Well i just played Darts for half hour and its very hard indeed !! i can see it being addictive tho ill keep trying see if i can get better P.s i was crown earlier :p
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Well i just played Darts for half hour and its very hard indeed !! i can see it being addictive tho ill keep trying see if i can get better P.s i was crown earlier :p
wow:O i was scrolling down to mods section and saw this, very cool, i will indeed play it now nice one fod :D
I will be trying out this darts..I just want to ask OPERATOR this though..Why can't we have these animated emoticons on pool like you have on darts..they are much better :) StreamLine
Will there be a download version of this game? I think it's terrific :) StreamLine ;)
so true streamy y ?? bout time fod was upgraded . played and got a good few gliches too . darts fall out n u score on them others stay in and u dont score on em lol..
I need some Tungsten darts..ones i'm using now are blunt.lol j/k .. very good game :) StreamLine
maybe reply 2 the topic where someone has a problem seeing as ur a MOD lol @ this website tut tut. u just ignore my post lol!
This should be set up that it is a bo3 legs minimum as ppl are just lucky and run after 1 leg. If it was done propper u leave early u lose the match.
> man this game rocks ! In what world do you live ?:| I have noticed that you post everyday, i can't understand the point tbh...you should be interested in becoming a moderator, right? Cmon, be honest with yourself :|
How can you be lucky in a darts game? There's no way to fluke as such when where you have to aim is such a small target ;\
>>> man this game rocks ! In what world do you live I have noticed that you post everyday, i can't understand the point tbh...you should be interested in becoming a moderator, right? Cmon, be honest with yourself haha at you:p, i post often but by no means everyday. to shut u up heres a little maths equation. i been here 8 months. 30 days ruffly in a month. 8 x 30. 240, posts just over 480. 2 posts a day. yes im a saddo who has nothing better to do than post on a forum. as this forum is my life ;)
thank u for the game this is great :) can u make a pc game for darts? -tophi-
I'm good at getting the 20's but I can never win at the very end :@ makes me mad :_( maybe there should be certain type of darts ;\
hi i just got 180 playin mulhearn and just wanted 2 kno if n e 1 else as yet
wow wondered if anyone had got one, i got 140 as best, still rooting for 180, will come... one day :D
Its time 2 give up the cigarettes coz ive got a new addiction!!! lol! Great game :)
When I entered the room for the first time I thought "here we go, this is just gonna be another failure like Fodball was" but despite only playing 5 games or so I actually quite like it! Nice one FOD :D! -Martin
first of all fod as not been upgraded its going downhill if anything the darts game is 1 massive fault end of
Good to see the new game, it's a good idea. My complaint is how often do you see darts players knocking their own darts off the board? Not often. They can sometimes use their last dart as a marker. It seems that mine and opponent's darts are always getting knocked out. Apart from that little quibble, good game.
I also thourt it was going to be the same as fod ball, but how wrong i was, its a klas game cant stop playing it, hit a few 180's now and load's of 140's:) Stylés
This is a very good game although i keep losing :p very addictive and good fun... Thanks FlyOrDie and well done!!! Ray:)
fair point whiles lol. still a very good game non the less, i aint gunna say i dont like it