that would be extremely fun..
Any chance of adding 2v2 multiplayer setting?
Posted in
Any chance of adding 2v2 multiplayer setting?
that would be extremely fun..
That would be
cool - but its sometimes challenging getting the server to maintain a connection with two computers. Just think what it would be like with four!
Operator, May we have a reply please?!!!! Thank you for your help, MuddyD
The answer to my question was obviously no - but the Operator can't post "No" to a request for an answer! lol
that would be so cool. i cant believe no one has thought of that before. MoreDrinks your a genious!
i suggested this a long time ago ive played at a diff pool site were u can play 2vs 2 at any pool game its so fun lets make this happen op i know its possible
In 2x2 multiplayer pool, if one of the four players loses connection and leaves, does the game continue until he/she returns?
would be cool if one person sweeps while the other throws, alternate every two rocks.
Nearly two years since you suggested it - so disappointingly the answer would appear to be no...