign a list of the names colected from the petition soon which should make for an interesting viewing.

Remember it is not just English pool we are after, see that as more of a bonus, what we are lookign for is commitment from the FOD team to actually tell us what is going on behind scenes, just what are subscribers paying for? We are making good progress so far let's not let it end here, let us succeed and finally build bridges on this site which seem to have been destroyed a long time ago.
yes im in this n all, but only if i get a free welcome carriage clock, and a nice fountain pen.
I agree i think the should be an english pool game on here. the 8ball which is currently on here is rubbish.
there is a german league in 8ball "deutscher raum #1" called "bunte kugeln". they (nearly) realized it for their league. if you speak german have a look: www.buntekugeln.de or ask one af the admins about.
i am not a member in there but i know some of the players...
Yeah I agree we need English Pool cos as you fellow Brits know, it's a class game down our local pubs n clubs..I play in the County Pool League for my pub team and it's a good laff...and oh btw introduce this English Pool game but please feel free to "phase out" Lite, 9 and the lesser known version of 8 Ball LOL...and while you're at it get rid of Tanx and Go Moku kekekekeke :|
While we're on the topic of getting rid of things, I suggest removing JasonW and martinduffy from the site altogether. At least from the Forum anyway because they're contributing rubbish only.
incase u didnt notice euan i was simply reopening petition have a nice day
and P S the only people that should be romoved from forum are unsubbed players ""as a matter of opinion only of course""
But we already have english snooker :p.... just teasing lol....i'll agree english pool is the best... we need it..and and english room most other nationalities have it.... why not the english speakers..... (Y)
>and P S the only people that should be romoved from forum are unsubbed players ""as a matter of opinion only of course""

First, why open an old, forgotten thread? Again, that's against the rules on other forums. Attention seeking? Who knows. Who cares really?

Secondly, why should unsubbed players who contribute positively to the forum be removed? 

Thirdly and most importantly I think, your sarcasm doesn't make you cool nor clever. It's obvious to most that a forum is for people's opinions and usually you can't really argue with other's being wrong, but you are. Try and be more constructive with your posts and don't be so negative. It would help if you thought things through also.

Thanks, kindly.
yeah an i like the idea of a trick shot game
Obviously the additon of English pool would be a great idea regardless of which is deemed better. 

2 shots on the white anywhere behind the line. 2 shots for a foul. None of this picking the white up all the time. 

Vote yes for Enlish Pool !
Euan..... your the only person to make this personal.... nothing in your last post has to do with this subject or any other subject, humour can be misplaced as sarcasm, especially if the person moaning about sarcasm has no humour. these replies vetted by the mods ?
   keep to the subject m8... gets abit boring watching u moan about martin an his m8....
   would english pool mean different rooms.... or simply a option u can choose at the start
>gets abit boring watching u moan about martin an his m8....

Unfortunately, there's isn't a thread on here that gives me the chance to tell Martin he's wrong and not go slightly off subject. If you have a suggestion in how to do so then be my guest.

I wish he didn't give me something to moan about but surely you can accept the fact that not everyone is going to agree with him. He wants a game completely removed because he's tired of people commenting on it during his games. 'If I wanted to play it I would.' The sad thing is that the first time someone puts him in his place, he hides away and doesn't comment again. Your defending him? 

I can respect someone who posts something which I don't agree with but can backup it up with real reasons for thinking so. Martin can't do that, so he gets none. 
Yep m8.... but your getting personal, nit picking, and sounding abit bitter,.... you may not agree with martins views or like martin, anyone else who reads this will probably think the same, the forum will get ppl disagreeing and agreeing... Euan you come across as if you havent made mistakes in your life, or said anything wrong, thats my constructive no bias view on you or martin........ English pool or not ?....

Leave your personal views to the lobby or the tables, and the rules, terms & conditions to the operator and moderators m8........ happy new year....
Wud love ti have English pool in here but unfortunately FlyOrDie do none of our ideas. Im askin me why that. Also i suggested few times to include "Straightball" in here. Not even an answer of the OP-Team. For long I am disappointed of them....

≈Şέcrέt Şervι¢ē™
>you may not agree with martins views or like martin, anyone else who reads this will probably think the same, the forum will get ppl disagreeing and agreeing...

You can't always be nicey nice to everyone on a forum. If your going to post ridiculous suggestions and not back them up then expect people to tell you what they actually think. He wants a game removed which I've played for the past 5 years and do you know why he wants it removed? I've seen this player about before and he has the cheek to call people immature during games. However, his attitude on this forum is similar. You may think it's personal. Well yeah it is. He made the comment I disagree with.

He's probably not worth it so I'll leave it. On the subject of English pool? I do prefer the game but I've said this before, it's a bit of a selfish suggestion. If I remember right, the number of British voices on the forum do not reflect that of the game. Most of the players aren't familiar with the game. Only a small percentage of the players are British. This is assuming that the request is for the 8-ball game to be completely changed. I could see the point in having an extra room for the English version but that could just cause extra conflict down the line, extra rooms etc...
I think having English Pool as a seperate game to 8-Ball (in a similar sort of way to Snooker and Snooker Light) would be the best option, and I think FoD should look into this suggestion seriously... easier said than done, though:).
Straightball is known me as "14/1 Endless"
U have a bracket of 15 balls, an usual pooltable. Every ball is 1 point, nvm which ball. Foul is if u pot white (as usual) or no no bank touched after hit a ball (also as usual) winner is who got first 50  (75, 100, 150) points.
sry, cant better explain that in english. Its a pool discipline which I play in official pool league in real. 
What happened to my last reply.... you must have some good mod mates euan..... seems like its only you can rant and rave about people... my last post was clean and constructive...yet mods dont post it ?........ this place stinks at times... 
You would be a bit of a hypocrite then if you went of ranting and raving and making things personal then, don't you think? Don't give me you have some good moderator mates because they've taken away pretty ALL my names (although with good reason). Obviously, if your post wasn't posted then you broke some rule. Try and make sure your post is clean in future. Dirty posts aren't very good for the forum.

^^^ No smugness in that comment. Oh no...
WHAT A JOKE.....let me explain myself....i thought WOW a very popular topic with all these replies....then counted 135 REPLIES FROM JUST 2 PLAYERS....MONSTER AND CHRIS.... let alone several other players putting in a lot of replies as well LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL....so i come to the conclusion that it is blown out of proportion as i think fod will as well....THANK YOU FOR DESTROYING THE IDEA YOURSELVES.

≤▪ℓǿ√ё му §øή▪≥ :) plz make sure you get rules right
like foul snooker and total snooker plz but correct english style is better. LOl potting another person ball:S
Dear Euan i dont hide anywhere unless u call a job where i work AWAY from home all week is counted as hiding.  the thing is euan the people who pay for this site is making it what it is.   the unsubbed nobodys ( no offence ) are the ones that take the game for granted.  
and 1 thing is for certain is that i never go into any games complaining about immaturaty or anything else for that matter.  i play fair and if u knew me at all u would agree with me.  i have very little amount of enemies here.  you have just proved how lame u can get in an argument by saying stuff like that.  we can argue here all day but dont say i dis people in games cos its a load of 
Sorry to go ON topic...but I'd like english pool!!
Oh, wow, I didn't know there was an English pool petition that went on for this long! Count me in! Oh, and Chris, please try and get this topic back on track!!
>Chris, please try and get this topic back on track!!

Heh, as you may notice I've matured 
 somewhat since my earlier days here, I don't really see the need of getting this topic back on track, we did the petition back then and hopefully it was taken into consideration and might be in the pipeline :)

Then again if any new forum members want to put their name down feel free, but I think I'll stay away seeing as I made just a few :p people angry going offtopic here (Believe me when there was no approval system it was tempting to start some banter ;))
i replyed saying ill be another guy for ur petition, but wasnt accepted:_( :p

and how many replys, 225 ish, thats strong petition;)
>how many replys, 225 ish, thats strong petition
Most of those replies were complete and utter spam! You're talking more like 20 decent replies in the whole thread, if that. :p
haha Paraylzed i havent read so ull be right, and is 360 replys, i didnt read that well either :p
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