I just started playing backgammon and i see that a lot of players are grandmasters. How is that posible when this game is all luck? I always lose games because dice fails me!
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I just started playing backgammon and i see that a lot of players are grandmasters. How is that posible when this game is all luck? I always lose games because dice fails me!
Thats what losers say. I am lucky because i believe in it( a fan of the secret). Anyways, guys learn how to play., without luck, to make the best move in each situation, play solid, gamble when u lose and he rolls better.. in that case to eat him is the last chance/
you are funny :D i had played backgammon alot of times with real dices. this pc game is good to learn the rules and maybe learn some standard safety moves, but nothing more. it is like lotto. i saw guys winning in cause of soo many doubles in the first few minutes in a match, so that there is no way to get through. those dices are sooo f***** up, so i have stop playing this copy of the game i really like to play called backgammon .... THIS IS NOT BACKGAMMON !!
And not just they are saying that - you'll notice that whenever you get doubles 2 or 3 times in a row, they will start to complain, but when they are getting that, they say nothing. :) If they win, they are winners. If they lose, then server cheated them, of course, how else could they lose? :D I mean, how smart someone has to be to notice that in game when someone loses, someone has to - win, and score points? And yes, it's about a lots of luck, which is obvious strange word for most of people (I should say - kids, because they behave very childish) here. It seems that they can understand luck only when they have it. :)
i think there are so many grandmasters because you can have 2 accounts. so you only need a friend with 2 accounts too. each one have 1 account to win and 1 to lose and then let your friend win, after that your friend let you win (after changing the accounts). but however those dices are the biggest, worst joke ever !! (...) !! snooker is great here and backgammon is the opposite. played it for the last time here. had about 8 games today (of totally 8 games) without a single chance. dont tell me to learn to play, i know this game very well. NOTE: Please avoid vulgar language, thank you. [Edited by: Mervin on 14.07.2012 18:34]
Some of them, open many counts and then, put a friend since another PC to play against them. Their friend give them 32 points, and sudenly they get 1300 points!!!